tai-saw technology co., ltd. fr-71s03-01 tst dcc release document tai-saw technology co., ltd. no. 3, industrial 2nd rd., ping-chen industrial district, taoyuan, 324, taiwan, r.o.c. tel: 886-3-4690038 fax: 886-3-4697532 e-mail: tstsales@mail.taisaw.com web: www.taisaw.com approval sheet for product specification issued date: april, 14, 2006 product name: saw filter 930.5 mhz tst parts no.: TA930H1 customer parts no.: company: division: approved by : date: checked by: bob chau approval by: francis chen date: 4, 14, 2006
tai-saw technology co., ltd. 2 tst dcc release document z in =50-j57ohm z out =50-j57ohm source impedance 50 ? load impedance 50 ? tai-saw technology co., ltd. no. 3, industrial 2nd rd., ping-chen industrial district, taoyuan, 324, taiwan, r.o.c. tel: 886-3-4690038 fax: 886-3-4697532 e-mail: tstsales@mail.taisaw.com web: www.taisaw.com saw filter 930.5mhz model no.:TA930H1 rev. no.:4 a. maximum rating: 1. input power level: 10 dbm 2. dc voltage : 3v 3. operating temperatur e: -10c to +50c 4. storage temperatur e: -40c to +85c b. electrical characteristics : item unit min. type. max. note center frequency fc mhz - 930.5 - - insertion loss (928.5 ~ 932.5 mhz) il db - 3.2 4.5 - amplitude ripple (928.5 ~ 932.5 mhz) db - 0.5 2 - relative attenuation (relative to 0 db) 4 00 ~ 880 mhz db 35 50 - - 884.8 ~ 890.2 mhz db 45 50 - - 906.8 ~ 911.2 mhz db 30 41 - - 980 ~ 1300 mhz db 35 60 - - impedance at f c ; input impedance 50-j57ohm output impedance 50-j57ohm
tai-saw technology co., ltd. 3 tst dcc release document 50? hp network analyzer 50? saw filter 10nh 10nh #1 #4 #2,#3 c.outline drawing: d. measurement circuit: t
tai-saw technology co., ltd. 4 tst dcc release document TA930H1 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 830.5 850.5 870.5 890.5 910.5 930.5 950.5 970.5 990.5 1010.5 1030.5 freq.(mhz) att.(db) TA930H1 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 914.5 916.5 918.5 920.5 922.5 924.5 926.5 928.5 930.5 932.5 934.5 936.5 938.5 940.5 942.5 freq.(mhz) att.(db) e. frequency characteristics :
tai-saw technology co., ltd. 5 tst dcc release document 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 time (sec) temp ( deg c) f. recommended reflow profile :