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  specifications of any and all sanyo semiconductor co.,l td. products described or contained herein stipulate the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer ' s products or equipment. to verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer ' sproductsor equipment. any and all sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. products described or contained herein are, with regard to "standard application", intended for the use as general el ectronics equipment (home appliances, av equipment, communication device, office equipment, industrial equ ipment etc.). the products mentioned herein shall not be intended for use for any "special application" (medica l equipment whose purpose is to sustain life, aerospace instrument, nuclear control device, burning appliances, t ransportation machine, traffic signal system, safety equipment etc.) that shall require extremely high level of re liability and can directly threaten human lives in case of failure or malfunction of the product or may cause har m to human bodies, nor shall they grant any guarantee thereof. if you should intend to use our products for app lications outside the standard applications of our customer who is considering such use and/or outside the scope of our intended standard applications, please consult with us prior to the intended use. if there is n o consultation or inquiry before the intended use, our customer shall be solely responsible for the use. 20211 sy 20110121-s00005 no.a1920-1/8 lv5769v/vz overview the lv5769v/vz is a 1-channel step-down switching regulator. functions ? 1 channel step-down switching regulator controller. ? frequency decrease function at pendent. ? load-independent soft start circuit. ? on/off function. ? built-in pulse-by-pulse ocp circuit. it is detect ed by using on resistance of an external mos. ? synchronous rectification ? current mode control specifications absolute maximum ratings at ta = 25 c parameter symbol conditions ratings unit supply voltage v in max 45 v v in , sw 45 v hdrv, cboot 52 v ldrv 6.0 v between cboot to sw between cboot to hdrv 6.0 v en, ilim v in +0.3 v between v in to ilim 1.0 v v dd 6.0 v allowable pin voltage ss, fb, comp,rt v dd +0.3 v allowable power dissipation pd max mounted on a specified board. * 0.74 w operating temperature topr -40 to +85 c storage temperature tstg -55 to +150 c * specified board : 114.3mm 76.1mm 1.6mm, glass epoxy board. bi-cmos lsi 1-channel step-down switching regulator orderin g numbe r : ena1920
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-2/8 recommended operating range at ta = 25 c parameter symbol conditions ratings unit supply voltage range v in 8.5 to 42 v error amplifier input voltage v fb 0 to 1.6 v oscillatory frequency f osc 80 to 500 khz electrical characteristics at ta = 25 c, v in = 12v ratings parameter symbol conditions min typ max unit reference voltage block internal reference voltage vref incl uding offset of e/a 0.654 0.67 0.686 v 5v power supply v dd i out = 0 to 5ma 4.7 5.2 5.7 v triangular waveform oscillator block oscillation frequency f osc rt=220k ? 110 125 140 khz frequency variation f osc dv v in = 8.5 to 32v 1 % oscillation frequency fold back detection voltage v osc fb fb voltage detection after ss ends 0.1 v oscillation frequency after fold back f osc fb 1/3f osc khz on/off circuit block ic start-up voltage v en on 2.5 3.0 3.5 v ic off voltage v en off 1.1 1.3 1.5 v soft start circuit block soft start source current i ss sc en > 3.5v 4 5 6 a soft start sink current i ss sk en < 1v, v dd = 5v 2 ma uvlo circuit block uvlo lock release voltage v uvlo 8 v uvlo hysteresis v uvlo h 0.7 v error amplifier input bias current i ea in 100 na error amplifier gain g ea 1000 1400 1800 a/v sink output current i ea osk fb = 1.0v -100 a source output current i ea osc fb = 0v 100 a current detection amplifier gain gisns 1.5 over current limiter circuit block reference current i lim -10% 18.5 +10% a over current detection comparator offset voltage v lim ofs -5 +5 mv over current detection comparator common mode input range v in -0.45 v in v pwm comparator vt max duty cycle = dmax 0.9 1.0 1.1 v input threshold voltage (f osc =125khz) vt0 duty cycle = 0% 0.4 0.5 0.6 v maximum on duty dmax 86 90 95 % output block output stage on resistance (the upper side) r onh 5 output stage on resistance (the under side) r onl 5 output stage on current (the upper side) i onh 240 ma output stage on current (the under side) i onl 240 ma the whole device standby current i ccs en < 1v 10 a mean consumption current i cca en > 3.5v 3 ma continued on next page.
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-3/8 continued from preceding page. ratings parameter symbol conditions min typ max unit security function protection function operating temperature at high temperature tsd on * design certification 170 c protection function hysteresis at high temperature tsd hys * design certification 30 c package dimensions unit : mm (typ) 3178b pin assignment sanyo : ssop16(225mil) 5.2 4.4 6.4 0.22 0.65 (0.33) 18 9 16 0.5 0.15 1.5max 0.1 (1.3) pd max -- ta 0 0.38 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.74 1.0 --40 --20 40 60 20 8085 0 100 ambient temperature , ta -- c allowable power dissipation, pd max -- w specified board : 114.3 76.1 1.6mm 3 glass epoxy board. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 13 12 11 en rt nc sw cboot hdrv subgnd nc v in gnd v dd ldrv lv5769 top view 1 2 fb comp 16 15 ss ilim
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-4/8 block diagram pin function pin no. pin name description 1 fb error amplifier reverse input pin. by operating t he converter, the voltage of this pin becomes 0.67v. the voltage in which the output voltage is divided by an external resistance is applied to this pin. moreover, when this pin voltage becomes 0.1v or less after a soft start ends, the oscillatory frequency becomes 1/3. 2 comp error amplifier output pin. connect a p hase compensation circuit between this pin and gnd. 3 en on/off pin. 4 rt oscillation frequency setting pin. resist ance is connected with this pin between gnd. 5,13 n.c. no connection *2 6 sw pin to connect with switching node. upper part nchmosfe t external a source is connected with lower side nchmosfet external a drain. 7 cboot bootstrap capacity connection pin. this pin become s a gate drive power supply of an external nchmosfet. connect a bypath capacitor between cboot and sw. 8 hdrv an external the upper mosfet gate drive pin. 9 ldrv an external the lower mosfet gate drive pin. 10 v dd power supply pin for an external the lower mos-fet gate drive. 11 gnd ground pin. each reference voltage is based on the voltage of the ground pin. 12 subgnd it is connected with the gnd pin of 11pin internally. *3 14 v in power supply pin. this pin is monitored by uvlo function. when the voltage of this pin becomes 8v or more by uvlo function, the ic starts and the soft start function operates. 15 ilim reference current pin for current detection. the sink current of about 18.5 a flows to this pin. when a resistance is connected between this pin and v in outside and the voltage applied to the sw pin is lower than the voltage of the terminal side of the resistance, the upper nchm osfet is off by operating the current limiter comparator. this operation is reset with respect to each pwm pulse. 16 ss pin to connect a capacitor for soft start. a capacitor for soft start is charged by using the voltage of about 5 a. this pin ends the soft start period by using the voltage of about 1.1v and the frequency fold ba ck function becomes active. *2: there is no problem even if it connects it with gnd. *3: short-circuited and use 11pin and 12pin as gnd. 14 v in v in 15 ilim 16 ss 1 fb comp 11 gnd 9 ldrv 10 v dd + - + - + - + - 0.67v sd + + - 1.1v sd + - 0.1v ocp comp current amp err amp ffold amp dmax = 90% pwm comp shut down(sd) 1.0v 0.5v 5v 5v regulator reference voltage saw wave oscillator fosc forcec 1/3 s r q control logic v in uvlo tsd s r q en 3 6sw 8 hdrv 7 cboot 2 5v v dd uvlo + - 0.1v ss amp + - 1.2v rt 4
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-5/8 i/o pin equivalent circuit chart pin no. equivalent circuit fb, ss 10 1 16 11 v dd fb ss gnd 1.3v 0.1v 1.1v standard voltage 0.67v comp 10 2 11 v dd comp gnd 1.6v en 14 3 11 v in en gnd rt 10 4 11 v dd rt gnd continued on next page.
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-6/8 continued from preceding page. pin no. equivalent circuit sw, cboot, hdrv 14 8 11 v in hdrv gnd 7 cboot 6 sw ldrv 9 11 v dd ldrv gnd 10 v dd 14 v in 10 v dd 11 gnd ilim 14 15 11 v in ilim gnd
lv5769v/vz no.a1920-7/8 boot sequence, uvlo, and tsd operation sequence of overcurrent protection uvlo 8v v in v dd ss v out hdrv-sw ldrv tsd 7.3v v dd =90% 1.1v vref 0.67v 170 c 140 c permisson of foldback v in ilim sw i out ss fb 0.67v fb=0.1v driving usually driving usually overcurrent protection oparation overcurrent protection oparation(foldback oparation) soft start start section
lv5769v/vz ps no.a1920-8/8 sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. assumes no responsib ility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rate d values (such as maximum ra tings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specif ications of any and all sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. products described or contained herein. sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. strives to supply high-qual ity high-reliability products, however, any and all semiconductor products fail or malfunction with some probabi lity. it is possible that these probabilistic failures or malfunction could give rise to acci dents or events that could endanger human lives, trouble that could give rise to smoke or fire, or accidents that could cause dam age to other property. when designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or e vents cannot occur. such measures include but are not limited to protective circuits and error prevention c ircuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design. upon using the technical information or products descri bed herein, neither warranty nor license shall be granted with regard to intellectual property rights or any other rights of sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. or any third party. sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. shall not be liable f or any claim or suits with regard to a third party's intellctual property rights which has resulted from the use of the technical information and products mentioned above. information (including circuit diagr ams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology improvement, etc. when designing equi pment, refer to the "delivery specification" for the sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. product that you intend to use. in the event that any or all sanyo semiconductor c o.,ltd. products described or contained herein are controlled under any of applicable local export control laws and regulations, such products may require the export license from the authorities conc erned in accordance with the above law. no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any in formation storage or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of sanyo semiconductor co.,ltd. sample application circuit this catalog provides information as of february, 2 011. specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. c10 c4 c11 q1 q2 d1 d2 l en ss comp cboot c1 c9 c7 c2 c8 c5 c3 on/off out c6 r5 r3 r1 r2 r4 hdrv sw ldrv fb v dd gnd v in ilim gnd 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 rt 4 r6 v in = 8.5 to 42v

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