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  1 hc-49/s, low profile, smd miniature quartz crystal 49smlb / 49sab / 49sub / 49snc ds-153 rev e13 | 05/27/2005 pericom semiconductor corporation ? 1-800-435-2336 ? all specifications are subject to change without notice. product description the crystals are miniature at or bt cut strip resonators housed in low profile packages for surface mounting. the parts present a proven metal package technology with a precision molded base and universal contact configuration . product features ? 49snc is interchangeable with popular molded crystal configurations. ? lead (pb)-free rohs compliant version available typical applications ? set-top box ? clock/vcxo multiplier ? fibre channel ? ethernet ? modems ? adsl ? isdn ? microcontrollers ? remote control devices ? network processors ? audio/video frequency range: ? 3.2 to 29.999 mhz, at fundamental ? 26.8 to 50.000 mhz, bt fundamental ? 30.0 to 80.000 mhz, at 3rd ot temperature range: ? operating: C20 to +70c standard (see options below) ? storage: C55 to +125c temperature stability tolerance: ? 30ppm, C20 to +70c ? 50ppm, C40 to +85c, or ? 100ppm, C40 to +85c ? 0 to C100ppm for bt ? others available characteristics at 25c 2c: ? frequency calibration tolerance: 30ppm, 50ppm (others avail) ? load capacitance: 16 to 32pf or series resonance ? effective series resistance: 30 to 200-ohm (frequency dependent) ? drive level: 100w correlation, 500w max operating ? shunt capacitance: 7pf max. mechanical: ? shock: mil-std-883, method 2002, condition b ? solderability: mil-std-883, method 2003 ? solderability: jesd22-b102-d method 2 (preconditioning e) ? terminal strength: mil-std-202, method 211, conditions a and c ? vibration: mil-std-883, method 2007, condition a ? solvent resistance: mil-std-202, method 215 ? resistance to soldering heat: mil-std-202, method 210 , condition i or j ? resistance to soldering heat: j-std-020c table 5-2 pb-free devices (3 cycles max) environmental: ? gross test leak: mil-std-883, method 1014, condition c ? fine test leak: mil-std-883, method 1014, condition a ? thermal shock: mil-std-883, method 1011, condition a ? moisture resistance: mil-std-883, method 1004 reflow temperature: ? standard: 240c max ? lead-free: 260c max, 10 sec max actual size
2 hc-49/s, low profile, smd miniature quartz crystal 49smlb / 49sab / 49sub / 49snc pericom semiconductor corporation ? 1-800-435-2336 ? ds-153 rev e13 | 05/27/2005 all specifications are subject to change without notice. ordering information packaging information: hc-49 package marking information line 1: s = saronix xxx = calib/stability/temp code yywwx = date code line 2: frequency (up to 7 digits, including decimal point) bt-cut = b or at-cut parallel = C(dash) or at-cut series = leave blank xx = load capacitance (leave blank if series) sxxxyywwx 24.5760-xx ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ???? ? ??? ? ? ??? ? ????? ? ???????? ?????? ? ??????? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ???????? ????????? ???????? ? ???????? ???? ? ????????????????? ? ????????????????? ? ?? ? ??? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ????? ? ?????? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? type / package 49smlb = 2 contact, 4mm high 49sab = 4 contact, 5 mm high 49snc = 4 contact, 5mm high 49sub = 6 contact, 5mm high frequency frequency (in mhz) = 0x.xxxx, xx.xxxx (a zero is used in front of frequencies under 10 mhz) b = bt-cut, 26.8 to 50 mhz C (dash) = at-cut parallel resonance blank = at-cut series resonance options (t) = tape and reel (full increments only) 1000 pieces blank = bulk calibration / stability / temp range ggc = 30ppm / 30ppm / -20 to +70c ghe = 30ppm / 50ppm / -40 to +85c hje = 50ppm / 100ppm / -40 to +85c *others available load capacitance xx = parallel resonance (specify load) blank = series resonance part number examples: freq 5.1234mhz, 30ppm calib, 30ppm stability, -20 to +70c, 16pf = 49smlb05.1234-16ggc = 49smlb05.1234-16ggcCe (for lead-free) 49xxx xxx C xx xxx x (x) ???? ? ? ???? ???? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? pad connection configurations ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ?? ? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????????????? land pattern Ce (dash e) = lead (pb)-free rohs compliant version blank = standard version
3 hc-49/s, low profile, smd miniature quartz crystal 49smlb / 49sab / 49sub / 49snc pericom semiconductor corporation ? 1-800-435-2336 ? ds-153 rev e13 | 05/27/2005 all specifications are subject to change without notice. this page not recommended for new designs, see pages 1-2 this page not recommended for new designs, see pages 1-2 ordering information packaging information: hc-49 package marking information products with custom frequency, calibration, stability, temp: line 1: s = saronix C(dash) = separator xxx = calib/stability/temp code line 2: frequency (up to 7 digits, including decimal point) bt-cut = b or at-cut parallel = C(dash) or at-cut series = leave blank xx = load capacitance (leave blank if series) sCxxxyyww 24.5760-xx ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ???? ? ??? ? ? ??? ? ????? ? ???????? ?????? ? ??????? ? ? ??? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ???????? ????????? ???????? ? ???????? ???? ? ????????????????? ? ????????????????? ? ?? ? ??? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ? ? ??? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?? ????? ? ?????? ?? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? type / package 49smlb = 2 contact, 4mm high 49sab = 4 contact, 5 mm high 49snc = 4 contact, 5mm high 49sub = 6 contact, 5mm high frequency common frequency code, select code from list on page 4 (applies only to 50ppm calibration, 50ppm stability, -20 to +70c). if code not listed on page 4: then custom frequency (in mhz) = 0x.xxxx, xx.xxxx (a zero is used in front of frequencies under 10 mhz) b = bt-cut, 26.8 to 50 mhz C (dash) = at-cut parallel resonance blank = at-cut series resonance options** (t) = tape and reel (full increments only) 1000 pieces blank = bulk calibration / stability / temp range eea = 20ppm / 20ppm / 0 to +50c ggc = 30ppm / 30ppm / -20 to +70c ghc = 30ppm / 50ppm / -20 to +70c *blank = 50ppm / 50ppm / -20 to +70c ghe = 30ppm / 50ppm / -40 to +90c hhe = 50ppm / 50ppm / -40 to +90c hje = 50ppm / 100ppm / -40 to +90c load capacitance xx = parallel resonance (specify load) blank = series resonance part number examples: common freq 20mhz, 50ppm calib, 50ppm stability, -20 to +70c, 12pf = 49smlb200-12-e (lead free) common freq 20mhz, 50ppm calib, 50ppm stability, -20 to +70c, series = 49smlb200 custom freq 5.1234mhz, 30ppm calib, 30ppm stability, -20 to +70c, 16pf = 49smlb05.1234-16ggc 49xxx xxx C xx xxx (x) x Ce (dash e) = lead (pb)-free rohs compliant version blank = standard version products with custom frequency and standard specifications: line 1: s = saronix yyww = date code line 2: frequency (up to 7 digits, including decimal point) bt-cut = b or at-cut parallel = C(dash) or at-cut series = leave blank xx = load capacitance (leave blank if series) syyww 24.5760-xx *no code used, as these specs designate standard confguration for this series
4 hc-49/s, low profile, smd miniature quartz crystal 49smlb / 49sab / 49sub / 49snc pericom semiconductor corporation ? 1-800-435-2336 ? ds-153 rev e13 | 05/27/2005 all specifications are subject to change without notice. this page not recommended for new designs, see pages 1-2 this page not recommended for new designs, see pages 1-2 freq. mhz 3.579545 3.686400 4.000000 4.915200 5.068800 6.000000 7.372800 8.000000 10.000000 11.059200 12.000000 12.288000 14.318180 15.000000 16.000000 18.000000 18.432000 19.660800 20.000000 24.000000 24.576000 25.000000 26.800000 28.000000 29.491200 30.000000 32.000000 32.256000 33.000000 33.333000 33.868000 35.251200 36.000000 40.000000 40.320000 40.960000 42.000000 42.500000 45.000000 46.000000 48.000000 50.000000 52.416000 56.448000 60.000000 66.666667 legacy part number format freq. code 035 037 040 049 051 060 073 080 100 111 120 122 143 150 160 180 184 196 200 240 245 250 268 280 294 300 320 322 330 333 338 352 360 400 403 409 420 425 450 460 480 500 524 564 600 666 maximum esr (fundamental) 200 160 150 150 120 100 80 80 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 maximum esr (3rd ot) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 to be used only with 50ppm calibration, 50ppm stability over -20 to +70c ??????? ????????????????? ???????? ??? ????????????? ? ??? ???????? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ? ???? ??? ??? common frequency codes: solder reflow guide

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