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  application note r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 1 of 58 apr 18, 2013 SH7268/sh7269 group digital video decoder driver user's manual introduction th is d o c u m en t exp lain s t h e usag e o f sh 7268 /sh72 6 9 d ig i tal v id e o d e cod e r (h er eaf ter ref e rr ed to as ?v dec? ) dr iv er . target device sh7 268 /sh726 9 contents 1. overview ....................................................................................................................... .................... 2 2. api ............................................................................................................................ ......................... 5 3. user-defined func tions ......................................................................................................... .......... 44 4. example us age .................................................................................................................. ............. 45 r01a n0 779e j01 0 0 rev.1.00 apr 18, 201 3 http://
application note r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 2 of 58 apr 18, 2013 1. overview 1.1 environment thi s pr o g ram was de vel o ped an d t e st ed i n t h e fol l o wi n g e nvi ro nm ent s . ? cpu ? sh7 269 ? devel opm ent en vi ro nm ent ? he w ( s u p e rh r isc e n gi ne m i crocom put er so ft wa re i n t e g rat ed de vel o p m ent envi ro nm ent ) ver s i o n 4. 09 .0 0. 0 07 ? r e nesas su per h r i sc e ngi ne st an dar d t o ol chai n ve rsi o n 9. 4. 1. 0 ? sh c/c++ c o m p i l er v e rsion 9 . 04 .0 1 ? sh a ssem b ler v e r s i o n 7.01 .02 ? sh c / c ++ st a nda r d li b r ary gene rat o r vers i on 3. 0 0 . 03 ? opt i m i z i ng li nka ge edi t o r v e rsi o n 10 .0 1. 0 0 ? eval uat i o n b o ard ? sh7 269 cpu b o a rd (par t num b e r : r0 k 5726 90 c 0 00 br) ? sh7 269 v d c 4 bo ard ( p ar t num b e r : r0 k 5726 90 b 0 00 br) 1.2 features th e fo llowing tab l e lists th e featu r es supp orted b y th is d r i v er p r o g ram . table 1 digital video de coder driv er functions item function input video si gnal ? video signal com p osite video si gnal (cvbs) ? a/d convertor for video signal input vin1 and vin2 pin input selection programmable gain amplifier (pga) sync se paration ? noi s e redu cti on lpf ? auto level control sync sli c er ? ho rizontal au to freque ncy cont rol (af c ) ? vertical cou nt-do wn ? interla c e dete c tion ? auto gain control (agc) / peak limiter control burst controll ed oscillator (bco) ? colo r sub-ca rrier rep r od uct i on ? color system detection y/c separation ? ntsc 2d, pal 2d, secam 1d ch roma d e co ding ? suppo rting ntsc, pal and secam ? color kill er ? auto colo r co ntrol (a cc ) ? tint correction, r-y axis correction digital cl amp ? pede stal cla m p (y) ? cente r cl amp (cb/ cr) ? noise detection output adjustment ? contrast and color adjustment
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 3 of 58 apr 18, 2013 1.3 file configuration the fi l e co nfi g urat i o n of t h i s dri v er i s sh o w n bel o w. table 2 file con f igura t ion file name description vdec_api.c source file for vdec driver functions. vdec_api.h header file including the prototype declarations for the vdec driver calls and definitions of constants. vdec_para.c source file checking arguments. vdec_user.h header file for compilation option. th is d r i v er requ ires ex tern al heade r files as below. table 3 exte rnal file dep e nden c ies file name des c ription typedefine.h header file including the ty pedef declarations for the basic types. iodefine.h header file including io definitions. 1.4 program size and section pr og ram size and sect i o n use d by t h i s dri v er are s h ow n bel o w . table 4 program size a nd section "r enesas su pe rh r i sc e n gi n e st an dar d t o o l chai n 9. 4. 1. 0" "sp e ed & size o p tim iza tio n en ab led " t y pe section nam e size [b y t e] des cription p_vdec 2.5k (4.2k) program area c_vdec 0 constant area rom d_v d ec 0 i nitialized d ata are a ram b_vdec 0 uninitialized data area note: prog ram si ze does n ot incl ude input vid eo buffer si ze . value s in the parenthe se s are p r og ram size wh en pa ramete r che c king i s define d. 1.5 compilation s w itches thi s dri v er has com p i l a t i on s w i t c hes i n vde c_u s er. h . 1.5.1 parameter checking whe n _vdec _parameter_check is de fined, the driver chec ks t h e argu m e nt s of d r i v er f u nct i o n s . a r g u m e nt s are c h e c k ed and err o r co d e s a r e re tu rn e d if th er e ar e er ro rs. for er ror co d e s, see 2. 2 er ro r a n d 2. 3 ap i fu nct i on.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 4 of 58 apr 18, 2013 1.6 restriction 1.6.1 reserved word to se pa rat e f r o m t h e ot he r pr o g ram , t h e pre f i x ?v dec ? i s a ppe n d ed t o t h e ap i nam e s, vari abl e nam e s and ot her sy m b o l s in t h is driv er. th erefo r e, the n a m e s started with ?vdec? (in bo th u p p e rcase an d lo wercase letters) shou ld no t be use d i n t h e ot he r pr og ram . 1.6.2 dependency the vi de o dec ode r o u t p ut sig n al w h i c h i s t h e res u l t o f t h e deco di n g i s p r ocesse d as an i n p u t si gnal t o t h e vi de o di spl a y c ont r o l l e r 4 ( vdc 4) . whe n t h e vi deo dec o der o u t p ut si g n a l i s reco r d ed i n t h e m e m o ry and/ or i s di s p l a y e d o n t h e lc d, vdc 4 dri v er i s re qui red. f o r vdc 4 dri v er , r e fer t o t h e vi d e o di spl a y c o nt r o l l e r 4 d r i v er user ?s m a n u al ( r 01 an0 778 ej) .
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 5 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2. api 2.1 common definition 2.1.1 t y pedef in th is d r i v er, d a ta typ e s i n table 5 are use d . t h ese declara tions a r e defi n e d i n t y pede fi n e .h (see 1. 3 file con f iguration ) . table 5 t y p edef decla ra t ions t y pedef t y pe _sbyte signed char _ubyte unsigned char _sword signed short _uword unsigned short _sint signed int _uint unsigned int _sdword signed long _udword unsigned long _sqword signed long long _uqword unsigned long long 2.1.2 definition of enumeration constants the vdec_on off enum eration de fines on and off. typedef enum { vdec_off = 0, vdec_on = 1 } vdec_onoff ; enum value des c ription vdec_off 0 off vdec_on 1 on 2.2 error a p i fun c tio n calls r e tu rn s an er ro r cod e . th e er ror co d e s are show n in table 6. table 6 error code lis t error value des c ription vdec_err_none 0 normal end. vdec_err_param_range 1 parameter error. specified value was out of range. vdec_err_param_undef 2 parameter error. null should not be specified. vdec_err_param_invalid 3 parameter erro r. invalid parameter was specified. vdec_err_others 4 error. others.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 6 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3 api function a list of vdec d r i v er calls is shown in table 7. table 7 vdec driv er calls driv er call function vdec_initialize video decoder driver initialization vdec_terminate video decoder driver termination vdec_input video decoder driver input vdec_syncsep video decoder driver sync separation vdec_ycsep video decoder driver y/c separation vdec_chromadec video decoder driver chroma decoding vdec_digitalclamp video decoder driver digital clamp vdec_output video decoder driver output vdec_queryvdec querying video decoder parameter values
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 7 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.1 vdec_initi alize syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _in itializ e ( vdec_ v inpin adc_v i nsel void (*init_func)( _udword ), _udword u s e r _n um ) ; parameters ? [in]vdec_vinp in adc_vin s el ? [in]v oid (*init_ f unc )( _ u d w or d ) ? [in]_udword user_num input pin co ntrol pointer to the use r-d efined function user-defin ed numb er retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_inv alid erro r co de no rmal en d. param e ter e r ror. inv a lid pa ramete r. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? the s p ecifie d user-define d fun c tio n is ex ecuted . ? the pi n f o r i n p u t t i ng c o m posi t e vi de o si gnal s i s sel ect ed. before vdec d r i v er i n itializa tio n , u s er-d efi n ed fun c tion sp ecified b y ini t_func is called . for informatio n ab ou t th e pr ocess o f user -de f i n e d fu nct i o n , see 3.1 . it is no t always n ecessary to sp ecify th e u s er-d efin ed fun c tio n po in ter. if user-d efi n ed functio n is no t sp ecified , t h e o p e ration stated b e low sho u l d b e p e rfo r m e d b e fo re th is vdec driv er in itializatio n . ? sup p ly th e clock to the vdec. ? set th e en v i r onmen t sp ecif i c par a m e ter s ( e .g . r e lated t o input v i d e o im ag e) .
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 8 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_vi n pin adc_vin s el in input pin co ntrol com p osite video si gnal (cvbs) input pin ? vdec_vi n _1 : vin1 input ? vdec_vin_2: vin2 input void (*init_fun c )( _ u d w o r d ) in pointer to the use r-d efined function if ?0? is not specified, u s e r -defined fun c ti on will be call ed with an a r gu ment sp ecifie d by use r-d efined nu mbe r (u ser_nu m). if nece s sary, use r -define d functio n mu st be impleme n ted by the use r . syntax vo id in it_ f u n c ( _ud wo rd us er _n u m ) ; parameters ? [in]_udwo r d user_num user-defin ed numb er retu rn values ? void de scriptio n processing implemented by the user is performed. _u dw or d use r _ num in user-defin ed numb er this parameter is used as an argument to the user- defined function. this parameter is ignored, when pointer to the user-defined function (init_func) is set to ?0?.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 9 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.2 vdec_terminate syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _t ermin a te( voi d (*quit_fu nc)( _udwo rd ), _udword u s e r _n um ) ; parameters ? [in]void (*quit _ func)( _ udwo rd ) ? [in]_udword user_num pointer to the use r-d efined function user-defin ed numb er retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none erro r co de no rmal en d. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? the s p ecifie d user-define d fun c tio n is ex ecuted . after vdec driv er term in ati o n, u s er-d efin ed fun c tion sp ecified b y quit _func i s cal l e d. fo r i n f o rm ati on a b out t h e pr ocess o f user -de f i n e d fu nct i o n , see 3.2 . it is no t always n ecessary to sp ecify th e u s er-d efin ed fun c tio n po in ter. if user-d efi n ed functio n is no t sp ecified , t h e ope rat i o n st at ed bel o w m a y be pe rf orm e d af t e r t h i s vd ec dri v er t e rm i n ati on. ? halt th e clo c k sup p l y to th e vdec. ? set th e en v i r onmen t sp ecif i c par a m e ter s ( e .g . r e lated t o input v i d e o im ag e) .
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 10 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription void (*quit_fu nc)( _udword ) in pointer to the use r-d efined function if ?0? is not specified, u s e r -defined fun c ti on will be call ed with an a r gu ment sp ecifie d by use r-d efined nu mbe r (u ser_nu m). if nece s sary, use r -define d functio n mu st be impleme n ted by the use r . syntax vo id q u it_ f un c( _ udw ord us er _n u m ) ; parameters ? [in]_udwo r d user_num user-defin ed numb er retu rn values ? void de scriptio n processing implemented by the user is performed. _u dw or d use r _ num in user-defin ed numb er this parameter is used as an argument to the user- defined function. this parameter is ignored, when pointer to the user-defined function (quit_func) is set to ?0?.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 11 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.3 vdec_inpu t syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _in put( con s t vdec_in putsele ction *inp ut ) ; parameters ? [in]const vdec_inputselection *input input selection parameter retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge erro r co de no rmal en d. parameter error. undefined. parameter error. out of range. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? the s p ecifie d param e ters for active im age period are set. the act i v e i m age peri od pa ra m e t e rs set u p i n t h i s f unct i o n are a ppl i e d o n l y t o t h e di gi t a l vi de o dec ode r m odul e. the s e param e t e rs d o not c o rres p on d t o t h e di s p l a y si ze of t h e i n p u t vi de o. to set t h e di s p l a y si ze o f t h e i n put v i deo, vi deo disp lay con t roller 4 m o du le sh ou ld b e used. before th e settin gs are reflected , it will tak e a p e riod o f tim e equ a l to 1 vsy n c p e ri o d ti m e at th e m o st.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 12 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_in putse lection * input in input sele ctio n paramete r active image period parameter of input video signal null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_inputselection are sh ow n bel o w. typedef struct { _uword srcleft ; _uword srctop ; _uword srcheight ; _uword srcwidth ; } vdec_inputselection ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uword src left in left end of input vide o si gnal ca pturin g area [27 m hz clo ck cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 1ff _uword srctop in top en d of input video sig nal ca pturi ng are a [lines] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _uword srch eight in heig ht of input video sign al captu r in g a r ea [line s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _uword srcwidth in width of inpu t video signal c apturi ng area [27mhz cl ock cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 7ff
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 13 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.4 vdec_sy n csep syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _s yncsep ( co nst v dec_syncs epa ration *sy ncse paration ) ; parameters ? [in]con s t vdec_syncsep ara t ion * syncseparation sync se paration pa ramete r retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge vdec_e rr_param_inv alid erro r co de no rmal en d. param e ter e r ror. undefin e d . param e ter e r ror. out of ra nge. param e ter e r ror. inv a lid pa ramete r. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? noi s e re duct i o n l pf param e ters ar e set . ? au t o lev el contro l syn c slicer p aram eters are set. ? horizontal afc param eters are set. ? vertical coun t-d o wn p aram ete rs are set. ? agc / pga p a ram eters are set. ? peak lim iter control pa ram e ter s are set. th e setting p r ocess fo r th e syn c sep a ration i s p e rfo r m e d in th is fun c tion . wh en t h e agc is tu rn ed o f f, prog ramm ab le g a in am p (pga ) is set to th e man u a l m o d e . before th e pga setting s are reflected , it will tak e a p eri o d o f ti m e eq u al t o 1 vsyn c p e rio d ti m e at th e m o st. wh en t h e agc is tu rn ed o f f, p e ak limiter is no t op erated , th oug h th e settin g pro cess is perfo r m e d .
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 14 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_syn cse paration * syncsepa rati on in sync separation parameter null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_syncseparation are sh ow n bel o w. typedef struct { vdec_noiserdlpf *noiserdlpf ; vdec_atlvctrlsyncslicer *atlvctrlsyncslicer ; vdec_horizontalafc *horizontalafc ; vdec_vcountdown *vcountdown ; vdec_agc *agc ; vdec_peaklimctrl *peaklimctrl ; } vdec_syncseparation ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_noi se rdlpf * noi s e r dlpf in noi s e redu cti on lpf pa ra meter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_atlvctrlsyncslice r * atlvctrlsyncslicer in auto level control sync sli c er param e ter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_ho r i z on talafc * ho rizontalafc in ho rizontal af c pa ramete r settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_vcount do wn * vcou ntdo wn in vertical cou nt-do wn p ara m eter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_agc * agc in agc / pga param eter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_peakli m ctrl * peaklimct r l in peak limiter control param e ter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. memb ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_noiserdlpf are s h own below. typedef struct { vdec_lpfvsync lpfvsync ; vdec_lpfhsync lpfhsync ; } vdec_noiserdlpf ; ty p e member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_lpfvsync lpfvs ync in lpf cutoff fre quen cy befo r e vertical syn c se pa ration x vdec_lpf_vsync_none: none x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_9 4: 0.94 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_6 7: 0.67 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_5 4: 0.54 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_4 7: 0.47 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_3 4: 0.34 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_2 7: 0.27 mhz x vdec_ l pf_ vsync_ 0_2 3: 0.23 mhz
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 15 of 58 apr 18, 2013 vdec _lpfhsync lpfhsyn c in lpf cutoff fre quen cy befo r e hori z o n tal sync se pa ratio n ? vdec_lpf_hsync_none: none ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 2 _ 1 5 : 2.15 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 1 _ 8 8 : 1.88 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 1 _ 3 4 : 1.34 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 1 _ 0 7 : 1.07 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 0 _ 9 4 : 0.94 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 0 _ 6 7 : 0.67 mhz ? vdec_lpf_hsync_ 0 _ 5 4 : 0.54 mhz me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_atlvctrlsyncslicer are s h ow n be l o w. typedef struct { vdec_velocityshift velocityshift_h ; vdec_slicemode slicermode_h ; vdec_slicemode slicermode_v ; _uword syncmaxduty_h ; _uword syncminduty_h ; vdec_cliplv ssclipsel ; _uword csyncslice_h ; _uword syncmaxduty_v ; _uword syncminduty_v ; vdec_onoff vsyncdelay ; _uword vsyncslice ; _uword csyncslice_v ; } vdec_atlvctrlsyncslicer ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_v elo c ityshift veloc ityshift_h in refe ren c e le vel operation spe ed control for comp osit e sync sep a ration ? vdec_velocity_ shift _1: x1 ? vdec_velocity_ shift _2: x2 ? vdec_velocity_ shift _4: x 4 ? vdec_velocity_ shift _8: x 8 ? vdec_vel o c ity_shift _16: x 16 ? vdec_vel o c ity_shift _32: x 32 ? vdec_vel o c ity_shift _64: x 64 ? vdec_vel o c ity_shift _128: x 128 ? vdec_vel o c ity_shift _256: x256 vdec_sli cem ode slic e r mo de _h in auto-s lic e lev e l s e tting for c o mposite s y nc separator c irc uit (for ho ri zontal sync si gnal ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ m a nulal: ma nual setting ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _25: 25% of sync depth (auto ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _50: 50% of sync depth (auto ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _75: 75% of sync depth (auto ) vdec_sli cem ode slic e r mo de _v in auto-s lice lev e l s e tting for c o mpos ite s y nc separation c i rc uit (for verti c al sync sig nal ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ m a nulal: ma nual setting ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _25:
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 16 of 58 apr 18, 2013 25% of sync depth (auto ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _50: 50% of sync depth (auto ) ? vdec_s lice_mode _ auto _75: 75% of sync depth (auto ) _u wo rd syncmaxduty _ h in max ratio of hori z ontal cycl e to hori z onta l sync si gnal pulse width (fo r ho ri zontal sync sepa ration ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f this parameter is valid only when auto slice level setting is active (slicemode_h is not set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). _u wo rd syncmind uty_h in min ratio of h ori zontal cycl e to hori z onta l sync si gnal pulse width (fo r ho ri zontal sync sepa ration ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f this parameter is valid only when auto slice level setting is active (slicemode_h is not set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). vdec_ c lip lv s scli ps el in clippi ng level ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_51 2: 512 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_54 6: 546 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_58 0: 580 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_61 4: 614 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_64 8: 648 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_68 2: 682 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_71 6: 716 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_75 0: 750 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_78 5: 785 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_81 9: 819 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_85 3: 853 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_88 7: 887 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_92 1: 921 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_95 5: 955 ? vdec_ c lip_ lv_98 9: 989 ? vdec_clip_lv_1023: 1023 _u wo rd c s yncs lice_h in slice level for comp osite sync si gnal sep a ratio n (for hori z o ntal sy nc si gnal ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff this parameter is valid only when manual slice level setting is active (slicemode_h is set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). _u wo rd syncmaxduty _ v in max ratio of hori z ontal cycl e to hori z onta l sync si gnal pulse w i d t h ( f or ve r t ic a l s ync se pa r a tion ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f this parameter is valid only when auto slice level setting is active (slicemode_v is not set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). _u wo rd syncmind uty_v in min ratio of h ori zontal cycl e to hori z onta l sync si gnal pulse w i d t h ( f or ve r t ic a l s ync se pa r a tion ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f this parameter is valid only when auto slice level setting is active (slicemode_v is not set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). vdec_ o noff vsyncdelay in delays the separated vertical sy nc signal for 1/4 horizontal cycle
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 17 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ? vdec_ o ff: disable 1/4f h delay ? vdec_ o n: e nable 1/4f h d e lay _u wo rd vs yncs lic e in threshold for vertical sync separation 0x0000 ~ 0x001f _u wo rd c s yncs lice_v in slice level for comp osite sync si gnal sep a ratio n (for v e rtical sync sign al) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff this parameter is valid only when manual slice level setting is active (slicemode_v is set to vdec_slice_mode_manual). me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_horizontalafc are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword hafcgain ; vdec_onoff hafcfreerun ; _uword hafctyp ; _uword hafcstart ; _uword nox2hosc ; _uword dox2hosc ; _uword hafcmax ; _uword hafcend ; _uword hafcmode ; _uword hafcmin ; _uword phdet_fix ; vdec_phdetdiv phdet_div ; } vdec_horizontalafc ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd hafcgain in ho rizontal af c loop g a in 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f vdec_ o noff hafcf r ee run in horizontal af c free-r un oscillation m ode on/off ? vdec_off ? vdec_on _u wo rd hafc typ in ho rizontal af c ce nter o s cil l ation freq uen cy [27mhz cl ock cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd hafcs t art in start line of hori z ontal af c normal o p e r ation (vbi pro c e ss end line ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd nox 2 ho sc in disable of ho rizontal afc doubl e sp eed detection ? 0: auto control ? 1: doubl e sp eed o scill atio n disa bled _u wo rd dox 2 ho sc in ho rizontal af c forced d o u b le-sp eed o s cillation ? 0: auto control ? 1: forced do uble - spee d o scill ation in the ntsc, pal and secam format s, this paramet er s h ould alway s be set to ?0?. _u wo rd hafc max in maximum oscillation frequency of horizontal afc [27mhz clo ck cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _uword in end line of horizontal afc normal operation (vbi process
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 18 of 58 apr 18, 2013 hafcend start line ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd hafc mod e in ho rizontal af c vbi period ope rating mo de loop g ain co ntrol for lo w s/n and ho ri zo ntal afc co ntrol duri ng vbi period ? 0: loop gai n is fixed and p hase co mpa r i s on i s stop pe d duri ng vbi period. ? 1: loop gai n is fixed and lo op gain i s re d uce d du ring vbi peri od. ? 2: loop gai n is autom aticall y controll ed a nd pha se com pari s o n is stop ped d u ring vbi perio d. ? 3: loop gain is automatically controlled and loop gain is reduced during vbi period. _u wo rd hafc min in min oscillation frequency of horizontal afc [27m hz cl ock cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x03ff _u wo rd phdet_fix in forcible or lowgai n control ? 0: lowgai n determi nation result use d ? 1: forcibly controlled (adjusted with phdet_div) vdec_p hdetdiv phdet_ d iv in phase com pa r ator fee dba ck adju s t for lo w syn c sig nal lock stability ? vdec_p hdet_div_1 _1: 1/1 ? vdec_p hdet_div_1 _2: 1/2 ? vdec_p hdet_div_1 _4: 1/4 ? vdec_p hdet_div_1 _8: 1/8 ? vdec_p hdet_div_1 _16: 1/16 ? vdec_phdet_div_1_32: 1/32 me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_vcountdown are s h own below. typedef struct { vdec_onoff vcdfreerun ; vdec_onoff novcd50 ; vdec_onoff novcd60 ; vdec_vcntdwfreq vcddefault ; _uword vcdwindow ; _uword vcdoffset ; } vdec_vcountdown ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_ o noff vcdfre erun in vertical cou n tdown free -ru n oscillation mode o n /of f ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff novcd50 in vertical countdow n 50-hz oscillation m o de ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff novcd60 in vertical cou ntdown 60 -h z (59.94 hz) o sci llation mod e ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_v cnt d wfreq vcdd efault in vertical cou ntdown ce nter oscillation fre quen cy ? vdec_v cnt _ frq_auto : auto-detecti on
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 19 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ? vdec_v cnt _ frq_5 0 hz: 50.00 hz ? vdec_v cnt _ frq_5 9_9 4 h z: 59.94 hz ? vdec_v cnt _ frq_6 0 hz: 60.00 hz _u wo rd vc dw in do w in vertical countdown sync area [0.1ms] 0x0000 ~ 0x003f _u wo rd vcdoffset in vertical countdown mini mum oscillation frequency [0.1ms ] 0x0000 ~ 0x001f me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_agc are s h own below. typedef struct { vdec_onoff agcmode ; _uword doreduce ; _uword noreduce ; _uword agcresponse ; _uword agclevel ; _uword agcprecis ; _uword pga_gain ; } vdec_agc ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_ o noff agcmo de in a/d conve r ter agc on/off c ontrol & pga s w it c h ? vdec_ o ff: agc off, pga manual ? vdec_on: agc on, automatic _u wo rd do red u c e in manu al cont rol of sync sign al am p litude dete c ti on duri ng vbi period ? 0: sets sync amplitud e to agc sta nda rd value. ? 1: sets agc gain to 3/4 times the normal gain value. _u wo rd no red u c e in cont rol of sync sign al am plitude d ete ction du rin g v b i peri od ? 0: detect s sy nc am plitude. ? 1: does not detect sync amplitude. _uwo rd agcresponse in agc response speed 0x0000 ~ 0x0007 _uwo rd ag clevel in sync signal reference amplitude 0x0000 ~ 0x01ff _uwo rd agcprecis in agc gain adjustment accuracy 0x0000 ~ 0x003f _uwo rd pg a_gai n in pga gain 0x0000 (0.8v pp) ~ 0x001f (1.6vpp ) this parameter is valid when agcmode is set to vdec_off. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_peaklimctrl are s h own bel o w.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 20 of 58 apr 18, 2013 typedef struct { vdec_peaklevel peaklevel ; _uword peakattack ; _uword peakrelease ; vdec_peakratio peakratio ; _uword maxpeaksamples ; } vdec_peaklimctrl ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_p ea kle v el peakl e vel in peak lumi nan ce value to o perate pea k li miter (vide o signal level) ? vdec_peak lv_lim_off: limiter off ? vdec_peak lv_1008: 1008 lsb ? vdec_peak lv_992: 992 lsb ? vdec_peak lv_960: 960 lsb peak limite r is not ope rate d if agc is o ff. _u wo rd peakattack in re spo nse sp eed with p ea k limiter gai n decre ased 0x0000 ~ 0x0 003 _u wo rd peakrele ase in re spo nse sp eed with p ea k limiter gai n increa se d 0x0000 ~ 0x0 003 vdec_p ea kratio peakratio in maximum co mpre ssion rat e of peak limi t er ? vdec_peak ratio_50: co mpress ed up to 50% ? vdec_peak ratio_25: co mpress ed up to 25% ? vdec_peak ratio_12_5: co mpressed up to 12.5% ? vdec_peak ratio_0: compress ed up to 0% _u wo rd maxpea ksam ples in allowa ble nu mber of ove r flowin g pixels [ 1024 pixel s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 21 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.5 vdec_yc s ep syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _y csep ( co nst v dec_ycse p a r ation *ycse p aratio n ) ; parameters ? [in]con s t vdec_ycsep aratio n * ycseparation y/c sep a ratio n paramete r retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge vdec_e rr_param_inv alid erro r co de no rmal en d. param e ter e r ror. undefin e d . param e ter e r ror. out of ra nge. param e ter e r ror. inv a lid pa ramete r. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? y/c sep a ration con t ro l p a rameters are set. ? ch ro m a filter tap co efficient p aram eters for y/c sepa ration are set. ? ove r - r a nge co nt r o l pa ram e t e r s are set .
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 22 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_y csep aratio n * yc separation in y/c separation parameter null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_ycseparation are s h ow n bel o w. typedef struct { vdec_ycsepctrl *ycsepctrl ; vdec_chrfiltap *wa ; vdec_chrfiltap *wb ; vdec_chrfiltap *na ; vdec_chrfiltap *nb ; vdec_overrange *overrange ; } vdec_ycseparation ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_ycsep ctrl * yc sepctrl in y/c sep aratio n cont rol pa ra meter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vde c _c hr f iltap * wa in ch roma filter tap coefficie n t param eter for y/c sep a ration two - dim e n s i onal casca d e broa dba nd (3.58/4.43/secam- dr)/take-off filter tap c oeffic i ent settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vde c _c hr f iltap * wb in ch roma filter tap coefficie n t param eter for y/c sep a ration two - dim e n s i onal casca d e broa dba nd (secam-db) filter tap c oeffic i ent settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vde c _c hr f iltap * na in ch roma filter tap coefficie n t param eter for y/c sep a ration two - dim e n s i onal casca d e narrowban d (3.58/4.4 3 /secam-dr) filter tap coeffi cient settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vde c _c hr f iltap * nb in ch roma filter tap coefficie n t param eter for y/c sep a ration two - dim e n s i onal casca d e narro wban d (secam-db) filter tap c oeffic i ent settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_overra nge * overran ge in over-ra nge control p ara m eter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. mem b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_ycsepctrl are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword k15 ; _uword k13 ; _uword k11 ; _uword k16 ; _uword k14 ; _uword k12 ;
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 23 of 58 apr 18, 2013 _uword k22a ; _uword k21a ; _uword k22b ; _uword k21b ; _uword k23b ; _uword k23a ; _uword k24 ; vdec_filtersel hbpf_narrow ; vdec_filtersel hvbpf_narrow ; vdec_bpfsel hbpf1_9tap_on ; vdec_bpfsel hvbpf1_9tap_on ; vdec_bpfsel hfil_tap_sel ; vdec_onoff det2_on ; vdec_filmixratio hsel_mix_y ; vdec_filmixratio vsel_mix_y ; vdec_filmixratio hvsel_mix_y ; _uword v_y_level ; vdec_filmixratio det2_mix_c ; vdec_filmixratio det2_mix_y ; vdec_filtermodesel fil2_mode_2d ; vdec_filtersel fil2_narrow_2d ; } vdec_ycsepctrl ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd k15 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd k13 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k11 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k16 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd k14 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k12 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k22a in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _u wo rd k21a in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k22b in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _u wo rd k21b in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _u wo rd k23b in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd k23a in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f _u wo rd k24 in two - dim e n s i onal y/c sep a ratio n filter select coefficie n t * 0x0000 ~ 0x0 01f vdec_ filterse l h b p f _n ar ro w in latter-stag e hori z o n tal bpf sele ct ? vdec_filsel_bypass: bypass ? vdec_ f ilsel_17 tap: 17 tap
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 24 of 58 apr 18, 2013 vdec_ filterse l hv bpf_ n a rro w in latter-stag e hori z o n tal/vertical bpf sele ct ? vdec_filsel_bypass: bypass ? vdec_ f ilsel_17 tap: 17 tap vdec_b pfsel hbpf1 _9t ap_ on in form er-sta ge hori z ontal b p f sele ct ? vdec_bpfs e l_17tap: 1 7 tap ? vdec_bpfsel_9tap: 9 tap vdec_b pfsel hvbpf1_ 9ta p _on in form er-sta ge hori z ontal/ve r tical bpf sel e ct ? vdec_bpfs e l_17tap: 1 7 tap ? vdec_bpfsel_9tap: 9 tap vdec_b pfsel hfil_ta p_sel in ho rizontal filter an d hori z o n tal/vertical fil t er ban dwi d th switch sign al ? vdec_bpfs e l_17tap: 1 7 tap ? vdec_bpfsel_9tap: 9 tap vdec_ o noff det2_ on in two - dim e n s i onal filter mixing sel e ct after passing the co rrel a tio n detectio n filter, sign als a r e mixed or not. ? vdec_off: not mixed ? vdec_on: mixed vdec_filmixratio hsel_mix_y in mixing ratio o f signal after passin g ho rizontal filter to sign al after pa ssi ng forme r -stage hori z o ntal filter mixing ratio o f signal after passin g form er-stag e ho rizontal filter can b e specifie d as fol lows: ? vdec_filmix_ratio_0: 0% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 12 _5: 12.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_25: 25% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 37 _5: 37.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_50: 50% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 62 _5: 62.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_75: 75% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 87 _5: 87.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_100: 100% vdec_filmixratio vsel_mix_y in mixing ratio o f signal after passin g vertical filter to sig nal after pa ssi ng forme r -stage hori z o n tal/vertical filter mixing ratio o f signal after passin g form er-stag e hori z o n tal/vertical filter ca n be sp ecifie d as follo ws: ? vdec_filmix_ratio_0: 0% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 12 _5: 12.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_25: 25% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 37 _5: 37.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_50: 50% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 62 _5: 62.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_75: 75% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 87 _5: 87.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_100: 100% vdec_filmixratio hv sel _ mix _ y in mixing ratio o f signal after passin g ho rizontal/vertical filter to sign al after p a ssing fo rme r -sta ge ho rizo ntal/vertical fil t er mixing ratio o f signal after passin g form er-stag e hori z o n tal/vertical filter ca n be sp ecifie d as follo ws: ? vdec_filmix_ratio_0: 0% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 12 _5: 12.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_25: 25% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 37 _5: 37.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_50: 50%
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 25 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 62 _5: 62.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_75: 75% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 87 _5: 87.5% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 10 0: 100% _u wo rd v_y_level in vertical lu min ance dete c tio n level for co rrelatio n dete c tion filter 0x0000 ~ 0x01ff vdec_filmixratio det2_ m ix _c in mixing ratio o f c signal afte r pa ssi ng ho ri zontal/ve r tical adaptive filter to signal afte r pa ssi ng correlation dete c t ion filter mixing ratio o f signal after passin g co rre l ation dete c tion filter can b e specifie d as fol lows: ? vdec_filmix_ratio_0: 0% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 12 _5: 12.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_25: 25% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 37 _5: 37.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_50: 50% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 62 _5: 62.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_75: 75% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 87 _5: 87.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_100: 100% vdec_filmixratio det2_ m ix _y in mixing ratio o f c signal fo r y generation after pa ssi ng hori z o n tal/vertical ada ptive filter to signal after passin g co rrel ation de tection filter mixing ratio o f signal after passin g co rre l ation dete c tion filter can b e specifie d as fol lows: ? vdec_filmix_ratio_0: 0% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 12 _5: 12.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_25: 25% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 37 _5: 37.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_50: 50% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 62 _5: 62.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_75: 75% ? vdec_ filmix_ratio_ 87 _5: 87.5% ? vdec_filmix_ratio_100: 100% vdec_ filterm odesel fil2_mo de_ 2 d in two-dim e nsi onal cascade/ take-off filter mode sel e ct ? vdec_filmode_bypass: bypas s ? vdec_filmode_cascad e: c a sc ade filte r ? vdec_filmode_takeoff: take-off filter vdec_ filterse l fil2_ n arro w_ 2d in two - dim e n s i onal casca d e filter sele ct ? vdec_filsel_bypass: bypass ? vdec_filsel_17tap: 17 tap note: * for d e tails ab out two - dime nsi o nal y/c se parati on filter sel e ct co efficient , refer to sh7 268 g r ou p, sh72 69 grou p user? s man ual: ha rd ware (r01 uh004 8ej). me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_chrfiltap are s h o w n bel o w. the val u e vdec_chr fil_tapcoe_num is ?9 ?. typedef struct { _uword fil2_2d_f[ vdec_chrfil_tapcoe_num ] ; } vdec_chrfiltap ; t y pe input/ des c ription
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 26 of 58 apr 18, 2013 member name out p ut _u wo rd fil2_2 d_f[ v d ec_chrfil_tapcoe_ n um ] in chroma filter tap c oeffic ient for y/c s e paration sign (msb) + absol ute value (0 ~ 409 5) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 fff: 0 ~ 409 5 0x1000 ~ 0x1fff: -0 ~ -4095 me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_overrange are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword radj_o_level0 ; _uword radj_u_level0 ; _uword radj_o_level1 ; _uword radj_u_level1 ; _uword radj_o_level2 ; _uword radj_u_level2 ; _uword test_moni ; _uword radj_mix_k_fix ; vdec_onoff ucmp_sw ; vdec_onoff dcmp_sw ; vdec_onoff hwide_sw ; } vdec_overrange ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd radj _o_ leve l 0 in a/d over-th r e s hol d level (b etwee n levels 0 and 1) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd radj _u_leve l 0 in a/d unde r-th r esh o ld level (betwe en level s 2 and 3 ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd radj _o_ leve l 1 in a/d over-th r e s hol d level (b etwee n levels 1 and 2) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd radj _u_leve l 1 in a/d unde r-th r esh o ld level (betwe en level s 2 and 1 ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd radj _o_ leve l 2 in a/d over-th r e s hol d level (b etwee n levels 2 and 3) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd radj _u_leve l 2 in a/d unde r-th r esh o ld level (betwe en level s 1 and 0 ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff _u wo rd test_m oni in test mode x 0 ~ 3: no rmal operation x 4: level 0 part is output as black x 5: level 1 part is output as black x 6: level 2 part is output as black x 7: level 3 part is output as black _u wo rd radj _mix_k_ fix in forced ran ge over/und er mode x 0 ~ 3: auto detection x 4: level 0 (no r mal state ) x 5: fixed to level 1 (almo s t norm a l) x 6: fixed to level 2 (almo s t over the ra ng e) x 7: fixed to level 3 (com ple t ely over the range ) vdec_ o noff uc mp_s w in over-ra nge d etection e nab le x vdec_ o ff: disable s ove r -ra nge d e tecti on x vdec_ o n: e nable s ove r -range d e tectio n vdec_onoff in under-range detection enable
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 27 of 58 apr 18, 2013 dc mp_s w ? vdec_ o ff: disable s un d e r-ra nge d e te ction ? vdec_ on: e nable s un de r -ra nge d etecti on vdec_ o noff hwi de_s w in ho rizontal enl arg e ment of over/un der-ra nge level ? vdec_ o ff: doe s not p r o v ide hori z o n tal enla r gem e n t ? vdec_on: provides horizontal enlargement
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 28 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.6 vdec_ c hromadec syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _ c hrom adec( const vde c _ c h r oma d e c * c h r oma d e c ) ; parameters ? [in]con s t vdec_ch r om adec * chromadec ch roma d eco ding pa ram eter retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge vdec_e rr_param_inv alid erro r co de no rmal en d. param e ter e r ror. undefin e d . param e ter e r ror. out of ra nge. param e ter e r ror. inv a lid pa ramete r. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? co lo r system d e tectio n p a rameters are set. ? bco pa ram e ters a r e set. ? co lo r k iller p a ram eters are set. ? acc control param eters are s et. ? tint / r-y axis co rrection param eters are set. ?
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 29 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_ c h r om ade c * ch roma de c in chroma decoding parameter null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_chromadec are s h ow n bel o w. typedef struct { vdec_colorsysdet *colorsysdet ; vdec_bco *bco ; vdec_colorkiller *colorkiller ; vdec_accctrl *accctrl ; vdec_tintry *tintry ; } vdec_chromadec ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_c ol ors y sdet *col orsysdet in colo r sy stem detectio n pa rameter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_bco *bco in bco pa ram eter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_c ol orki ller *col orkiller in color kill er parameter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_accctrl *accctrl in acc control paramete r settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_tintry *tintry in tint / r-y axis co rrectio n paramete r settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. mem b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_colorsysdet ar e show n b e l o w. typedef struct { vdec_colorsys defaultsys ; vdec_onoff nontsc358 ; vdec_onoff nontsc443 ; vdec_onoff nopalm ; vdec_onoff nopaln ; vdec_onoff nopal443 ; vdec_onoff nosecam ; _uword lumadelay ; vdec_onoff chromalpf ; vdec_demodmode demodmode ; } vdec_colorsysdet ; ty p e member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_c ol ors y s default s ys in default colo r system x vdec_csys _nts c: nts c x vdec_csys _pal: pal
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 30 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ? vdec_csys _ secam: secam ? vdec_csys _non: not spec ified vdec_ o noff nont sc358 in ntsc-m dete c tion control ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff nont sc443 in ntsc-4.4 3 d e tection cont rol ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff nop alm in pal-m dete c tion co ntrol ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff nop aln in pal-n d etect ion co ntrol ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff n o pa l4 43 in pal-b g h i d dete c tion control ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff no se cam in secam dete c tion control ? vdec_off ? vdec_on _u wo rd luma delay in luminance signal delay adjustment 0x0010 (-16) ~ 0x0000 (0) ~ 0x000f (15) set a value by the 2s complement. vdec_ o noff ch romal pf in lpf for demo dulated ch ro ma ? vdec_ o ff: not used ? vdec_on: used vdec_ d e m od mode d e mo d m od e in averagin g proce s sing fo r pre - de mod ul ated line ? vdec_demmd_no: no pro c e s sing ? vdec_demmd_ pal: for pal me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_bco are s h own below. typedef struct { vdec_bstlckrange lockrange ; _uword loopgain ; _uword locklimit ; vdec_onoff bcofreerun ; _uword bgpcheck ; _uword bgpwidth ; _uword bgpstart ; } vdec_bco ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_b stl c kran ge lockran ge in burst lock pll lock range ? vdec_bst_lck rng_400hz: 400 hz ? vdec_bst_lck rng_800hz: 800 hz ? vdec_bst _ l ck rng_1 2 00hz: 120 0 hz ? vdec_bst _ l ck rng_1 6 00hz: 160 0 hz _u wo rd loop gain in burst lo ck pl l loop gai n 0x0000 ~ 0x0 003 _uwo rd in level for burst lock pll to re-search free-run frequency
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 31 of 58 apr 18, 2013 locklimit 0x0000 ~ 0x0 003 vdec_ o noff bcofre erun in burst lock pll free-ru n oscillation m ode on/off ? vdec_off ? vdec_on _u wo rd bgpche ck in burst gate p u l se po sition check ? 0: not che c ke d ? 1: checked _u wo rd bgpwi d th in burst gate pulse width [27mhz clock cycles] 0x0000 ~ 0x007f _u wo rd bgpsta rt in burst gate pulse start position [27mhz clock cycles] 0x0000 ~ 0x00ff me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_colorkiller ar e show n b e l o w. typedef struct { _uword killeroffset ; vdec_onoff killermode ; _uword killerlevel ; } vdec_colorkiller ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd killeroffset in color kill er offset 0x0000 ~ 0x0 00f killerlevel + k illeroffset is the level to turn off the color killer. vdec_ o noff killermode in forced colo r kille r mode o n /off ? vdec_off: auto-detec tion ? vdec_on: k iller mo de is forcedly on _u wo rd killerlevel in colo r kill er op eratio n start p oint 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f this p ara met er c ontrol s th e le vel to mak e the k iller on. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_accctrl are s h ow n bel o w . typedef struct { _uword accmode ; vdec_accmaxgain accmaxgain ; _uword acclevel ; vdec_chromasubgain chromasubgain ; _uword chromamaingain ; _uword accresponse ; _uword accprecis ; } vdec_accctrl ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uwo rd accm ode in acc o peratin g mode ? 0: auto gain ? 1: manual g a i n vdec_a ccma xgain in maximum acc gain
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 32 of 58 apr 18, 2013 accm axgain ? vdec_a cc_maxgain_6: 6 times ? vdec_a cc_maxgain_8: 8 times ? vdec_a cc_maxgain_12: 12 times ? vdec_a cc_maxgain_16: 16 times this p a ra met e r is valid o n l y when accm ode is set to ?0?. _u wo rd accl evel in acc referen c e colo r bu rst amplitud e 0x0000 ~ 0x0 1ff this parameter is valid only when accmode is set to ?0?. vdec_ c h r om asubg ain ch roma su bg ain in ch roma m a n ual gain (sub) ? vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _1 : 1 time ? vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _2 : 2 time s ? vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _4 : 4 time s ? vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _8 : 8 time s this parameter is valid only when accmode is set to ?1?. _u wo rd ch roma main gain in ch roma m an ual gain (mai n) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 1ff this parameter is valid only when accmode is set to ?1?. the value 0x0100 corresponds to 1 time. _u wo rd accre s po nse in acc response speed 0x0000 ~ 0x0003 _u wo rd a cc p re ci s in acc gain adjustment accuracy 0x0000 ~ 0x003f me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_tintry are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword tintsub ; _uword tintmain ; } vdec_tintry ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd tintsu b in fine adj ustm ent of r-y de modul ation a x is [360/102 4 deg ree s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f 2s compl e ment this paramet e r is valid only for ntsc/pal. _u wo rd tintmain in hue a d ju stm ent level [360 /1024 de gree s] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff 2s compl e ment this paramet e r is valid only for ntsc/pal.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 33 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.7 vdec_ d igitalclamp syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _ d igital cla m p( const vde c _ d i g italcla m p *digitalcla m p ) ; parameters ? [in]con s t vdec_digital cla m p *digitalclamp digital cl amp paramete r retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge vdec_e rr_param_inv alid erro r co de no rmal en d. param e ter e r ror. undefin e d . param e ter e r ror. out of ra nge. param e ter e r ror. inv a lid pa ramete r. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? pedestal clam p pa ram e ters are set. ? center clam p param e ters are s e t. ? no ise d etection p aram eters are set.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 34 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_ d igital clam p * digital c lam p in digital cl amp paramete r null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_digitalclamp ar e show n b e l o w. typedef struct { vdec_pdstlcntrclamp *pdstlcntrclamp ; vdec_noisedet *noisedet ; } vdec_digitalclamp ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_pdstl cntrcl amp * pds t lcntrclamp in pede stal/ce nter cl amp pa ra meter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_n oi se det * noi s e d et in noi s e dete c ti on pa ramete r settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. mem b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_pdstlcntrclamp are sh ow n bel o w. typedef struct { _uword dcpresponse ; _uword dcpstart ; _uword dcpend ; _uword dcpwidth ; vdec_pedestalclamp *pedestalclamp ; vdec_centerclamp *centerclamp ; } vdec_pdstlcntrclamp ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uword dcprespon se in digital cl amp re spo nse sp e ed 0x0000 ~ 0x0 007 _uword dc psta rt in digital cl amp start line [line s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _uword dcpen d in digital cl amp end line [line s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f _uword dc pwi dth in digital cl amp pulse width [2 7mhz cl ock cycles] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 07f vdec_pedestalcla m p * pede stalcl a m p in pede stal cla m p paramete r settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d. vdec_c en te rc la mp * cente r clamp in cente r cl amp param eter settings will b e left uncha n ged if null i s sp ecifie d.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 35 of 58 apr 18, 2013 me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_pedestalclamp are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword dcpmode_y ; _uword dcpcheck ; _uword dcppos_y ; _uword blanklevel_y ; vdec_onoff clp_hold_on_y ; } vdec_pedestalclamp ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd dcpmo de_y in clam p level setting mode (y signal ) x 0: manual cla m p level setti ng x 1: auto c l amp level s e tting _u wo rd dcpche ck in digital cl amp pulse po sition che ck x 0: not che c ke d x 1: che c ked _u wo rd dcppo s_y in digital cl amp pulse ho rizon t al start po sition (y sig nal ) [ 27mh z cl oc k cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _u wo rd blankl e vel_y in clam p offset level (y sign al ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff set the subtraction valu e. 2s compl e ment vdec_ o noff clp_ hol d_o n _y in clam p data h o ld processin g on/off (y) x vdec_off x vdec_on me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_centerclamp ar e show n b e l o w. typedef struct { _uword dcpmode_c ; _uword dcppos_c ; _uword blanklevel_cb ; _uword blanklevel_cr ; vdec_onoff clp_hold_on_cb ; vdec_onoff clp_hold_on_cr ; } vdec_centerclamp ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uwo rd dcpmo de_ c in clam p level setting mode (cb/cr si gnal ) x 0: manual cla m p level setti ng x 1: auto c l amp level s e tting _uwo rd dc ppo s_ c in digital cl amp pulse ho rizon t al start po sition (cb/cr sig nal) [ 27mh z cl oc k cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _uwo rd blankl e vel_ cb in clam p offset level (cb sig n a l) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f set the subtraction valu e.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 36 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2s compl e ment _u wo rd blankl e vel_ cr in clam p offset level (cr signal) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f set the subtraction value. 2s complement vdec_ o noff clp_ hol d_o n _cb in clam p data h o ld processin g on/off (cb) ? vdec_off ? vdec_on vdec_ o noff clp_ hol d_o n _cr in clam p data h o ld processin g on/off (cr) ? vdec_off ? vdec_on me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_noisedet are s h ow n be l o w. typedef struct { vdec_acfinput acfinput ; _uword acflagtime ; _uword acffilter ; } vdec_noisedet ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_a cfinp u t acfinput in video si gnal f o r auto c o r rel a tion functio n ? vdec_v dsig_atcrr_y : y signal ? vdec_v dsig_atcrr_ c b: cb sign al ? vdec_v dsig_atcrr_ c r: cr sign al _u wo rd acflagtime in delay time fo r auto c orrel a tion functio n calcul ation [27 mhz clo ck cy cle s ] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 01f _u wo rd acffilter in smoothing p a ram e ter of a u toco rrelation function data 0x0000 ~ 0x0 003
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 37 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.8 vdec_ o utput syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _o utput( co n s t vdec_outadj * o utadj ) ; parameters ? [in]const vdec_outadj *outadj output adjustment parameter retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef vdec_e rr_param_ra n ge erro r co de no rmal en d. parameter error. undefined. parameter error. out of range. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e op eratio ns are perform ed as bel o w. ? sig n al ou tpu t gain p a ram eters are set.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 38 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_ o utadj * outadj in output adjustment parameter null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_outadj are s h own below. typedef struct { _uword y_gain2 ; _uword cb_gain2 ; _uword cr_gain2 ; } vdec_outadj ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uwo rd y_gain2 in y signal g a in coeffici ent 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff (0: 0 times, 0 x 0200: 1.0 time, 0x03ff: approx. 2.0 times) _uwo rd c b _g a i n2 in cb si gnal g ai n coeffici ent 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff (0: 0 times, 0 x 0200: 1.0 time, 0x03ff: approx. 2.0 times) _uwo rd cr_gai n2 in cr sign al gain coefficie nt 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff (0: 0 times, 0 x 0200: 1.0 time, 0x03ff: approx. 2.0 times)
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 39 of 58 apr 18, 2013 2.3.9 vdec_ q ue ryvde c syntax #incl ude "vdec_ api.h" vdec_e rrorcode vde c _q ueryvde c( v dec_qu e ri es *param ) ; parameters ? [out]vdec_queries *param pointer to the result of the query retu rn values ? vdec_e rrorcode vdec_e rr_none vdec_e rr_param_undef erro r co de no rmal en d. parameter error. undefined. descri pt i on in th is fun c tion, th e p a ram e ter s shown b e l o w are ret r i e ve d f r om t h e v d ec rea d re gi st ers . ? sy nc se parat i o n param e t e rs ? agc pa ram e ters ? c h r o m a decodi ng pa ram e t e rs ? dig ital cla m p p aram eters
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 40 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ar g u m e nt s set t i ngs ty pe parameter name input / outpu t des c ription vdec_ que rie s * param out pointer to the result of the query null should not be specified. me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_queries are s h ow n bel o w . typedef struct { vdec_q_sync *q_sync ; vdec_q_agc *q_agc ; vdec_q_chromadec *q_chromadec ; vdec_q_digitalclamp *q_digitalclamp ; } vdec_queries ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_q _syn c * q_sync out pointer to the memory where the syn c sepa ration p a rameter is sto r ed. if it is unne ce ssary, null can b e set. vdec_q _ag c * q_ag c out pointer to the memory wher e the agc p aram eter i s st ore d. if it is unne ce ssary, null can b e set. vde c _q _c hro m ad ec * q_chroma d e c out pointer to the memory whe r e the chro m a decodin g paramete r is stored. if it is unne ce ssary, null can b e set. vdec_q_ d igit alcla m p * q_di gitalcl a m p out pointer to the memory whe r e the digital clam p param eter is stored. if it is unne ce ssary, null can b e set. mem b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_q_sync are s h own below. typedef struct { vdec_lock fhlock ; _uword isnoisy ; vdec_fhmode fhmode ; _uword nosignal ; vdec_lock fvlock ; vdec_fvmode fvmode ; vdec_interdet interlaced ; _uword fvcount ; _udword fhcount ; _uword isreduced ; _uword syncdepth ; } vdec_q_sync ; ty p e member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_l o ck fhlo ck out ho rizontal af c lock dete c ti on re sult x vdec_unlock: unlock ed
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 41 of 58 apr 18, 2013 ? vdec_ l o c k : locked _u wo rd isnoi sy out dete ction result of low s/n signal by syn c se pa ration ? 0: not low s/n sig nal ? 1: low s/n signal vdec_ fhmo d e fhmod e out speed d etecti on re sult ? vdec_ fhm ode_i: no rm al spe ed (525 i/625i, etc.) ? vdec_fhmode_p: multiplied speed (525p/625p, etc.) _u wo rd no sign al out no -si gnal d etection re sult ? 0: vertical sy nc si gnal d etected ? 1: no vertical sync signal detected vdec_ l o ck fvlock out vertical cou ntdown lock det ection re sult ? vdec_unlock: unlock ed ? vdec_lock: locked vdec_ fvmod e fvmode out vertical countdown oscillati on mode ? vdec_fvmode_50hz: 50hz ? vdec_fvmode_60hz: 60hz vdec_inte r de t interlac ed out interla c e dete c tion result ? vdec_p rogressive: progres s i ve ? vdec_interlace: interlace _u wo rd fvcou n t out vertical cycle measurement result [0.1ms] 0 ~ 255 _u dw or d fhcount out horizontal afc oscillation cy cle [1/64 of 27mhz clock cycle] 0x00000 ~ 0x1ffff _u wo rd isre du ced out sync amplitu de dete c tion result du rin g vbi period ? 0: amplitude is larger tha n that in image active pe riod. ? 1: amplitude is equal to that in image active period. _u wo rd syncde pth out sync pulse amplitude detection result 0x0000 ~ 0x03ff me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_q_agc are show n b e l o w. typedef struct { _uword highsamples ; _uword peaksamples ; _uword agcconverge ; _uword agcgain ; } vdec_q_agc ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _u wo rd high sa mple s out num ber of pi xels whi c h h a v e large r lumi nan ce value t han pea k lumin a n c e limited by pea k limiter [1024 pixels] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _u wo rd peaksam p le s out num ber of ov erflo w ing pixe ls [1024 pixels] 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff _u wo rd agcconve r ge out agc converg ence dete c tio n re sult ? 0: not conve r ged ? 1: conve r ge d _u wo rd agcg ain out cu rre nt agc gain value 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff the value 6 4 co rre sp ond s to x1.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 42 of 58 apr 18, 2013 me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_q_chromadec ar e show n b e l o w. typedef struct { vdec_colorsys colorsys ; _uword fscmode ; vdec_lock fsclock ; _uword noburst ; vdec_chromasubgain accsubgain ; _uword accmaingain ; _uword issecam ; _uword ispal ; _uword isntsc ; _uword locklevel ; } vdec_q_chromadec ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription vdec_ c ol ors y s colo r s y s out colo r sy stem detectio n re sult x vdec_csys _nts c: nts c x vdec_csys _pal: pal x vdec_csys _ secam: secam x vdec_ c sys _no n : un det ectabl e _u wo rd fscmod e out colo r sub-ca rrier fr equ en cy detection re sult x 0: 3.58mhz x 1: 4.43mhz vdec_ l o ck fs clo ck out burst lo ck pl l lock state d etection re sul t x vdec_unlock: unlock ed x vdec_ l o c k : locked _u wo rd nob u r s t out colo r bu rst d etection re sul t x 0: colo r burst pre s ent x 1: no col or b urst pre s ent vdec_ c h r om asubg ain accsu bgai n out cu rre nt acc gain value (sub) x vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _1 : 1 time x vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _2 : 2 time s x vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _4 : 4 time s x vd ec _ch r _su bg ain _8 : 8 time s _u wo rd accm aing ain out cu rre nt acc gain value (m ain) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 1ff the value 2 5 6 co rre sp ond s to 1 time. _u wo rd i sse ca m out secam dete c tion result x 0: not secam sign al x 1: secam signal _u wo rd ispal out pal detectio n re sult x 0: not pal signal x 1: pal signal _u wo rd is ntsc out ntsc d etecti on re sult x 0: not ntsc sign al x 1: ntsc si gn al _u wo rd locklevel out low s/n sign al detectio n result by bu rst lock pl l 0x0000 ~ 0x0 0ff
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 43 of 58 apr 18, 2013 me m b ers of t h e struct ure vd ec_q_digitalclamp are sh ow n bel o w. typedef struct { _uword clamplevel_y ; _uword clamplevel_cb ; _uword clamplevel_cr ; _uword acfstrength ; } vdec_q_digitalclamp ; ty pe member name input/ outpu t des c ription _uwo rd clam plevel_ y out digital cl amp subt ra ction value (y si gnal ) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 3ff 2s compl e ment _uwo rd clam plevel_ c b out digital cl amp subt ra ction value (cb sign al) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f 2s compl e ment _uwo rd clam plevel_ c r out digital cl amp subt ra ction value (cr sign al) 0x0000 ~ 0x0 03f 2s compl e ment _uwo rd acfstre ngth out noi s e auto c o rrel ation st ren gth at digital clam p pul se positio n (no r mal p ede stal po sition ) 0x0000 ~ 0xf fff
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 44 of 58 apr 18, 2013 3. user-defined functions dri v er calls vdec_in itialize and vdec_t erm i nate allow exec u tio n of user -d ef i n ed functio n s . ex am p les of th e user- defi ned f unct i o n a re s h o w n be l o w. 3.1 example of user-defined func tion w i thin vdec_initialize 1 /******************************************************************//** 2 * function name : init_vdec_callback 3 * @brief 4 * @param [in]_udword mode 5 * @retval void 6 *********************************************************************/ 7 void init_vdec_callback( _udword mode ) 8 { 9 /* standby control register 10 (stbcr10) 10 b7 0------- ; mstp107 : 0 : video decoder enable */ 11 cpg.stbcr10.byte &= ~0x80u ; 12 } 3.2 example of user-defined func tion w i thin vdec_ter minate 1 /******************************************************************//** 2 * function name : quit_vdec_callback 3 * @brief 4 * @param [in]_udword mode 5 * @retval void 6 *********************************************************************/ 7 void quit_vdec_callback( _udword mode ) 8 { 9 /* standby control register 10 (stbcr10) 10 b7 1------- ; mstp107 : video decoder disable */ 11 cpg.stbcr10.byte |= 0x80u ; 12 }
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 45 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4. example usage 4.1 recommended setting th e reco mm en d e d v a l u es and in itial v a lu es set in th e stru ct u r es as t h e argu m en t p aram et er o f t h e api fu n ction are stated b e l o w. if reco mm en d e d v a lu es of all me m b ers in th e stru ct u r es are equ a l to i n itial v a lu es, reco m m en d e d v a l u es are n o t stated. in th is section , in itial v alu e ind i cat es th e v al u e immed i atel y after a po wer-on reset. 4.1.1 setting for vdec_inpu t table 8 rec ommended value for th e structu re v dec_inpu tse l ection rec ommend ed value member name initial value ntsc -3.5 8 pal-m ntsc-4.43 pal-4.43 pal-n secam srcleft 316 256 256 srctop 20 16 19 srcheight 232 241 288 srcwidth 1280 1428 1412
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 46 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4.1.2 setting for vdec_sy n csep table 9 rec ommended value for th e structu re v dec_ noise r dlpf member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value lpfvsync vdec_lpf_vsync_ 0_54 vdec_lpf_vsync_0_54 lpfhsync vdec_lpf_hsync_1_ 34 vdec_lpf_hsync_0_94 table 10 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ atlv ctrlsy ncslicer member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value velocityshift_h vdec_velocity_ shift_1 vdec_vel ocity_shift_4 slicermode_h vdec_slice_mode_ auto_50 vdec_slice_mode_auto_50 slicermode_v vdec_slice_mode_ auto_50 vdec_slice_mode_auto_50 syncmaxduty_h 15u 15u syncminduty_h 10u 10u ssclipsel vdec_clip_lv_1023 vdec_clip_lv_1023 csyncslice_h 146u 146u syncmaxduty_v 15u 15u syncminduty_v 10u 9u vsyncdelay vdec _off vdec_off vsyncslice 11u 10u csyncslice_v 146u 146u table 11 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ hori zon t alafc rec ommend ed value member nam e initial value ntsc -3.5 8 pal-m ntsc -4.4 3 pal-4.43 pal-n secam hafcgain 6u 12u 12u hafcf r ee run vdec_ off vdec_off vdec_off hafctyp 692u 692u 704u hafcsta r t 0 0 0 nox2 ho sc 0 1u 1u dox2 ho sc 0 0 0 hafcmax 742u 792u 785u hafcend 8u 8u 8u hafcmod e 2u 2u 2u hafcmin 642u 592u 630u phdet_fix 0 0 0 phdet_ d iv vdec_p hdet_div_1 _32 vdec _p hdet_div_1 _32 vdec_phdet_div_1_32
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 47 of 58 apr 18, 2013 table 12 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_vc ountdo w n rec ommend ed value member nam e initial value ntsc -3.5 8 pal-m ntsc-4.43 pal-4.43 pal-n secam vcdfreerun vdec_off vdec_off vdec_off novcd50 vdec_on vdec_off vdec_on novcd60 vdec_on vdec_on vdec_off vcddefault vdec_vcnt_frq_auto vdec_v cnt_frq_59_94hz vdec_vcnt_frq_50hz vcdwindow 20u 30u 30u vcdoffset 10u 15u 15u table 13 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ agc rec ommend ed value member name initial value ntsc -3.5 8 ntsc -4.4 3 pal-4.43 pal-m pal-n secam agcmode vdec_off vdec_on vdec_on doreduce 0 0 0 noreduce 0 0 0 agcresponse 5u 4u 4u agclevel 236u 230u 242u agcprecis 10u 10u 10u pga_gain 0 0 0 table 14 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_pe akli m ctrl member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value peaklevel vdec_peaklv_li m_off vdec_peaklv_992 peakattack 2u 2u peakrelease 0 3u peakratio vdec_peakratio_ 50 vdec_peakratio_50 maxpeaksamples 0 20u
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 48 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4.1.3 setting for vdec_yc s ep table 15 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ycs epctrl rec ommend ed value member name initial value ntsc -3.5 8 ntsc -4.4 3 pal-4.43 pal-m pal-n secam k15 2u 2u 2u 2u k13 8u 8u 8u 8u k11 4u 4u 3u 4u k16 3u 3u 4u 3u k14 16u 16u 63u 16u k12 1u 8u 2u 1u k22a 64u 32u 32u 32u k21a 6u 6u 10u 10u k22b 16u 8u 15u 15u k21b 6u 6u 10u 6u k23b 6u 6u 3u 3u k23a 3u 3u 3u 3u k24 5u 5u 8u 8u hbpf_narrow vdec_filsel_- 17tap vdec_filsel_bypass hvbpf_narrow vdec_filsel_- 17tap vdec_filsel_bypass hbpf1_9tap_on vdec_bpfs e l_- 17tap vdec_bpfs e l_17tap hvbpf1_9tap_on vdec_bpfs e l_- 17tap vdec_bpfs e l_17tap hfil_tap_sel vdec_bpfs e l_- 17tap vdec_bpfs e l_17tap det2_on vdec_on vdec_o n vdec_off vdec_on hsel_mix_y vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_7 5 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_7 5 vsel_mix_y vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_7 5 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_7 5 hvsel_mix_y vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 v_y_level 3u 0 0 0 det2_mix_c vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 det2_mix_y vdec_filmix_- ratio_7 5 vdec_filmix_- ratio_2 5 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 vdec_filmix_- ratio_0 fil2_mo de_ 2 d vdec_filmode_- cascade vdec_filmode_- casca d e vdec_filmode_- bypass vdec_filmode_- casca d e fil2_ n arro w_ 2d vdec_filsel_- 17tap vdec_filsel_17tap
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 49 of 58 apr 18, 2013 th e reco mm en d e d v a l u es o f th e ch ro m a filte r tap co effici en t p a ram e ter fo r y/c sep a rati o n are shown belo w. th e reco mm en d e d v a lu es fo r th e filter tap co efficien t p a ram e te rs v a ry d e p e ndin g on th e settin gs in fil2_ mode_2d and fil2_narrow_2d . in case of pal form at, the recomm ended val u e of f il2_mode_2d is vdec_filmode_bypass (see table 15), so it is unnecessa ry to set the chrom a filter tap c o e fficient param e ter for y/c sep a ration. in case of ntsc fo rm at, th e reco mm en d e d v a lu es are equal to th e i n itial v a lu es. table 16 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ chrfilt ap rec ommend ed value member name initial value ntsc -3.5 8 ntsc -4.4 3 pal-4.43 pal-m pal-n secam 0x0018 0x0018 (24) - 0x1014 (-20) 0x002c 0x002c (44) - 0x0018 (24) 0x0014 0x0014 (20) - 0x0040 (64) 0x1034 0x1034 (-52) - 0x0028 (40) 0x1080 0x1080 (-128) - 0x104c (-76) 0x1080 0x1080 (-128) - 0x10a4 (-164) 0x100c 0x100c (-12) - 0x1054 (-84) 0x0084 0x0084 (132) - 0x006c (108) fil2_2 d_f[ ] (wa_ f 0 ~ wa_f8) 0x00c8 0x00c8 (200) - 0x00d8 (216) 0x100c - - 0x100c (-12) 0x0028 - - 0x0028 (40) 0x003c - - 0x003c (60) 0x000c - - 0x000c (12) 0x1068 - - 0x1068 (-104) 0x109c - - 0x109c (-156) 0x1040 - - 0x1040 (-64) 0x0078 - - 0x0078 (120) fil2_2d_f[ ] (wb_f0 ~ wb_f8) 0x00d0 - - 0x00d0 (208) 0x0018 0x0018 (24) - 0x13f0 (-1008) 0x002c 0x002c (44) - 0x07b8 (1976) 0x0014 0x0014 (20) - 0x17e8 (-2024) 0x1034 0x1034 (-52) - 0x01bc (444) 0x1080 0x1080 (-128) - 0x074c (1868) 0x1080 0x1080 (-128) - 0x1b30 (-2864) 0x100c 0x100c (-12) - 0x0548 (1352) 0x0084 0x0084 (132) - 0x0560 (1376) fil2_2 d_f[ ] (na_ f0 ~ na_f8) 0x00c8 0x00c8 (200) - 0x18c0 (-2240) 0x1438 - - 0x1438 (-1080) 0x0af0 - - 0x0af0 (2800) 0x1cec - - 0x1cec (-3308) 0x065c - - 0x065c (1628) 0x05a4 - - 0x05a4 (1444) 0x1cec - - 0x1cec (-3308) 0x085c - - 0x085c (2140) 0x0178 - - 0x0178 (376) fil2_2d_f[ ] (nb_f0 ~ nb_f8) 0x1568 - - 0x1568 (-1384) note: value s in the parenthe se s are p r e s ente d in deci m al form.
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 50 of 58 apr 18, 2013 table 17 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ ov errange member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value radj_o_level0 1023u 992u radj_u_level0 0 64u radj_o_level1 1023u 960u radj_u_level1 0 48u radj_o_level2 1023u 928u radj_u_level2 0 32u test_moni 0 0 radj_mix_k_fix 0 0 ucmp_sw vdec_off vdec_on dcmp_sw vdec_off vdec_on hwide_sw vdec_on vdec_on
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 51 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4.1.4 setting for vdec_ c hromadec table 18 re commended value for th e struc t ure v d ec_ colorsy sde t rec ommend ed value member nam e initial value ntsc-3.58 ntsc-4.43 pal-4.43 pal-m pal-n secam default s ys vdec_- csys_- ntsc vdec_csys _nts c vdec_csys _pal vdec_- csys_- secam nontsc358 vdec_on vdec_on vdec_off vd ec_off vdec_off vdec_off vdec_off nontsc443 vdec_on vdec_off vdec_on v dec_off vdec_off vdec_off vdec_off nopalm vdec_on vdec_off vdec_off vdec_off vdec _on vdec_off vdec_off nopaln vdec_on vdec_off vdec_off vdec_off vdec _off vdec_on vdec_off nopal443 vdec_on vdec_o ff vdec_off vdec_on vdec_ off vdec_off vdec_off nosecam vdec_on vdec_off vdec_off vdec_o ff vdec_off vdec _off vdec_on lumadelay 0 0 chromalpf vdec_o ff vdec_off d e mo d m od e vdec_- demm d_- pal vdec_demmd_pal table 19 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ bco member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value lockrange vdec_bst_lckrng_800 hz vdec_bst_lckrng_800hz loopgain 1u 3u locklimit 2u 1u bcofreerun vdec_off vdec_off bgpcheck 0 0 bgpwidth 36u 54u bgpstart 130u 110u table 20 recommended value for the structure vdec_colorkiller member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value killeroffset 8u 5u killermode vdec_off vdec_off killerlevel 9u 4u
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 52 of 58 apr 18, 2013 table 21 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ ac cctrl rec ommend ed value member name initial value ntsc -3.5 8 ntsc-4.4 3 pal-4.43 secam pal-m pal-n accmode 0 0 0 accmaxgain vdec_acc_maxgain_6 vdec_ acc_maxgain_6 vdec_acc_maxgain_6 acclevel 292u 220u 230u chromasubgain vdec_chr_subgain_1 vdec_chr_subgain_1 vdec_chr_subgain_1 chromamaingain 256u 210u 210u accresponse 1u 1u 1u accprecis 20u 8u 8u
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 53 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4.1.5 setting for vdec_ d igitalclamp table 22 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_pd s tlcn trclamp member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value dcpresponse 5u 0 dcpstart 16u 16u dcpend 16u 16u dcpwidth 54u 27u pedestalclamp -* -* centerclamp -* -* note: * for the settings of ped est alcla m p an d cente r clamp , see tabl e 2 3 and table 2 4 . table 23 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_pe des ta lclamp member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value dcpmode_y 1u 1u dcpcheck 0 0 dcppos_y 162u 162u blanklevel_y 0 984u (-40)* clp_hold_on_y vd ec_on vdec_off note: * the re com m end ed valu e is -4 0, but it is nec ess a ry to be s e t in 10-bit 2?s c o mplement form. therefore it is set to 984 (0 x03d8 ) . table 24 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ cen t er clamp member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value dcpmode_c 0 0 dcppos_c 27u 54u blanklevel_cb 0 0 blanklevel_cr 0 0 clp_hold_on_cb vdec_on vdec_off clp_hold_on_cr vd ec_on vdec_off table 25 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ noise d et member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value acfinput vdec_vdsig_atcrr _y vdec_vdsig_atcrr_y acflagtime 0 0 acffilter 0 3u
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 54 of 58 apr 18, 2013 4.1.6 setting for vdec_ o utput table 26 re commended value for th e struc t ure v dec_ outadj member name initial va lue rec ommend ed value y_gain2 512u 816u cb_gain2 512u 663u cr_gain2 512u 663u
SH7268/sh7269 group digital video d ecoder driver user's manual r01a n0 779e j01 00 rev.1 . 00 page 55 of 58 apr 18, 2013 website and suppor t r e nesas el ect r oni cs w e bsi t e h ttp :// m / inqu iries /inqui ry all tradem arks and registere d tradem arks ar e the property of their res p ective owne rs.
a-1 revision record des c ription rev . da te page sum m a ry 1.00 apr.18.2013 ? first edition issued
general precautions in the handling of mpu/mcu products th e fo llowing u s ag e n o t es are app licab le to all mpu/mcu p r od u c ts fro m ren e sas. fo r detailed u s ag e no tes o n th e pr o duct s c o ver e d by t h i s m a nual , refe r t o t h e rel e va nt s ect i o ns of t h e m a nu al . if t h e desc ri pt i o n s un der g e neral preca utions in the ha ndling of mpu/ mcu products and i n the body of t h e m a nual diffe r from each othe r, t h e descri ption in t h e body of the manual takes precede n ce. 1. han d ling of unused pin s han d le un used pin s in accord with the d i re ction s give n unde r hand ling of unu s e d pins in the manu al. ? the inp u t pin s of cmos p r odu cts a r e ge nerally in the high -impe dan ce state. in o peration with an unu sed pi n in the open -ci r cuit state, extra elect r oma g netic noi se i s indu ced in th e vicinity of lsi, an asso ciated sh oot-throug h current flows intern ally, and malfunctio n s occur d ue to the false re cog nition of the pin state as an in put si gnal be co me possibl e. unu s ed pi ns sho uld be ha ndle d as describe d un der han d ling of unu s ed pi ns in the ma n ual. 2. processin g at power-o n the state of the produ ct is undefin ed at the mome nt when po we r is sup plied. ? the state s of intern al circui ts in the lsi are ind etermi n ate and the st ates of re gist er settings a n d pins a r e u nde fined at the moment when power i s su p p lied. in a finished pro du c t whe r e the re set si gnal is a pplie d to the external re set pin, the states of pins are n o t guara n teed from th e moment wh en po we r is supplie d until the re set pr ocess is compl e ted. in a similar way, the states of pins in a p r od uc t that is re set by an o n -chip p o wer-on re set fun c tion are n o t guara n teed from th e moment wh en po we r is supplie d until the po we r rea c he s the level at whi c h resetting has b een specifie d. 3. prohibitio n of access to re se rved add r e s ses access to re served a ddresse s is p r ohi bited. ? the re se rved addresse s are provid ed for the possible future expa nsi on of functio n s. do n o t acce ss these a dd r e s se s; the co rre ct ope ration o f ls i is not guara n teed if they are a c cessed. 4. clo ck sig nal s after applying a reset, only rele ase the re set line after t he ope ratin g clo ck sign al h as be co me st able. whe n switchi ng the clo c k signal du rin g p r og ram ex e c u t ion, wait until the target clo ck sign al ha s stabili zed. ? when the clock signal is gene rated with an external resonator (or from an exter nal oscillator) duri ng a reset , ensure that the reset line i s only re l e ased after full st abilization of the clock signal. more over, wh en switchi ng to a clo ck sign al pro du c ed with an external re so nator (or by an exte rnal oscillator) whi le program ex ecution is in progress, wait until t he target clock signal is stabl e. 5. differe nces b etwee n prod ucts before chan g ing from on e pro d u c t to another, i.e. to one with a differe nt type number, confirm that the cha nge will n o t lead to pro b lem s . ? the characteristics of mpu/mcu in the same group but having different type numbers may differ because of the differences in internal memory capacity and layout pattern. when changing to products of different type numbers, implement a system-evaluation test for each of the products.
notice 1. descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operati on of semiconductor products and application examples. you are fully responsible for the incorporation of these circuits, software, and information in the design of your equipment. renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information. 2. renesas electronics has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but renesas electronics does not warrant that such information is error free. renesas electronics assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred by you resulting from errors in or omissions from the information incl uded herein. 3. renesas electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rig hts of third parties by or arising from the use of renesas electronics products or technical information described in this document. no license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted hereby under any paten ts, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of renesas electronics or others. 4. you should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any renesas electronics product, whether in whole or in part. renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from such alteration, modification, copy or otherwise misappropriation of renesas electronics product. 5. renesas electronics products are classified according to the following two quality grades: "standard" and "high quality". th e recommended applications for each renesas electronics product depends on the product's quality grade, as indicated below. "standard": computers; office equipment; communications equipment; test and equipment; and industrial robots etc. "high quality": transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.); traffic control systems; anti-disaster syst ems; anti-crime systems; and safety equipment etc. renesas electronics products are neither intended nor authorized for use in products or systems that may pose a direct t hreat to human life or bodily injury (artificial implantations etc.), or may cause serious property damages (nuclear reactor control systems, military equipment etc.). you must check the quality grade of each renesas electronics product before using it in a particular application. you may not use any renesas electronics product for any application for which it is not intended. renesas electronics shall not be in any way liable for any damages or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any renesas electronics product for which the product is not intended by renesas electronics. 6. you should use the renesas electronics products described in this document within the range specified by renesas electronics, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. renesas e lectronics shall have no use of renesas electronics products beyond such specified ranges. 7. although renesas electronics endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, semiconductor products have sp ecific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. further, renesas electronics products are not subject to radiation resistance desig n. please be sure to implement possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other appropriate measures. because the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or systems manufactured by you. 8. please contact a renesas electronics sales office for details as to products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substan ces, including without limitation, the eu rohs directive. renesas electronics assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of your noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. 9. renesas electronics products and technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufactur e, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations. you should not use renesas electronics products or technology described in this document for any purpose relating to military applications or use by the military, including but not limited to the development of weapons of mass destruction. when exporting the renesas regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. 10. it is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of renesas electronics products, who distributes, disposes of, or other wise places the product with a third party, to notify such third party in advance of the contents and conditions set forth in this document, renesas electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties as a result of unauthorized use of renesas electronics products. 11. this document may not be reproduced or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of renesas electronics. 12. please contact a renesas electronics sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this docu ment or renesas electronics products, or if you have any other inquiries. (note 1) "renesas electronics" as used in this document means renesas electronics corporation and also includes its majority-own ed subsidiaries. (note 2) "renesas electronics product(s)" means any product developed or manufactured by or for renesas electronics. the event of the failure of a renesas electronics product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not li mited to environmenta l matters such as the environmental compatibility of each renesas electronics product. please use renesas electron ics liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the safety measures to guard them against the life support devices or systems, surgical 11f., samik lavied' or bldg., 720-2 yeoksam-dong, kangnam-ku, seoul 135-080, korea tel: +82-2-558-3737, fax: +82-2-558-5141 unit 906, block b, menara amcorp, amcorp trade centre, no. 18, jln persiaran barat, 46050 petaling jaya, selangor darul ehsan, malaysia tel: +60-3-7955-9390, fax: +60-3-7955-9510 80 bendemeer road, unit #06-02 hyflux innovation centre singapore 339949 tel: +65-6213-0200, fax: +65-6213-0300 13f, no. 363, fu shing north road, taipei, taiwan tel: +886-2-8175-9600, fax: +886 2-8175-9670 unit 1601-1613, 16/f., tower 2, grand century place, 193 prince edward road west, mongkok, kowloon, hong kong tel: +852-2886-9318, fax: +852 2886-9022/9044 unit 204, 205, azia center, no.1233 lujiazui ring rd., pudong district, shanghai 200120, china tel: +86-21-5877-1818, fax: +86-21-6887-7858 / -7898 7th floor, quantum plaza, no.27 zhichunlu haidian district, beijing 100083, p.r.china tel: +86-10-8235-1155, fax: +86-10-8235-7679 arcadiastrasse 10, 40472 d tel: +49-211-65030, fax: +49-211-6503-1327 sseldorf, germany dukes meadow, millboard road, bourne end, buckinghamshire, sl8 5fh, u.k tel: +44-1628-651-700, fax: +44-1628-651-804 1101 nicholson road, newmarket, ontario l3y 9c3, canada tel: +1-905-898-5441, fax: +1-905-898-3220 2880 scott boulevard santa clara, ca 95050-2554, u.s.a. tel: +1-408-588-6000, fax: +1-408-588-6130 refer to "" for the latest and detailed information. renesas electronics canada limited renesas electronics europe limited renesas electronics america inc. renesas electronics (china) co., ltd. renesas electronics (shanghai) co., ltd. renesas electronics europe gmbh renesas electronics taiwan co., ltd. renesas electronics singapore pte. ltd. renesas electronics hong kong limited renesas electronics korea co., ltd. renesas electronics malaysia sdn.bhd. sales offices ? 2013 renesas electronics corporation. all rights reserved. colophon 2.2 meas urement equipment; audio and visual equipment; home electronic appliances; machine tools; personal electronic electron ics products or technology described in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and

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