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  page 1 of 8 specifications for liquid crystal display part number: AGM9624A date: az displays, inc. september 6, 2005
AGM9624A page 2 of 8 az displays, inc. general specification driving ic s6b0724a interace with paraller mpu 8080 series! display specification display dot matrix :96*24 display mode:positive/transflective/fstn type viewing angle :6:00 clock display duty:1/33 driving bias:1/6 driving voltage:7.5v mechanical characteristics(unit:mm) extenal dimension:27.09* 17.76*1.7 view area:24.09* 8.26 dots size:0.19*0.0.195 dots pitch:0.22* 0.22
AGM9624A page 3 of 8 az displays, inc. sym b o l rw _w rb 0. 25 1.50 1 4 6. 79 12.00 0.50 6. 80 0. 50 3.00 0. 25 13. 50 0. 20 p it ch 0 . 5* 2 5= 1 2 . 5 0 126 sti f f e n r 0 . 3 0 0. 05 c o n nec t s i d e fp c 24 26 25 22 23 21 17 19 20 18 1 6 1 5 max 6.00*1.0 17.76 0.2 11.26 0.2 2 7. 09 0 . 2 2 4 . 0 9( v. a ) 8.26(v.a) 5.26(a.a) 96* 24do ts 2 1 .09(a . a) m a x 1 . 7 0 1 cham f e r i c( s6b0724) adhes i v etape uv t ape si l i co n 0. 5 5 * 2 5.63 font back 7 0.22 0.195 0. 19 0 .22 12 13 11 9 10 8 4 6 5 2 3 no . d7 r s /cs1 /res e_rdb d0 d4 d2 d1 d3 d5 d6 v0 c2 + vs s vdd vo u t c1 - c3 + c1 + v2 c2 - v1 v4 v3 az displays, inc. AGM9624A
AGM9624A page 4 of 8 az displays, inc. absolute maximum ratings item symbol standard unit power supply voltage v dd -v ss 0-5.5 input voltage vin vss - vdd v operating temperature range t a -20 - +70 storage temperature range t sto -30 - +80 " * wide temperature range is available interface pin description pin no symbol i/o function 26 cs1b i this is the chip select signal .when cs1b= # l ? and cs2= # h ? ,then the chip select becomes active,and data/command i/o is enabled 25 resetb i when resetb is set to ? l ? ,the setting are initialized the resetb operation is performed by the resetb signal level 24 rs i select register. 0:instruction register (for write) busy flag &address counter(for read) 1:data register(for write and read). 23 rw-wrb i read/write select signal. 22 e-rdb i operation (data read/write) enable signal. 21 db0 20 db1 19 db2 18 db3 17 db4 16 db5 15 db6 14 db7 i/o this is an 8-bit bi-directional data bus that connects to an 8-bit or 16-bit standard mpu data bus. when the serial interface is selected,then d7 serves as the serial data input terminal and d6 serves as the serial clock input terminal.atthistime,d0-d5aresettohighimpedence. when the chip select is inactive,d0 to d7 are set to high impedance. 13 vdd supply power supply for logic 12 vss supply ground. 11 vout o dc/dc voltage converter output 10 c3+ o capacitor3+ for internal dc/dc voltage converter 9 c1- o capacitor1- for internal dc/dc voltage converter 8 c1+ o capacitor1+ for internal dc/dc voltage converter 7 c2+ o capacitor2+ for internal dc/dc voltage converter 6 c2- o capacitor2- for internal dc/dc voltage converter
AGM9624A page 5 of 8 az displays, inc. 5v1 4v2 3v3 2v4 1v0 supply lcd driver supply voltages.the voltage determined by lcd cell is impedangce-converted by a resistive driver or an operation amplifier for application .voltages should be the following relationship: v0>v1>v2>v3>v4>vss when the on-chip operating power circuit is on,the following are given to v1 to v4 by the on-chip power circuit .voltage selection is performed by the set lcd bias command. lcd bias v1 v2 v3 v4 1/5bias 4/5v0 3/5v0 2/5v0 1/5v0 1/6 bias 5/6v0 4/6 v0 2/6 v0 1/6 v0 1/7 bias 6/7 v0 5/7 v0 2/7 v0 1/7 v0 1/8 bias 7/8 v0 6/8 v0 2/8 v0 1/8 v0 1/9 bias 8/9 v0 7/9 v0 2/9 v0 1/9 v0
AGM9624A page 6 of 8 az displays, inc. electrical characteristics dc characteristics
AGM9624A page 7 of 8 az displays, inc. ac characteristics
AGM9624A page 8 of 8 az displays, inc. application example 1.

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