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To Download CT-59S85O-TD Datasheet File

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  the ct -59 switch is a internally t erminated broadband, multi-thro w, electromechanical coaxial switch designed to switch a microwave signal from a common input to any of 3, 4, 5, or 6 outputs. the characteristic impedance is 50 ohms. internal terminations provide an impedence match for the unsele ct ed ports. the switc hes are sm all using the popular connect or spacing on a 1.062" dia. ci rcle . each po sit ion ha s an indiv idual a ctua tor mec hanism allowing r ando m po sit ion s election . t his also minimizes switching time. elite ct-59 multi-throw internal t erminations dc-26.5ghz latching specifications rf contacts: b reak bef ore make actuator v olt ag e (v dc) 20 o c 12 15 28 latching current (ma) 255 20 5 90 rese t curren t (ma ) 3 765 615 270 4 1020 820 360 5 1275 1025 450 6 1530 1230 540 switching time: 20 msec max t ermination s: 50 o hm 2 wa tts cw max c onnectors: sma (f) weight: 6 oz . max t emperature range: -55 o c to +85 o c (operating) positions the ct-59 comes with a la tc hing act uator. the latc hing switch rem ain s in t he last po sit ion s elected when t he s witc h is de- ener giz ed. std dual command requires a reset pulse before a new selected posit ion . a separa te rese t circui t allows all posit ions to be se t to an open posit ion . user mus t provide bo th rese t (clear) and se t (select new po sit ion ) co mmand s. shock: mil-std-202 method 213, condition d (500g non operating) vibration: mil-std-202 method 214, condition d (10g rms non operating) humidity: mois ture seal a vailable mtbf: 6.5 million hours ( mil-hdbk-217f fixed, 25 o c, <1 cycle per hour) rf pow er handling (non- termin ated) t ypical performance 3000 800 400 200 80 40 10 pow w( wc re )stta 0.1 1.0 4.0 10 18 26.5 frequency ghz standard sma connectors specifications dc-6 gh z 6- 12 ghz 12- 18 ghz 18- 26 .5 ghz vswr (max) 1.25:1 1.40:1 1.50:1 1.80:1 i nsert ion loss (min ) 0. 20 db 0. 40 db 0. 50 db 0. 80 db i sola tion (max) 70 .0 db 60 .0 db 60 .0 db 50 .0 db 0.01 26.5 frequency ghz 0.0 0.4 bd li bd noitalosi 90 80 70 60 15 25 ruter ssol n 0.01 26.5 frequency ghz t el: (800) 351-7368 email: specifications subject to change without notice. 10/2007
ser ies connectors actuator v olt age part numbering system for ct-59 (latching) ct-59 s 6 5 o - t opt ions actuator type number of switch positions connector s: sma female actuator voltage 6: 28vdc latching 7: 15vdc latching 8: 12vdc latching actua to r type o: no indicator contacts c: indicator contacts d: self cutoff only e: indicators and self cutoff for other options cont act factory number of pos itions 3: sp3t 4: sp4t 5: sp5t 6: sp6t h = 2.25 std model h = 2.50 ttl model sp3t sp4t sp5t sp6t ana log indicators ttl options t: ttl drivers with diodes r: positive + common td: ttl driver with decoder elite ct-59 m ul ti- th row inter nal t ermina tion s dc- 26 .5ghz latching t el: (800) 351-7368 email: specifications subject to change without notice. 10/2007

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