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  1994. 6. 27 1/2 semiconductor technical data KTD1352 triple diffused npn transistor revision no : 0 general purpose application. features  good linearity of h fe .  complementary to ktb989. maximum rating (ta=25 1 ) dim millimeters 1. base 2. collector (heat sink) 3. emitter to-220ab 10.30 max 15.30 max 0.80 3.60 0.20 3.00 6.70 max 13.60 0.50 5.60 max 0.50 1.50 max 2.54 4.70 max 2.60 a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p a e mm 123 f b g h l c k j o n p d 1.37 max 1.50 max r s q c t q1.50 r 9.50 0.20 s 8.00 0.20 t 2.90 max + _ + _ + _ + _ electrical characteristics (ta=25 1 ) note : h fe (1) classification r:40  80 , o:70  140 , y:120  240 characteristic symbol rating unit collector-base voltage v cbo 80 v collector-emitter voltage v ceo 80 v emitter-base voltage v ebo 5 v collector current i c 4 a emitter current i e -4 a base current i b 0.4 a collector power dissipation (tc=25 1 ) p c 30 w junction temperature t j 150 1 storage temperature range t stg -55  150 1 characteristic symbol test condition min. typ. max. unit collector cut-off current i cbo v cb =80v, i e =0 - - 30  a emitter cut-off current i ebo v eb =5v, i c =0 - - 100  a collector-emitter breakdown voltage v (br)ceo i c =50ma, i b =0 80 - - v emitter-base breakdown voltage v (br)ebo i e =10ma, i c =0 5.0 - - v dc current gain h fe (1) (note) v ce =5v, i c =0.5a 40 - 240 h fe (2) v ce =5v, i c =3a 15 50 - collector-emitter saturation voltage v ce(sat) i c =3a, i b =0.3a - 0.45 1.5 v base-emitter voltage v be v ce =5v, i c =3a - 1.0 1.5 v transition frequency f t v ce =5v, i c =0.5a 3.0 8.0 - mhz collector output capacitance c ob v cb =10v, i e =0, f=1mhz - 90 - pf
1994. 6. 27 2/2 KTD1352 revision no : 0 h - i c collector current i (a) 0.002 0.01 0.03 0.1 3 fe dc current gain h collector-emitter saturation ce(sat) 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.01 0.003 collector current i (a) c v - i safe operating area ce collector-emitter voltage v (v) 3 5 10 30 0.1 c collector current i (a) fe c 0.3 1 3 5 5 10 30 50 100 300 500 collector power dissipation p (w) 0 c 0 ambient temperature ta ( c) pc - ta 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 tc=ta infinite heat sink 300 300 2mm al heat sink 200 200 2mm al heat sink 100 100 2mm al heat sink 100 100 1mm al heat sink 50 50 2mm al heat sink 50 50 1mmfe heat sink no heat sink 1 2 3 4 5 i max(pulsed) c * c i max v max. ceo collector current i (a) 0 c 0 collector-emitter voltage v (v) ce ce c i - v 123456 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 common emitter tc=25 c 240 200 160 120 100 80 60 40 20 i =0ma b common emitter v =5v ce tc=75 c tc=25 c tc=-25 c ce(sat) c voltage v (v) 0.3 1 3 5 0.05 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 common emitter i /i =10 c b tc=25 c tc=-25 c tc=75 c 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 6 heat sink 100 100 1mm fe 7 8 heat sink 50 50 1mm al 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 300 50 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 single nonrepetitive pulse tc=25 c curves must be derated linearly with increase in temperature * (continuous) tc= 2 5 c dc ope r at i o n * 1s 10 0ms * 1 0 ms * * 1m s

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