jiangsu changjiang ele ctronics technology co., ltd : % ) % 3 ( plastic-encap sulate mosfets www.cj-elec.com 1 b , nov ,201 6 CJAA3134K n-channel mosfet wbfbp-03e fea t ure z lead fre e product is acquired z surface mount package z n-ch ann el switch with low r ds (on ) z operated at low logic level gate drive z esd protected gate z complementary to cjaa3139k application z load/ power switching z interfacing switching z battery management for ultra small porta ble electronics z logic level shift marking: absolute maximum ra tings (t a =25 unless otherw ise noted) paramete r symbol value unit drain-s ourc e voltage v ds 20 v gate-source v o ltage v gs 12 v conti nuo us drain current (note 1) i d 0.75 a pulsed drain current (tp=10us) i dm 1.8 a pow er dissipation (note 2) p d 100 mw t hermal resist ance from junction to ambient (note 1) r ja 125 0 /w junctio n temperature t j 150 storage t e mperature t st g -55~ 150 lea d t emperature for soldering purposes(1/8?? from case for 10 s) t l 260 1.gate 2.source 3.drain v (br ) dss r ds(o n) max i d 20v ? 380 m @ 4.5v ? 0.75a ? 450 m @2.5v 800 m @1.8v ? equivalent circuit
www.cj-elec.com 2 mosfet electrical characteristics parameter symbol te s t condition min typ max unit st a t ic p a r a meters drain-s ourc e b r eakd o w n voltage v (br)dss v gs = 0v, i d = 250a 20 v zero gate voltage drai n curre nt i dss v ds =20v,v gs = 0v 1 a gate-body leakage curr ent i gss v gs =12v, v ds = 0v 50 ua gate threshold voltage ( note 2) v gs(th) v ds =v gs , i d =250a 0.35 1 v drain-source o n -resistance (note 2) r ds(on) v gs =4.5v, i d =0.65a 380 m ? v gs =2.5v, i d =0.55a 450 m ? v gs =1.8v, i d =0.45a 800 m ? forw a rd tranconductance (note 2) g fs v ds =10v, i d =0.8a 1.6 s diode forw ar d voltage v sd i s =0.15a, v gs = 0v 1.2 v dynami c p arameters(note 4) input capacitance c iss v ds =16v,v gs =0v,f =1mhz 79 120 pf output capacitance c oss 13 20 pf reverse transfer capac itanc e c rss 9 15 pf switching param eters (note 4) turn-on delay t ime (note 3) t d(on) v dd =4.5v,v gs =10v, i d = 500ma,r gen =1 0 ? 6.7 ns turn-on rise time (note 3) t r 4.8 ns turn-off delay t i me (note 3) t d(off ) 17.3 ns turn-off fall time (note 3) t f 7.4 ns no tes : 1.surface mou n ted on f r 4 board using the minimum recommended pad size. 2. pulse test : pulse width=300 s, duty cycle 2%. 3. switching characteristics are indep endent of operating junction temperatures. 4. graranted by design not subject to producting. a t =25 unless otherwise specified b , nov ,201 6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.01 0.1 1 2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.10. 2 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 12345 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 01234 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 25 50 75 100 125 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 pulsed pulsed t a =100 9 6 ' , 6 2 2 t a =25 source current i s (a) source to drain voltage v sd (v) v gs =4v,5v v gs =3v v gs =2.5v v gs =2v 2 x w s x w & |