mospec S08A150 schottky barrier rectifiers using the schottky barrier principle w i th a refractory metal capable of high temperature operation metal. t he proprietary barrier technology allow s for reliable operation up to 150 j junction temperature. t y pical application are in sw itching mode pow e r supplies such as adaptators, dc/dc converters, free- w heeling and polarity protection diodes. f eatu r es ? low f o rw ard voltage. ? low sw itching noise. ? high current capacity ? guarantee reverse avalanche. ? guard-ring for stress protection. ? low pow e r loss & high efficiency . ? 150 j operating junction t e mperature ? low stored charge majority carrier conduction. ? plastic material used carries underw r iters laboratory flammability classification 94v-o ? in com p liance with eu rohs 2002/95/ec directives maximum ratings ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s y mb o l s08a 1 5 0 un i t peak repetitive reverse voltage w o rking peak reverse voltage dc blocking voltage v rrm v rw m v r 1 5 0 v rms reverse voltage v r(rms ) 1 0 5 v average rectifier f o rw ard current t o tal device (rated v r ), t c = 125 j i f(a v ) 8 a peak repetitive f o rw ard current (rate v r , square w a ve, 20khz) i fm 1 6 a non-repetitive peak su rge current (surge applied at rate load conditions halfw are, single phase, 60hz) i fsm 1 5 0 a operating and s t orage j unction t e mperature range t j , t stg -65 to + 150 j thermal resistances t y pical t hermal resistance junction to case r j-c 4.0 j /w electrial characteristics ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s y mb o l s08a 1 5 0 un i t maximum instantaneous f o rw ard voltage ( i f =8 amp t c = 2 5 j ) ( i f =8 amp t c = 125 j ) v f 0.95 0.85 v maximum instantaneous reverse current ( rated dc voltage, t c = 2 5 j ) ( rated dc voltage, t c = 125 j ) i r 0.2 20 ma schottky ba rrier rectifiers 8 a m peres 150 vol t s t o -220a millimeters dim m i n m a x a 1 4 . 68 1 5 . 3 2 b 9 . 7 8 10.42 c 6 . 0 2 6.52 d 1 3 . 0 6 14.62 e 3 . 5 7 4.07 f 4 . 8 4 5.32 g 1 . 1 2 1.36 h 0 . 7 2 0.96 i 4 . 2 2 4.98 j 1 . 1 4 1.38 k 2 . 2 0 2.98 l 0 . 3 3 0.55 m 2 . 4 8 2.98 n - - - - 1.00 o 3 . 7 0 3.90
S08A150 fig-1 for w ard current dera t i ng cur ve fig-2 t ypical for w ard charact erisit ics a v e r a g e for w a rd re ctifie d curre nt (a mp .) ns t a nt a n e o us for w a rd curre nt (a mp .) case tempera t ure ( j ) for w ard vol t age (v olt s ) fig-3 t ypical reverse charact erist i cs fig-4 t ypical junct ion cap a cit a nce inst ant a neous reverse current (ma.) junct ion cap a cit a nce ( p f) percent of ra ted reverse vol t age ( m ) reverse vol t age (v olt s ) fig-5 peak for w ard surge current peak for w ard surge current (amp.) number of cycles a t 60 hz t j =125 o c t j =25 o c 1 k - a