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[ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 1 - 1. general description the AK7401 is a monolithic hall - effect sensor ic that specializes in detecting rotation angle. a c ontactless rotary position sensor is easily designed with a magnet . the AK7401 is only sensitive to the magnetic flux density applied parallel to the ic surface . this i s obtained through a m agnetic c oncentrator which is mount ed on the hall - effect elements . it is advantageous to accurate angular measurement s against mechanical displacement . to detect the rotation angle of a magne t , the AK7401 provides a 12 - bit ang l e data . th e ang le data output is available via pwm and s erial data p rotocol s . 2. applications steering w heel position sensor, pedal posit i on sensor, th rottle position sensor, eg r valve po sition sensor, turbo valve positio n sensor, motor shaft position sensor 3. features 360 c ontactless a ng l e s ensor ang le r esolution : 12bit an gle linearity error : 0 . 9 5 @ 25 c over voltage p rotection : +1 6v @ vdd pin reverse voltage p rotection : - 16v @ vdd, vss pin a utomotive t emperatu re r ange : - 40 c to +150 c aec - q100 compliant o utput i nterface : 3 - wire spi / pwm push - pull / pwm nmos open - drain user programmable zero degree point magnet r otation direction : ccw or cw ang le data average : off, spc (2 times average ), hp (8 times average ) pwm f requen cy : 250, 500 and 1000hz pwm polarity out pin output type : push - pull / nmos open - drain self - diagnostic f unctions mismatch detect function for triple - redundant eeprom data under and o ver supply voltage detect functio n under and o ver mag n etic flux density det ect function environmental f riendly (rohs compliant) lead f ree halogen f ree ak 7401 rotary position sensor ic
[ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 2 - 4. table of contents 1. general description ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 1 2. applications ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 1 3. features ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 1 4. table of contents ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 2 5. functional block diagram ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 3 6. pin configuration ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 4 7. absolute maximum ratings ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 4 8. eeprom characteri stics ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 5 9. operating conditions ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 5 10. electrical and magnetic characteristics ................................ ................................ .......................... 5 11. serial i/f digital characteristics ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 6 12. pwm charact eristics ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 7 13. supply voltage level detection characteristics ................................ ................................ ............. 8 14. program m able mode descriptions ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 9 15. serial i/f protocol ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 11 16. self - diagnostic function ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 13 17. register & eeprom address map &description ................................ ................................ ......... 15 18. default settings information ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 25 19. recommended external circuit ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 26 20. package information ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 27 outline dimensions ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 27 materials ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 27 marking ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 28 sensitive area location ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 28 21. revision history ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 28 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 3 - 5. functional block diagram figure 1 . func t i onal b l ock d ia gram table 1 . functional block description block name function he - x / he - y d etect the x/y - compositions of the magnetic flux density applied pa rallel to the ic package surface by a m agnetic c oncentrator. chopper switch s witch the current direction in order to cancel the hall elements offset. preamp amplify the signals from the hall elements. h all drive drive the constant current for the hall e lements. osc generate master clock. int - x / y integrate the amplified si g n als to reduce the noise. angle detection calculate the 12 - bit angle data from the x/y integrated signal . pwm generate the pwm signal based on the 12 - bit angle data. serial i/f i nterface based on 3 - wire serial p rotocol. r ev. vol. protection protect the ic from the reverse connection to the power supply pin . overvoltage protection protect the ic from an over voltage supply . voltage regulator regulate the internal bias voltage. por generate a rese t signal at the time of low supply voltage . eeprom non - volatile m emory . the s tored data is triply copied to the other particular address automatically. diagnostic detect the level of supply voltage, the level of the magnetic flux dens ity and a mismatch of the triple - redundant configuration eeprom data . he - x int(x) int(y) rev. vol. protection overvoltage protection por diagnostic he - y angle detection pwm serial i/f hall drive chopper switch preamp voltage regulator driven by vcore out vdd vss test0 test1 cs sclk sin/ sout eeprom osc he - x int(x) int(y) rev. vol. protection overvoltage protection por diagnostic he - y angle detection pwm serial i/f hall drive chopper switch preamp voltage regulator driven by vcore out vdd vss test0 test1 cs sclk sin/ sout eeprom osc [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 4 - 6. pin configuration table 2 . pin description no. symbol i/o type function 1 vdd - power power s upply p in 2 test 0 - - test d edicated p in ( note 1 ) 3 cs i digital chip s elect s ignal p in 4 sclk i digital serial c lock s ignal p in 5 out o digital pwm o utput p in 6 test 1 - - test d edicated p in ( note 1 ) 7 s in/sout i /o digital serial i nput/ o utput d ata s ignal p in 8 vss - power ground p in note 1 . the test 0 and test 1 pin s must be open. 7. absolute maximum ratings parameter symbol min. max. unit notes supply voltage v dd - 16 16 ( note 2 ) v vdd , vss pin over voltage protection reverse voltage protection terminal voltage 1 v term 1 - 0.3 v dd ( note 2 ) v out, s in/sout , cs, sclk pin v dd > v term 1 terminal v oltage 2 v term 2 - 0.3 6 v test0, test1 pin v dd > v term 2 output current on out pin i out 1 - 10 10 ma output current on s in/sout pin i out2 - 1.25 1.25 ma storage temperature tstg - 5 0 + 1 50 ? dd and v term 1 are for instantaneous voltage by accident, are not for a constant condition such as an operating condition. warning: operation at or b eyond these limits may cause permanent damage to the device. normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. v ss sin/sout test1 out vdd test0 cs sclk 1 4 5 8 9 figure 2 . pin configuration [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 5 - 8. eeprom characteristic s ( v dd =4.0 to 5.5v ) parameter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes eeprom endurance een 1000 c ycle t his parameter is guaranteed by design . ambient temperature in w riting taw 0 + 85 ? 9. operating conditions param eter symbol min. typ. max. unit notes supply voltage v dd 4.0 5 .0 5.5 v operating ambient temperature ta - 40 - +150 ? 10. electrical and magn etic characteristics ( ta= - 40 to + 150 ? c , v dd =4.0 to 5.5v ; unless otherwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit magnetic flux density range b range 20 50 70 mt angle detection range a range 0 359.9 deg . angle resolution a res 12bit 0.088 deg . an gle linearity error a inl ta=2 5 c spc,hp settings - 0. 9 5 + 0. 9 5 deg . thermal angle drift caused b y sensitivity mismatch h mxy ta=25 c basis spc,hp settings - 0. 4 5 + 0. 4 5 deg. thermal angle drift caused b y adc offset adc os - 0. 18 +0. 18 de g. angle output noise a noise 1 cycle 100 110 dd n o output load 8 12 ma startup time ( note 3 ) t start 2.0 m s note 3 . startup time is defined as th e time from when v dd reaches operati ng voltage level to when the serial data connection is available. [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 6 - 11. serial i/f digital characteristics 1) dc c haracteristics ( ta= - 40 to + 150 ? c , v dd = 4.0 to 5.5 v ; unless otherwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit input high level v hsi 0.7v dd v input low level v lsi 0.3v dd v input current i si - 10 +10 hso i out2 = + 4 00u a 0.8v dd v output low level v lso i out 2 = - 7 00u a - 0.3 0.2v dd v 2) ac c haracteristics (t a= - 40 to + 150 ? c , v dd = 4.0 to 5.5 v ; unless otherwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit sclk high time t h 2 00 ns sclk low time t l 200 ns sclk rise time ( note 4 ) t r 3 0 ns sclk fall time ( note 4 ) t f 3 0 ns cs setup time t css 1 00 ns cs hold t ime t csh 200 ns da ta setup time t ds 100 n s data hold t ime t dh 100 ns data valid t ime t dv cl oad =10 0pf , no load current 200 ns wait time t e w eeprom write t ime 20 ms wait time t r w register write t ime 2.5 cs sclk s in/sout 1 op3 t cs s t d s t dh 24 t l t h t csh t ew / t rw d0 sclk 0 .3 v dd 0 .7 v dd t r t f op2 d1 2 23 t d v [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 7 - 12. pwm characteristics 1) dc characteristics ( ta= - 40 to + 150 ? c , v dd = 4.0 to 5.5 v ; unless o therwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit output low level v hp i out dd output high level v lp i out dd pwm output resolution r pwm 0.01 95 % dc /lsb 2) ac characteristics ( ta= - 40 to + 150 ? c , v dd = 4.0 to 5.5 v ; unless otherwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit pwm frequency f pwm e_pwmf=0x3f 225 250 275 hz e_pwmf=0x07 450 500 550 hz e_pwmf=0x00 900 1000 1100 hz rise time t rout push - pull output 2.2nf, 10k fout push - pull output open drain output 2.2nf, 10k rout open drain output 2.2nf, 10k pwm 1 dc duty at 0 dc duty at 359.9 dc duty at 0 dc duty at 359.9 dc figure 4 . duty at e ach a ngle p osition (pwm polarity po sitive case) angle 359.9 duty 90% f pwm v hp v lp a ngle 0 d uty 10% angle 180 duty 50% [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 8 - 13. supply voltage level detection characteristics 1) d c characteristics ( ta= - 40 to + 150 ? c , unless otherwise specified ) parameter symbol conditions min. typ. max. unit power - on reset release level v 1 2.7 5 3.4 3.85 v under voltage detection rele ase level v 2 3.45 3.7 3.95 v over voltage detection level v 3 5.8 6.0 6.4 v output shutdown level v 4 6.9 7.3 7.6 v output recovery level v 5 6.15 6.5 6.85 v over voltage detection release level v 6 5.55 5.8 6.1 5 v under voltage detection level v 7 3 .3 3. 5 3.8 v power - on reset level v 8 2.3 2.9 3.4 v figure 5 . supply v oltage l evel d etection d iagram 16v v dd [v] v 1 v 2 v 4 v 3 v 5 v 6 v 7 v 8 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 9 - 14. progra m m able mode de scription s the AK7401 has the two operating mode s ( normal m ode and user m ode ) . in user m ode , it is able to read and write the internal re gister s and eeprom according to a serial i/f . user m ode s upports the end - user p rogramm ing such as zero point adjustment, magnet rotation direction , angle data averaging , pwm frequency, pwm polari ty and pwm output type . when the power supply is turned on , the AK7401 automatically resets the internal register and loads the eeprom configuration data to set the internal configuration register. after startup sequence, the AK7401 operates in normal m ode . mode d escription each mode can be changed by writing a specific opcode and data on a specific address as the diagram below. figure 6 . opera tion mode transition d iagram table 3 . operation mode description mode n ame note normal mode in normal m ode , i t is not able to access the internal register and eeprom except register r_ ang (addr.0x00) and register r_ chmd (addr. 0x02). available operation code s are readangle and changemode . t he transmission time interval of readangle operation code needs to be equal to angle data update period or longer. if the interval time is shorter, r_ ang register is not updated to the latest processing data. in case of changing operation mode from user m o de to normal m ode , a ll registers are automatically initialized and loads the eeprom configuration data to set the internal configuration register. normal mode user mode changemode opcode: 0101 addr. 0x02 data: 0x50f changemode opcode : 0101 addr. 0x02 data: 0x000 or restore power supply or reset opcode: 0110 addr. 0x4e [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 10 - u ser m ode in user m ode , i t is able to access the internal configuration register and eeprom. to set the foll owing parameters in normal m ode, configuration data need to be stored in eeprom . 1. zero degree p oint configuration of the zero degree point defines the origin of the output angle data. i t is programmable at any angle position. 2. magnet r otation d irection conf iguration of the magnet rotation direction defines the increase or decrease of the output angle data relative to the m agnet rotation direction. when it is selected to ccw, the outp ut angle data increases in response to counter - clockwise direction magnet ro tation . 3. ang le d ata a veraging configuration of angle data averaging provide s off, spc and hp se tting s . in off setting, the AK7401 calculates the angle data without averaging procedure. in spc setting, the AK7401 calculates the angle data by 2 times averag ing. in hp sett ing, the AK7401 calculates the angle data by 8 times averaging. 4. pwm f requency configuration of pwm frequency provides 250, 500 and 1000hz settings. 5. pwm p olarity configuration of pwm polarity provides plus and minus polarity settings. in p lus polarity settings, the highest angle data corresponds to maximum pwm duty. 6. out p in o utput type configuration of the out p in output type provides push - pull and nmos o pen - d rain . 7. mag n etic flux density detection range configuration of magnetic flux densi ty detection range provides under limit setting and upper limit setting. 8. self - diagnostic c onfiguration configuration of self - dia gnosis defines the activati on or inactivation of each self - diagnostic functions. 9. memory l ock i n order to prevent rewriting ee prom incorrectly , it is able to lock the memory . once the configuration of memory lock is enabled, it is not possible to change eeprom anymore. in user m ode , the out pin goes to high - imped a nce (hi - z) output . electrical and magnetic characteristics are not guaranteed in user m ode . [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 11 - 15. serial i/f protocol figure 7 shows timing chart on serial interface protocol. d ata communication is only available when the cs pin set to h . to write the internal register or eeprom , serial data must be input via the sin/sout pin on the falling edge of sclk. to read the internal register or eeprom, the AK7401 ou tputs serial data on the rising edge of sclk. figure 7 . serial i/f timing c hart opcode table 4 . operation code d escription op code [3 n /a i nvalid invalid 0001 writeeeprom store s data to eeprom invalid valid 0010 readeeprom reads data from eeprom invalid valid 0011 writereg store s data to the internal registe r invalid valid 0100 readreg reads the internal register data invalid valid 0101 changemode changes operating mode v alid valid 0110 reset res tarts the AK7401 invalid valid 0111 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1000 n/a n/a invalid in valid 1001 readangle reads the a ng le data valid valid 1010 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1011 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1100 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1101 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1110 n/a n/a invalid invalid 1111 n/a n/a invalid invalid cs < write > sclk s in/sout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 22 23 op3 2 op2 op1 op0 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 * d11 d10 d2 d1 opcode(op[3:0]) op[3:0]=0001bin cs < read > sclk s in/sout 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 1 2 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 op3 op2 op1 op0 a6 a5 a1 a0 d11 d0 d10 d4 d3 d2 24 d1 hi - z opcode(op[3:0]) op[3:0]=0010bin d0 24 - 20 d9 d8 * hi - z * * op x:operation code ax:memory / register addres s dx:serial data * :do n t care [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 12 - data sequence 1) store d ata 23 22 21 20 19 1 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 op[3:0] addr[6:0] * data[11 :0] op[3:0]: 0001 (to eeprom), 0011 (to register) addr[6:0]: register or eeprom address number(see address map) dat a[11:0]: 12 - bit data to store ( *: don t care ) the configuratio n of eeprom d ata ha s tripl e redundancy. when a data is written to a specific e e prom address (0x03 to 0x0b, 0x0d ) via writeeeprom operation code , the s tored data is triply copied to other particular address automatically. 2) read d ata 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 op[3:0] addr[6:0] z data[11:0] op[3:0]: 0010 (from eeprom), 0100 ( from register) addr[6:0]: register or eeprom address number (see address map) da ta[11:0]: 12 - bit data to read z: hi - z 3) read a ngle d ata 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 * z p1 p2 e r_ ang[11:0] op[3:0]: 1001 r_ ang [11:0] : 12 - bit angle data p1: parity bit for r_ ang[11:6] p2: parity bit for r_ ang[5:0] e: error bit for all valid self - diagnosis z: hi - z ( *: don t c are ) 4) change m ode 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 * r_chmd [11:0] op[3:0]: 0101 addr[6 :0] : 0 x02 r_chmd [11:0 ] : 0x50f ( user mode ), 0 x000 ( normal mode ) ( *: don t care ) 5) soft r eset 23 22 21 20 19 1 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 * op[3:0]: 011 0 addr[6 :0] : 0x4e ( *: don t care ) [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 13 - 16. self - d iagnostic function the AK7401 ha s several self - diagnostic function s to detect a function failure, a mismatch of eeprom data an d an out - of - range operating condition . in user m ode, each diagnostic function can be disabled but it is strongly recommended to enable all diagnostic functions for the system robustness . start up s equence d iagnostic f unction the AK7401 indicates an error d uring the start up sequence . this error sets the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . mismatch d etection among eeprom d ata the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a mismatch of the triple - redundant configuration eeprom data . this error sets th e pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . mismatch d etection between t ransfer b uffer r egister and eeprom data the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a mismatch between the transfer buffer register and the eeprom data . this error sets the pwm ou tput to low level and error bit to 0 . mismatch d etection between c onfiguration r egister and t ransfer b uffer r egister the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a mismatch between the configuration register and the transfer buffer register . this error s ets the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . analog s ignal s equence d iagnostic f unction the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a failure in analog signal processing sequence . this error sets the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . under or over magnetic f lux d ensity d etection the AK7401 indicates an error when the magnetic flux density is undersupplied (default setting typ. b<5mt) or oversuppl ied (default setting typ. b>80mt) . this err or set s the pwm output to low level and error b it to 0 . pwm d uty o ver r ange diagnostic f unction the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a deviation from the normal duty cycle range (10 to 90%) . this error sets the pwm output to low level. configuration register r eload ing s equence d iagnostic f un ction the AK7401 indicates an error when there is a failure in reload ing sequence for the configuration register from eeprom . this error sets the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 14 - averaging d ata range d iagnostic f unction the AK7401 indicates an error when the original data set before averaging spread out among three quadrants. this error sets the pwm output level to low and error bit to 0 . it is caused by higher rotation speed than averaging time. (a) in c ase of m ovi ng average filter spc (b) in case of moving average f ilter hp figure 8 . example o f e rror d iagnosis for s preading d ata s et (a) in case of m ovi ng average filter spc (b) in case of moving averag e f ilter hp figure 9 . example of n o - error d iagnosis for s preading d ata s et q uadrant 1 quadrant 2 quadrant 3 1 2 quadrant 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q uadrant 1 quadrant 2 quadrant 3 quadrant 4 quadrant1 quadrant2 quadrant3 quadrant4 1 2 quadrant1 quadrant3 quadrant4 quadrant2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 15 - eeprom w rite s equence d iagnostic f unction the AK7401 indicates an error when there is overtime in the loading sequence for eeprom (typ. 6.4ms) . this erro r sets the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . under or over v oltage s upply d etection the AK7401 indicates an error when supply voltage is less than under voltage detection level (typ. v dd <3.5v) or supply voltage is more than over voltage detect ion level (typ. v dd > 6.0v) . this erro r set s the pwm output to low level and error bit to 0 . excessive over voltage supply d etection the AK7401 indicates an error when supply voltage is more than output shutdown level (typ. v dd >7.3v) . this error sets the pwm output to high imped a nce (hi - z) and error bit to 0 . 17. register & eeprom address m ap &description register address map address register name permission content n ormal m ode u ser mode 0 x00 r_ang[11:0] r r angle data 0x01 r_mfdi[7:0] n/a r magnet ic flux density data 0 x02 r_chmd[11:0] w r/w mode indicator 0 x03 r_mlk [11 :0] n/a r memory lock indicator 0 x04 r_id[11:0] n/a r/w free bits for u ser 0 x05 r_rd[2:0] n/a r/w rotation direction configuration 0 x06 r_zp[11:0] n/a r/w zero degree point confi guration 0 x07 r_abnrm[11:0] n/a r/w self - diagnostic configuration 0x08 r_mfdrh[7:0] n/a r/w upper limit of magnetic flux density 0x09 r_ mfdrl [7:0] n/a r/w lower l imit of m agnetic f lux d ensity 0x0a r_ pwm pl [8:6] r_ pwm f [5:0] n/a r/w pwm polarity c onfigura tion pwm frequency configuration 0x0b r_pwmomd[2:0] n/a r/w output type of the out pin c onfiguration 0x0c n/a n/a n/a - 0x0d r_it[8:3] n/a r/w ang le data averaging c onfiguration (n/a: not available, r: read only, w: write only, r/w: full access ) [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 16 - re gister description 1) r_ ang (addr. 0x00) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ ang[11:0] these register s contain the 12 - bit ang le data. in normal m ode , r_ang can be read via readangle operation code. 2) r_ m fdi (addr. 0x01) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_mfdi[7:0] these register s contain the 8 - bit magnetic flux density data. the d ata resolution is about 1mt. in user m ode , the magnetic flux density can be detected from these register s . when fabricating a rotary position sensor module that use s a magnet and the AK7401, it is able to check the magnetic flux density whether targeted strength is applied or not . 3) r_ chmd (addr. 0x02) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ chmd[11:0] these register s contain the 12 - bit mode indication data. in no rmal m ode , the mode indication data can be stored in r_ chmd via changemode operation code. operating m ode r_ chmd[11:0] d efault normal mode 0x 000 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 17 - 4) r_ mlk (addr. 0x03) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ mlk[11:0] these re gisters contain the 12 - bit m emory lock indication data. to check the memory condition, r_ mlk can be read via readreg operation code in user m ode . memory condition r_mlk[11 :0] d efault unlocked except for 0x5a5 5) r_ id (addr. 0x04) data [11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ id[11:0] these registers contain the 12 - bit ide nti fication data which is stored in eeprom for user traceability purpose. 6) r_ rd (addr. 0x05) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ rd[2:0] these registers contain the configuration data of magnet rotation direction. ccw (counter clockwise) is defined by the 1 - 4 - 5 - 8 pin order direction for sop - 8 package top view position. cw (clockwise) is defined by the 8 - 5 - 4 - 1 pin order direction for sop - 8 package top view positi on. r otation direction r_ rd [ 2 :0] d efault ccw 0x 0 7) r_ zp (addr. 0x06) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ zp[11:0] these registers contain the configuration data of zero degree point. this data is used as a reference of the 12 - bit s angle data. [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 18 - 8) r_ abnrm ( addr. 0x07) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 r_ abnrm[11:0] these registers contain the configuration data for the self - diagnostic functions. to disable a specific diagnostic function, the corresponding bit should be set to 1 . r_ abnrm[11:0] description d e fault r_ abnrm[11] diagnostic for over excessive voltage supply 0 r_ abnrm[10] diagnostic for ov er or under voltage supply 0 r_ abnrm[9] diagnostic for eeprom write sequence 0 r_ abnrm[8] diagnostic for dispersion of averag ing data set 0 r_ abnrm[7] diagnos tic for eeprom reload sequence 0 r_ abnrm[6] diagnostic for deviation from normal pwm duty cycle range 0 r_ abnrm[5] diagnostic for over or u nder the magnetic flux density 0 r_ abnrm[4] diagnos tic for analog signal sequenc e 0 r_ abnrm[3] diagnostic for mismatch between the configurat ion register and the transfer buffer regist er 0 r_ abnrm[2] diagnostic for mismatch betwe en the transfer buffer register and eeprom 0 r_ abnrm[1] diagnostic for mismatch among the triple - redunda nt eeprom 0 r_ abnrm[0] diagnostic for ic start up sequence 0 9) r_ mfdrh (addr. 0x08) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ mfdrh[7:0] these registers contain the configuration data for upper limit of the magnetic flux density. th is data is used as a reference for the magnetic flux density diag n ostics . the d efault setting is 0x50 ( approximately 80mt). the d ata resolution is about 1mt. r_mfdrh level should be more than r_mfdrl level. 10) r_ mfdrl(addr. 0x09) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ mf drl[7:0] these registers contain the configuration data for lower limit of the magnetic flux density. this data is used as a reference for the magnetic flux density diag n ostics . the d efault setting is 0x05 (approximately 5mt). the d ata resolution is ab out 1mt. r_mfdrl level should be less than r_mfdrh level. [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 19 - 11) r_ pwmf , r_pwm pl (addr. 0x0a) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ pwmpl[2:0] r_ pwmf[5:0] these registers contain the configuration data for pwm frequency and polarity. in plus polarity , pwm duty incre a ses according to angle data increas e . i n minus polarity , pwm duty increases according to angle data decreas e . pwm polarity r_ pwmpl[2:0] d efault p lus 0x0 12) r_ pwmomd (addr. 0x0b) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ pwmomd[2:0] these registers contain the configuration data of the output type for the out pin . the o utput type c onfiguration of the out pin provides push - p ull and nmos - open - drain . pwm output type r_ pwmomd [2 :0] d efault push - p ull 0x0 13) r_ it (addr. 0x0d) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - r_ it[5:0] - these registers contain the configuration data for moving average filter . the c onfiguration of moving average filter provides spc ( 2 times averaging ) , hp (8 times averaging ) and off ( without averaging procedure ) . average filter r_it [5:0] d efault spc 0x00 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 20 - eeprom address map address eeprom name permission content n ormal mode u ser mode 0 x00 mem_0[11:0] n/a n/a akm reserved 0x01 mem_1[11:0] n/a akm reserved 0 x02 mem_2[11:0] n/a akm reserved 0 x03 e_mlk[11 :0] r/w memory l ock k ey 0 x04 e_id[11 :0] r/w free eeprom for user 0 x05 mem_5[11:3] e_rd[2:0] n/a r/w akm reserved rotation d irection c onfiguration 0 x06 e_zp[11:0] r /w zero d egree p oint c onfiguration 0 x07 e_abnrm [11 :0] r/w self - diagnostic c onfiguration 0x08 mem_8[11:8] e_mfdrh[7:0] n/a r/w akm reserved upper l imit of m agnetic f lux d ensity 0x09 mem_9[11:8] e_mfdrl[7:0] n/a r/w akm reserved lower l imit of m agnetic f lux d ensity 0x0a mem_a[11:9] e_pwmpl[8: 6 ] e_pwmf[5:0] n/a r/w r/w akm reserved pwm p olarity c onfiguration pwm frequency configuration 0x0b mem_b[11:3] e_pwmomd[2:0] n/a r/w akm reserved output type of the out pin c onfiguration 0x0c mem_c[11:0] n/a akm reserved 0x0d mem_d[11:9] e_it[8:3] mem_d[2:0] n/a r/w n/a akm reserved ang le d ata a veraging c onfiguration akm reserved 0x0e to 0x3f - n/a r akm reserved ( n /a: not available, r: read only, w: write only, r/w: full access ) eeprom d escription 1) e_ mlk (addr. 0x03) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 e_mlk[11 :0] these e eprom contain the 12 - bit me mo ry lock key data. to prevent eeprom from rewriting incorrectly, the memory lock key data can be stored in e_mlk via writeeeprom operation code in use r m ode . memory condition e_mlk[11 :0] d efault unlocked except for 0x5a5 (0x000) locked 0x5a5 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 21 - 2) e_id(addr. 0x04) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 e_id[11:0] these eeprom can use freely for traceability purpose. 3 ) e_rd (addr. 0x05) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_rd[2:0] these eeprom contain the c onfiguration data for magnet rotation direction. to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data in e_rd via writeeeprom operational code in user m ode . ccw (counter clockwise) is defined by 1 - 4 - 5 - 8 pin order direction for so p - 8 package top view position. cw (clockwise) is defined by 8 - 5 - 4 - 1 pin order direction for sop - 8 package top view position. r otation direction e_rd[2:0] d efault ccw 0x0 0x0 and 0x7 is se t to e_rd[2:0], the rotation direction can not be gu a ranteed . 4) e_zp (addr. 0x06) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 e_zp[11:0] these eeprom contain the configuration data for the zero degre e point. this data is u sed as a reference of the 12 - bit ang l e data. to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data in e_zp via writeeeprom opera tion code in user m ode . [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 22 - 5) e_abnrm (addr. 0x07) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 e_abnrm [11:0] these eeprom cont ain the configuration data for self - diagnostic functions. to inactivate a specific diagnostic function, the corresponding bit should be set to 1 . to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the con figuration data to e_abnrm via writeeeprom o peration code in user m ode . e_ abnrm[11:0] description d e fault e_ abnrm[11] diagnostic for over excessive voltage supply 0 e_ abnrm[10] diagnostic for ov er or under voltage supply 0 e_ abnrm[9] diagnostic for eep rom write sequence 0 e_ abnrm[8] diagnostic for dispersion of averaging data set 0 e_ abnrm[7] diagnos tic for eeprom reload sequence 0 e_ abnrm[6] diagnostic for deviation from normal pwm duty cycle range 0 e_ abnrm[5] diagnostic for over or u nder the magn etic flux density supply 0 e_ abnrm[4] diagnostic for analog si gnal sequence 0 e_ abnrm[3] diagnostic for mismatch between the conf iguration register and the tra nsfer buffer register 0 e_ abnrm[2] diagnostic for mismatch between the transfer buffer registe r and eeprom 0 e_ abnrm[1] diagnostic for mismatch among the triple - redundant eeprom 0 e_ abnrm[0] diagnostic for ic start up sequence 0 [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 23 - 6) e_mfdrh (addr. 0x08) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_mfdrh[7:0] these eeprom contain the configurati on data for upper limit of the magnetic flux density. this data is used as a reference for magnetic flux density diag n ostics . to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data t o e_mfdrh via writeeeprom operation code in user m ode . the d efault setting is 0x50 (approximately 80mt). the d ata resolution is about 1mt. e_mfdrh level should be more than e_mfdrl level. 7) e_mfdrl (addr. 0x09) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_mfdrl[7:0] these eeprom contain the configurati on data for upper limit of the magnetic flux density. this data is used as a reference for magnetic flux density diag n ostics . to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data to e_mfdrl via writeeeprom operation code in user m ode . the d efault setting is 0x05 (approximately 05mt). the d ata resolution is about 1mt. e_mfdrl level should be less than e_mfdrh level. 8 ) e_pwm f , e_pwm pl (addr. 0x0a) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_pwmpl[2:0] e_pwmf[5:0] these eeprom contain the configuration data for pwm frequency and polarity. to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data to e_pwmpl and e_pwmf via writeeeprom operation code in user m ode . in plus polarity , pwm duty incre a ses according to angle data increas e . i n minus polarity , pwm duty increases according to angle data decreas e . pwm polarity e_pwmpl[2:0] d efault plus 0x0 0x0 and 0x7 is set to e_pwmpl[2:0] bits , pwm polarity can not be guaranteed . pwm frequency [hz] e_pwmf[5:0] d efault 1000 0x00 0x0 , 0x7 and 0x3f is set to e_pwmf[5:0] bits , pwm frequency can not be guaranteed . [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 24 - 9) e_pwmomd (addr. 0x0b) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_ pwmomd[2:0] these eeprom co ntain the configuration data of output type for the out pin . the o utput type c onfiguration of t he out pin provides push - pull and nmos - o pen - drain . to validate the user configuration in normal m ode , store the configuration data to e_pwmomd via writeeeprom op eration code in user m ode . out pin output type e_pwmomd[2:0] d efault push - pull 0x0 nmos - open - drain 0x7 warning: if a data except 0x0 and 0x7 is set to e_pwmomd[2:0] bits , the out pin output type can not be guaranteed . 9 ) e_ it (addr. 0x0d ) data[11:0] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - e_it[5:0] - these eeprom contain the configura tion data for the moving average filter of processing angle data . the c onfiguration of the moving average filter provides spc (2 times averaging ), hp (8 times averaging ) and off ( without averaging procedure ). to validate the user configuration in normal m o de , store the configuration data t o e_it via writeeeprom op eration code in user m ode . average filter e_it[5:0] d efault spc 0x00 0x0 , 0x7 and 0x3f is set to e_it[5:0] bits , the moving average filter can not be guaranteed . [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 25 - 18. default settings information the AK7401 default setting s are as below. 1. zero d egree point figure 10 shows the default relationship between the magnet placement and the zero degree point. figure 10 . d efault a ngle setting 2. magnet r otation d irection figure 10 . shows the default magnet rotation direction. the d efault setting is counter clock - wise (ccw). ccw is defined by the 1 - 4 - 5 - 8 pin order direction for sop - 8 package top view position . 3. over and u nder magnetic flux density l im it the d efault setting of upper limit of the magnetic flux density is approximately 80mt and under limit is 5mt. 4. pwm f requency the d efault setting is 1000hz . 5. pwm p olarity the d efault setting is plus polarity. in plus pola ri ty settings, the highest angle d ata corresponds to maximum pwm duty. 6. output setting of the out pin the d efault setting is push - pull output type . 7. self - diagnostic c onfiguration the d efault setting is a ll valid diagnostic function. 8. memory l ock the d efault setting is unlocked. 0 n s 1 8 4 5 0 1 8 4 5 90 1 8 4 5 90 1 8 4 5 n s s n [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 26 - 19. recommended external circuit it is recommended to use 100nf decoupling capacitors. the test0 and test1 pin s must be open. when the 3 - wire spi interface is not used , the sclk and cs pin s must be connect ed to gnd and the sin/sout pin must be open. when pwm interface is not used , the out pin must be open. figure 11 . recommended e xternal c ircuit for 3 - wire spi c onnection figure 12 . recommended e xternal c ircui t for pwm c onnection AK7401 1 8 5 4 vdd vss test 0 sin/sout cs sclk out test 1 spi master 5v vdd sin/sout sclk cs vss gnd gnd sclk cs sin/sout 100nf AK7401 1 8 5 4 vdd vss test 0 sin/sout cs sclk out test 1 duty cycle calculator 5v vdd vss gnd gnd out 100nf out l ess than 2.2nf [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 27 - 20. package information outline dimensions materials molding compound: epoxy lead frame material: cu outer lead plating: sn - 2.5ag * * dimension does not include mold flush, protrusions or gate burrs. [ ak 740 1 ] 014002685 - e - 01 201 5 / 0 7 - 28 - marking sensitive area location 21. revision history date (y/m/d) revision reason page contents 1 5 / 07 / 31 0 1 first edition sensi tive area 4 2 0 b a 7 4 0 1 a year code week code(2 digits ) assembly fab code production code 4 2 0 b a 7 4 0 1 a 2 2 assembly id code lot number code important notice 0. asahi kasei microdevices corporation (akm) reserves the right to make changes to the informati on contained in this document without notice. when you consider any use or application of akm product stipulated in this document (product), please make inquiries the sales office of akm or authorized distributors as to current status of the products. 1. all information included in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation and application examples of akm products. akm neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of akm or any third party with respect to the information in this document. you are fully responsible for use of such information contained in this document in you r product design or applications. akm assumes no liability for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information in your product design or applications. 2. the product is neither intended nor warranted for use in equipme nt or systems that require extraordinarily high levels of quality and/or reliability and/or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage or serious public impact, including but not limited to, equip ment used in nuclear facilities, equipment used in the aerospace industry, medical equipment, equipment used for automobiles, trains, ships and other transportation, traffic signaling equipment, equipment used to control combustions or explosions, safety d evices, elevators and escalators, devices related to electric power, and equipment used in finance - related fields. do not use product for the above use unless specifically agreed by akm in writing. 3. though akm works continually to improve the products q uality and reliability, you are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards for your hardware, software and systems which minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of the prod uct could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. 4. do not use or otherwise make available the product or related technology or any information contained in this document for any military purposes, including without limitation, for the design, development, use, stockpiling or manufacturing of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons or missile technology products (mass destruction weapons). when exporting the products or related technology or any in formation contained in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. the products and related technology may not be used for or incorporated into an y products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations. 5. please contact akm sales representative for details as to environmental matters such as the rohs compatibility of the produ ct. please use the product in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the eu rohs directive. akm assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 6. resale of the product with provisions different from the statement and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by akm for the product an d shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of akm. 7. this document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of akm. |
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