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To Download TB0292A Datasheet File

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  tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 1 tst dcc release document tai-saw technology co., ltd. no. 3, industrial 2nd rd., ping-chen industrial district, taoyuan, 324, taiwan, r.o.c. tel: 886-3-4690038 fax: 886-3-4697532 e-mail: web: approval sheet for product specification issued date: product name: if saw filter 80 mhz smd13.3x6.5 tst parts no.: TB0292A customer parts no.: company: division: approved by : date: checked by: andy yu approval by: francis chen date: 2008/05/05
tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 2 tst dcc release document tai-saw technology co., ltd. no. 3, industrial 2nd rd., ping-chen industrial district, taoyuan, 324, taiwan, r.o.c. tel: 886-3-4690038 fax: 886-3-4697532 e-mail: web: if saw filter 80 mhz (smd 13.3x6.5) model no.:TB0292A rev. no.:4.0 a. maximum rating: 1.input power level: 10 dbm 2.operating temperature: -40 c to +65 c temperature: -40 c to +85 c b. electrical characteristics: item unit min. type. max. center frequency, fc mhz 80 - insertion loss, il at fc db 9.89 11.5 1 db bandwidth mhz 8.4 11 3 db bandwidth mhz 9.0 11.7 35 db bandwidth mhz - 14.2 a mplitude ripple in fc 3.7mhz db - 0.6 1.0 group delay ripple in fc 3.7mhz ns - 110 160 relative attenuation: 10 to 71 db 40 43 89 to 140 db 40 44 substrate material yz-ln temperature coefficient of frequency ppm/ c -94 rohs compliant lead free lead-free soldering
tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 3 tst dcc release document c.outline drawing: pin a=b: rf input pin h=g: rf output pin c, d, e, f, j, k, n, m: to be ground : week code (follow the table from planner each year) unit : mm (week01, 02, 03?52 =>a, b, c?z) : product / year code year 2005 2009 2006 2010 2007 2011 2008 2012 product code b b b b e.measurement circuit: saw filter l1 l2 c1 c2 zin zout ke c1 = 68 pf l1 = 270 nh c2 = 72 pf l2 = 150 nh 2 9 2
tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 4 tst dcc release document d.frequency chracteristics: 1.s21 response: 2. group delay:
tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 5 tst dcc release document 3. wideband response:
tai-saw technology co., ltd. . fr-71s03-01 6 tst dcc release document e. b reel dimension (reel count: 7?=300 ty p.; 13?=1000 typ. ) tape dimension 2 9 2 2 9 2

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