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  advanced power n-channel insulated gate electronics corp. bipolar transistor high input impedance v ce high peak current capability i cp low gate drive strobe flash applications absolute maximum ratings electrical characteristics@t j =25 o c(unless otherwise specified) symbol min. typ. max. units i ges - - 10 ua i ces - - 10 ua v ce(sat) - 5.2 9 v v ge(th) 0.3 - 1.2 v q g - 76 130 nc q ge -4- nc q gc -26- nc t d(on) - 220 - ns t r - 800 - ns t d(off) - 1.6 - s t f - 1.5 - s c ies - 4485 8240 pf c oes -44- pf c res -40- pf rth ja 1 - - 125 /w notes: 1.surface mounted on 1 in 2 copper pad of fr4 board, t=10s. data and specifications subject to change without notice v ge =2.5v, i cp =150a (pulsed) v ce =v ge , i c =250ua gate-emitter leakage current collector-emitter leakage current collector-emitter saturation voltage gate threshold voltage parameter t stg v ge = 6v, v ce =0v v ce =400v, v ge =0v t j gate-collector charge turn-on delay time turn-off delay time i c =40a gate-emitter charge total gate charge input capacitance output capacitance f=1.0mhz rise time AP28G40GEO symbol v ce 400v 150a rating collector-emitter voltage units parameter rohs-compliant product v 400 storage temperature range pulsed collector current, v ge @ 2.5v a -55 to 150 w v maximum power dissipation v gep i cp p d @t a =25 1 peak gate-emitter voltage 6 150 1 v cc =320v operating junction temperature range 150 1 test conditions reverse transfer capacitance 200805306 v ce =200v v ge =4v v ce =30v r g =10 i c =160a v ge =0v thermal resistance junction-ambient v ge =4v fall time g c e g e e e c c c c tssop-8
fig 1. typical output characteristics fig 2. typical output characteristics fig 3. collector current v.s. fig 4. collector- emitter saturation voltage gate-emitter voltage v.s. junction temperature fig 5. collector current v.s. fig 6. collector current v.s. gate-emitter voltage gate-emitter voltage 2 AP28G40GEO 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 junction temperature ( o c) v ce(sat) ,saturation voltage(v) v ge =4.0v i c =90a i c =20a i c =60a 0 20 40 60 80 02468 v ce , collector-emitter voltage (v) i c , collector current (a) t a = 150 o c 5.0 v 4. 5 v 3.5 v 3 .0v v g = 2.5 v 0 40 80 120 160 02468 v ce , collector-emitter voltage (v) i c , collector current (a) t a =25 o c 5.0v 4.5v 3.5v 3.0v v g =2.5v 1 2 3 4 5 6 0123456 v ge , gate-emitter voltage(v) v ce ,collector-emitter voltage(v) i c = 120a t a =25 o c 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0123456 v ge , gate-emitter voltage (v) i c , collector current(a) v ce =6.0v t a =150 o c i c =80a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0123456 v ge , gate-emitter voltage(v) v ce ,collector-emitter voltage(v) t a =150 o c i c =80a i c =40a i c =60a i c =40a t a =25 o c
fi g 7. t yp ical ca p acitance characterisitics fig 8. maximum pulse collector current fig 9. switching time test circuit fig 10. switching time waveform fig 11. gate charge test circuit fig 12. gate charge waveform 3 AP28G40GEO t d(on) t r t d(off) t f v ce v ge 10% 90% to the oscilloscope - + 4v c g e v ce v ge r g r c v cc =320 v 10 100 1000 10000 1 5 9 13172125293337 v ce , collector-emitter voltage (v)) c (pf) f =1.0mhz cies coes cres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 q g , gate charge (nc) v ge , gate -emitter voltage (v) i cp =40a v ce =200v 0 40 80 120 160 ???? v ge , gate-to-emitter voltage (v) i cp , peak collector current (a) t c =70 o c v cc =200v to the oscilloscope - + c g v ce v ge i c i g 1~3ma e
dv/dt design notice definition of dv/dt waveform caution on usage 4 AP28G40GEO 33333333 you should be design dv/dt value is below 400v/us, r g =30 ? caution.

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