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  features plastic package has underwriters laboratory flammability classification 94v-o flame retardant epoxy molding compound. exceeds environmental standards of mil-s-19500/228 low power loss, high efficiency. low forward voltage,high efficiency. high surge capacity. super fast recovery times,high voltage. epitaxial chip construction. lead free in comply with eu rohs 2002/95/ec directives. mechanical dat a polarity:symbol molded on body mounting position :any maximum ratings and electrical characteristics rating at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. single phase, half wave ,60hz, resistive or inductive load. for capacitive load, derate current by 20% characteristics symbol maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage v rrm maximum rms voltage v rms maximum dc blocking voltage v dc maximum average forward current @t c =50 i (av) peak forward surge current 8.3ms single half sine-wave super imposed on rated load(jedec method) peak forward voltage at 2.0a dc v f maximum dc reverse current @t j =25 at rated dc bolcking voltage @t j =125 typical junction capacitance per element (note1) c j typical thermal resistance (note3) r ja operating temperature range t j storage temperature range t stg 2.the typical data above is for reference only( ?). rev. 7, 16-mar-2017 100 0.85 notes:1.measured at1.0mhz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0v dc. v i r 0.5 50 ma 110 95 -55 to +150 -55 to +150 /w pf v v v i fsm 50 a 2a 100 70 dimensions in inches and (millimeters) unit sbt210s surface mount schottky barrier bridge rectifiers reverse voltage - 100 volts forward current - 2.0 ampere sbt210s bts .008(0.2) .030(0.75) .018(0.45) .106(2.7) .09(2.3) .197(5.0) .181(4.6) .063(1.6) .047(1.2) .157(4.0) .142(3.6) .043(1.1) .027(0.7) .276(7.0) .260(6.6) .014(.35) .006(.15) .071(1.8) .055(1.4)
rating and charactertic curves sbt210s the cruve g ra p h is for reference onl y , can't be the basis for j ud g ment ( ? ) ! rev. 7, 16-mar-2017 instantaneous reverse current,(ma) percent of rated peak reverse voltage (%) fig.3-typical reverse characteristics 140 0.01 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1.0 10 100 t j =125c t j =25c average forward current amperes fig.1-forward current derating curve case temperature, 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20 40 60 100 120 140 160 80 mounted on board single phase half wave 60hz resistive or inductive load 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 instantaneous forward voltage,volts instantaneous forward current,(a) fig.4-typical forward characteristics t j= 25c pulse width:300us 2% duty cycle 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 instantaneous forward voltage,volts instantaneous forward current,(a) fig.4-typical forward characteristics t j= 25c pulse width:300us 2% duty cycle 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 fig.2 - maximum non-repetitive surge current peak forward surge current, amperes number of cycles at 60hz pulse width 8.3ms single half-sine-wave (jedec method) 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 10 0 40 30 20 50
legal disclaimer notice all specifications and data are subject to be changed without notice to improve reliability function or design or other reasons. hy makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the co- tinuing production of any product. to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, hy disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special,consequential or incidental d- amages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merch- antability. statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on hy?s knowledge of typical require- ments that are often placed on hy products in generic applications. such statements are not binding statements about the suitabi- lity of products for a particular application. it is the customer?s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application.parameters provided in datasheets and specific- ations may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. all operating parameters, including typical paramet- ers, must be validated for each customer application by the customer?s technical experts. product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify hy?s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. except as expressly indicated in writing, hy products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applicati- ons or for any other applications in which the failure of the hy product could result in personal injury or death. customers using or selling hy products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk.please contact authorized hy pers- onnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. no license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of hy. product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. ?????????? hy ???????????hy (i) ? ??????(ii) ???????(iii) ??? ???????? ????? hy ? hy ???????????? ???????????????? ????? ????????????? ??? hy ???? hy ???? ?hy ????? hy ??????? ?????? hy ????????hy ?? ? ? hy ??????????????????? ??? rev. 2, 16-mar-2017 disclaimer

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