IRFY340 semelab plc reserves the right to change test conditions, paramet er limits and package dimensions without notice. information f urnished by semelab is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. howeve r semelab assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. semelab encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: doc 7895, issue 1 features ? hermetically sealed to-220 metal package ? simple drive requirements ? all leads isolated from case ? lightweight ? screening options available n ? channel power mosfet for hi-rel applications bv dss 400v i d 8.7a r ds ( on ) 0.55 ? to-220m (to-257ab) pin 1 ? gate pin 2 ? drain pin 3 ? source d g s dia. 2.65 2.75 0.89 1.14 0.70 0.90 4.70 5.00 10.41 10.67 3.56 3.81 16.38 16.89 13.39 13.64 10.41 10.92 12.70 19.05 2.54 bsc 123 mechanical data dimensions in mm (inches) absolute maximum ratings t case = 25c unless otherwise stated v ds drain - source voltage 400v v gs gate - source voltage 20v i d drain current - continuous (t c = 25c) 8.7a i d drain current - continuous (t c = 100c) 5.5a i dm drain current - pulsed 1 35a p d total power dissipation at t case 25c 100w de-rate linearly above 25c 0.8w/c t j ,t stg operating junction and storage temperature range -55 to +150c t l lead temperature (for 5 sec) 300c r thj-case thermal resistance junction - case 1.25c/w notes: 1) pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2) pulse test: pulse width 380 s, duty cycle, 2%
IRFY340 semelab plc reserves the right to change test conditions, paramet er limits and package dimensions without notice. information f urnished by semelab is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. howeve r semelab assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. semelab encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. semelab plc. telephone +44(0)1455 556565. fax +44(0)1455 552612. e-mail: website: doc 7895, issue 1 static electrical ratings (t case =25c unless otherwise stated) parameter test conditions min. typ. max. unit bv dss drain ? source breakdown voltage v gs = 0v i d = 1.0ma 400 - - v ? bv dss temperature coefficient of reference to 25c ? t j breakdown voltage i d = 1.0ma - 0.46 - v/c v ds =320v v gs = 0v - - 25 i dss zero gate voltage drain current t j = 125c - - 250 a i gss gate ? source leakage current v gs = 20v v ds = 0v - - 100 na v gs(th) gate threshold voltage v ds = v gs i d = 250 a 2.0 - 4.0 v v gs = 10v i d = 5.5a - - 0.55 ? r ds(on) drain ? source on state resistance v gs = 10v i d = 8.7a - - 0.63 ? g fs forward transconductance 2 v ds 15v i d = 5.5a 4.9 - - s dynamic characteristics c iss input capacitance - 1400 - c oss output capacitance - 350 - c rss reverse transfer capacitance v ds = 25v f = 1.0mhz v gs = 0v - 230 - pf q g total gate charge 2 - - 65 q gs gate ? source charge 2 - - 10 q gd gate ? drain charge 2 v ds = 200v v gs = 10v i d = 8.7a - - 40.5 nc t d(on) turn-on delay - - 25 t r rise time - - 92 t d(off) turn-off delay time - - 79 t f fall time v dd = 200v r g = 9.1 ? i d = 8.7a v gs = 10v - - 58 ns source ? drain diode ratin gs and characteristics i s continuous source current (max) - - 8.7 i sm pulsed source current (max) - - 35 a v sd diode forward voltage 2 v gs = 0v i s = 8.7a - - 1.5 v t rr reverse recovery time 2 - - 600 ns q rr reverse recovery charge 2 v gs = 0v di/dt=100a/ s i s = 8.7a v dd 50v - - 5.6 c t on forward turn-on time negligible