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  saw resonator LGER550 the LGER550 is a true one-port surface-acoustic-wave ( saw ) resonator in a surface-mount ceramic qcc8c case . it provides reliable fundamental-mode quartz frequency stabilization of i x e d - f r e q u e n c y t r a n s m i t t e r s o p e r a t i n g a t 433.920 mhz. f 1.package dimension (qcc8c) 2 . m a r k i n g 3 . e q u i v a l e n t l c m o d e l a n d t e s t c i r c u i t pin conne c t ion 1 t e r m i n a l 1 2 t e r m i n a l 2 3 c a s e g r o u n d pin conne c t ion 2 input / output 6 output / input 4 , 8 c a s e g r o u n d 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 e m p t y sign data (unit: mm) sign data(unit:mm) a 2 . 0 8 e 1 . 2 0 b 0 . 6 0 f 1 . 3 5 c 1 . 2 7 g 5 . 0 0 d 2 . 5 4 h 5 . 0 0 LGER550 color: black or blue 4.ty pical application circuit 1) telecontrol circuitry 2) local oscillator application 5.ty pical frequency response 6.temperature characteristics
saw resonator LGER550 7.performance 7-1.maximum ratings ra ting value units c w r f p o w e r d i ssipation +10 db m d c v o ltage b e tw een a n y t w o p i ns 30v v d c c a se t e mperature -40 to +85 s o ldering t e mperature +235 7-2.electronic characteristics ch aracteristic sy m minimum ty pic a l maximum units a b solute f r equency f c 4 3 3 . 8 4 5 4 3 3 . 9 9 5 mh z c enter f r equency (+25 ) t o lerance from 433.920 mh z ? f c 7 5 kh z i n s e r t i o n l o s s i l 1 . 3 2 . 0 d b u n loaded q q u 1 0 , 5 0 0 q uality f a ctor 50 ? loaded q q l 1 , 4 5 0 t u rnov er t e mperature t o 2 5 4 0 5 5 t u rnov er f r equency f o f c kh z t e mperature stability f r equency t e mperature c oefficient f t c 0.037 ppm/ 2 f r equency a g ing a b solute v a lue during the f i rst y ear | f a | 1 0 ppm/y r d c insulation r e sistance b e tw een a n y t w o p i ns 1.0 m ? motional r e sistance r m 1 6 2 6 ? motional inductance l m 6 1 . 7 2 4 h motional c apacitance c m 2 . 1 8 1 7 ff r f e quiv a lent r l c model p i n 2 to p i n 6 s t atic c apacitance c o 1 . 9 2 . 2 2 . 5 pf ? caution: electrostatic sensitive d evice. observe precautions for handling ! notes: 1. f r equency aging is the change in f c w i th time and is specified at +65 or less. a g ing may ex ceed the specification for prolonged temperatures abov e +65 . t y pically , aging is greatest the first y ear after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent y ears. 2.t he center frequency , f c ,is the frequency of minimum il measured w i th the resonator in the specified test fix t ure in a 50 ? test sy stem w i th v s w r 1.2 : 1. t y pically , f os c illator or f trans m i tter is approx imately equal to the resonator f c . 3.t y pically , equipment utilizing this dev ice requi res emissions testing and gov ernment approv al, w h ich is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer. 4.u n less noted otherw i se , case temperature t c =+25 2 . 5.t he design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this dev ice are subject to change w i thout notice. 6.d e riv ed mathematically from one or more of the follow i ng directly measured parameters: f c , il, 3 db bandw idth, f c ve r s u s t c , and c o . 7.t u rnov er temperature, t o , is the temperature of max i mum (or turnov er) frequency , f o, t he nominal center frequency at any case temperature , t c , may be calculated from :f = f o 1 - ftc ( t o -t c ) 2 .ty p ically , oscillator t o is approx imately equal to the specified resonator t o . 8.t h is equiv a lent r l c model approx imates resonator performance near the resonant frequency and is prov ided for reference only . th e capacitance c o is the static (nonmotional) capacitance betw een the tw o terminals measured at low frequency (10mh z ) w i th a capacitance meter. c a se parasitic capacitance is approx i mately 0.05pf .t ransducer parallel capacitance can by calculated a s : c p = c o - 0.05pf .

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