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fea tures mechanical specifica tion t el.: (310) 767-1052 fax: (310) 767-7958 diotec electronics corp . gardena, ca 90248 u.s.a 18020 hobart blvd., unit b e45 35 amp silicon bridge rectifiers mechanical da t a maximum ra tings & electrical characteristics ! #"$ ! % & ' ( & ) *+, & ( - ! ( ! /. ! ( % & ! 0% *1 t 2 , t 3'465 i 7 c -55 to +150 a verage forward rectified current @ t = 50 c 8 9 peak forward surge current. . t = 150 c : ; single 60hz half-sine w ave superimposed on rated load (jedec method) junction operating and s torage t emperature range p arameter (test conditions) maximum dc blocking v olt age maximum peak recurrent reverse v olt age w orking peak reverse v olt age series number v <>=@? v a%a%b v ced c%fg h v i%j symbol kml%npoq%rtsu%vxw%y db z%[]\%^`_%acbedgfeh amps units vol ts i-j-k!l$mon-p-q!r$sot-u!v-w$xzy-{-|-|$}m~-!?$?-???-?!?-?$?o?!?-?!?6?e?-?-?!?$?/?-?!?-?$?/?!?$??$? 1000 400 600 800 50 100 200 400 600 800 rms reverse v olt age 280 420 560 35 70 140 280 420 700 560 controlled a v alanche non-controlled a v alanche rating for fusing (non repetitive; 1ms < t < 8.3ms) i t ? 35 amps ? sec i ?-?? r v 6| maximum forward v olt age (per diode) at 17.5 amp s dc vol ts vdc n/an/a mimimum a valanche v olt age maximum a valanche v olt age v %?a>?-? ? v %2%3! maximum reverse current at rated v ?% @ t = 25 c ? 1 @t = 125 c o ? i ?%? minimum insulation breakdown v olt age (circuit to case) v ? ?' t ypical thermal resist ance, junction to case see note 1see note 1 1.05 1 50 m a 2500 c/w 1.2 a ? ? ? a ? ? 664 500 ra tings series: db3500p - db3510p and ADB3504P - adb3508p suffix "t" indicates f ast -on terminals suffix "w" indicates wire leads max. mounting torque = 20 in-lb. case:t erminals: round silver plated copper pins or fast-on terminals soldering: per mil-std 202 method 208 guaranteedpolarity: marked on side of case mounting position: any . through hole for #8 screw . w eight: fast-on t erminals - 0.7 ounces (20.0 grams) case: molded epoxy with integral heat sink epoxy carries a u/l flammability rating of 94v -0 w ire leads - 0.55 ounces (16.0 grams) inches millimeters min 9.6 17.5 15.7 28.4 sym bl bh d1 d2 max max 10.2 16.7 18.5 28.7 0.69 min 1.12 0.38 0.62 1.13 0.40 0.66 0.73 d3 0.53 13.5 14.5 0.57 l t 0.6 15.2 n/a n/a inches millimeters min 9.6 10.9 17.5 28.4 sym bl bh d1 ll d2 max max 10.2 18.5 1 1.9 28.7 0.43 min 1.12 0.38 0.69 1.13 0.40 0.73 0.47 ld 1.0 1.1 0.039 0.042 0.81 20.6 n/a n/a d3 d1 d1 bl hole for#8 screw d2 bl bh l t hole for#8 screw ld ll bh d1 d2 bl d1 bl ?? ? ee? ? ? ? ?? ? ?-?6y t>? + _ a? ul recognized - file #e141956 rohs compliant ? ?!? ? ? ?? ? ! ?? ? e?? + _ 6 ?6? + _ ?6 ?6 buil t -in stress relief mechanism for superior reliability and performance integrall y molded hea t sink provides ver y low thermal resist ance for maximum hea t dissip a tion void free v acuum die soldering for maximum mechanical strength and hea t dissip a tion (solder v oids: t ypical < 2%, max. < 10% of die area) ?m'y6te? ! "#$%&& ' ($ ) & " *& %$ dat a sheet no. brdb-3500p-1c adbd-3500p-1c ra ting & characteristic cur ves for series db3500p - db3510p and series ADB3504P - adb3508p t el.: (310) 767-1052 fax: (310) 767-7958 diotec electronics corp . gardena, ca 90248 u.s.a 18020 hobart blvd., unit b number of cycles at 60 hz 35 amp silicon bridge rectifiers + , - . + / 0 1 2 figure 2. maximum non-repetitive surge current peak forward surge current (amperes) e46 30 10 0 20 40 50 60 0 50 100 150 figure 1. for w ard current dera ting curve case t emperature, c 3 a verage forward current, io (amperes) 60hz resistive or inductive loads bridge mounted on 9 x 3 x 4.6" thick (22.9 x 7.6 x 1 1.7cm) finned al. plate inst ant aneous reverse current, i (milcroamperes) figure 4. typical reverse characteristics percent of rated peak reverse v olt age .01 0.1 1.0 10 4 5576 89;:=<> ?@bac d efhgi t = 125 c j k t = 25 c l m figure 3. typical for w ard characteristic per diode inst ant aneous forward v olt age (v olt s) inst ant aneous forward current (amperes) 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 0.1 1.0 10 n oo p qqq t = 25 c pulse w id th = 300 sec 1%duty cycle r s m t = 150 c t u v www xy z [ \ ] ^^ dat a sheet no. brdb-3500p-1c adbd-3500p-1c |
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