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  S1C33L01 32-bit single chip microcontroller high-speed 32-bit risc core multiply accumulation built-in lcd controller 10-bit adc built-in rom and ram twin-clock oscillator ? descriptions the S1C33L01 is a cmos 32-bit microcontro ller composed of a cmos 32-bit risc core, rom, ram, dma, timers, sio, pll, lcdc and other circuits. the s1c 33l01 can be operated with high speed and spend little current. with the adc, pwm and the mac function, the S1C33L01 is su itable for voice applications and pdas. ? features cmos lsi 32-bit parallel processing s1c33000 risc core main clock 50mhz (max., up to 12.5mhz external clock input) sub clock 32.768khz (typ., crystal) instruction set 16-bit fi xed length, 105 instructions (mac instruction is included, 2 cycles) internal rom size 128k bytes internal ram size data ram : 8k bytes vram : 40k bytes lcd controller 4/8-bit m onochrome/color lcd interface active-matrix tft/d-tfd interface 1, 2 or 4 bits/pixel; 2, 4, or 16-level gray-scale display 1, 2, 4 or 8 bits/pixel; 2, 4, 16 or 256 color display clock timer 1 channel programmable timer 8 bits 4 channels and 16 bits 6 channels pwm timer realized with a 16-bit programmable timer watchdog timer realized with a 16-bit programmable timer serial interface 2 channels clock synchronization type and asynch ronization type are selectable. usable as an infrared ray (irda) interface. 10-bit a/d converter successive approximation type, 8 input channels high-speed dma 4 channels intelligent dma 128 channels i/o port input port : 13 bits i/o port : 29 bits pins are shared with the inputs and outputs of built-in peripheral circuits. interrupt controller exte rnal interrupts : 6 types internal interrupts : 29 types external bus interface 24-bit address bus, 16-bit data bus, 7 chip enable pins dram and burst rom may be connected directly. shipping form qfp21-176pin or chip supply voltage core voltage : 1.8 to 3.6v i/o voltage : 1.8 to 5.5v current consumption sleep state : 10 a (3.3v, 32.768khz, clock timer run state, typ.) : 2.5 a (2.0v, 32.768khz, clock timer run state, typ.) run state : 60ma (3.3v, 50mhz typ.)
S1C33L01 2 ? block diagram semiconductor operations division seiko epson corporation ic sales department ic international sales group 421-8 hino, hino-shi, tokyo 191-8501, japan phone: +81-42-587-5814 fax: +81-42-587-5117 notice: no part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any fo rm or by any means without the written permission of seiko ep son. seiko epson reserves the right to make c hanges to this material without notice. se iko epson does not assume any liability of a ny kind arising out of any inaccuracies contained in this material or due to its application or use in any product or circuit and, furt her, there is no representation that this material is app licable to products requiring high level reliab ility, such as, medical products. moreo ver, no license to any intellectual property rights is granted by implication or otherwise, and there is no representation or warranty that any thing made in accordance with this material will be free from any patent or copy right infringement of a third party. this material or portio ns thereof may contain technology or the subject relati ng to strategic products under the control of the foreign exchange and foreign trade la w of japan and may require an export license from the ministry of economy, trade and industry or other approval from another government ag ency. all brands or product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of t heir respective companies. ?seiko epson corporation 2009, all rights reserved. ? epson semiconductor website document code: 411875000 first issue dec, 2009

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