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  1 service manual fe-2 chassis model commander dest chassis no. kv-25fx30b rm-887 fr scc-q54h-a KV-25FX30E rm-887 esp scc-q53j-a kv-25fx30k rm-887 oirt scc-q51k-a model commander dest chassis no. rm-889 kv-29fx30b rm-887 fr scc-q54j-a kv-29fx30e rm-887 esp scc-q53k-a kv-29fx30k rm-887 oirt scc-q51l-a
2 table of contents section title page section title page specifications .................... 3 connectors .................... 4 self diagnostic software .................... 5 1. general switching on the tv and automatically tuning .................... 6 introducing the menu system .................... 7 teletext .................... 10 connecting optional equipment.................... 10 specifications .................... 11 troubleshooting .................... 11 2. disassembly 2-1. rear cover removal .................... 12 2-2. chassis removal .................... 12 2-3. a board pwb removal 1 .................... 13 2-4. a board pwb removal 2 .................... 13 2-5. service position .................... 13 2-6. picture tube removal .................... 14 bottom plates .................... 15 3. set-up adjustments 3-1. beam landing .................... 16 3-2. convergence .................... 17 3-3. focus adjustment .................... 19 3-4. screen (g2), white balance .................... 19 4. circuit adjustments 4-1. electrical adjustments .................... 20 4-2. test mode 1 .................... 22 4-3. test mode 2 .................... 22 5. diagrams 5-1. block diagrams .................... 23 5-2. circuit board location .................... 26 5-3. schematic diagrams and printed wiring boards .................... 26 * c board .................... 27 * a board .................... 30 5-4. semiconductors .................... 33 5-5. ic blocks .................... 35 6. exploded views 6-1. chassis .................... 36 6-2. picture tube .................... 37 7. electrical parts list .................... 38 caution short circuit the anode of the picture tube and the anode cap to the metal chassis, crt shield, or the carbon painted on the crt, after removal of the anode cap. warning !! an isolation transformer should be used during any service work to avoid possible shock hazard due to live chassis, the chassis of this receiver is directly connected to the power line. safety-related component warning !! components identified by shading and marked on the schematic diagrams, exploded views and in the parts list are critical for safe operation. replace these components with sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements published by sony. attention apres avoir deconnecte le cap de?lanode, court-circuiter l?anode du tube cathodique et celui de l?anode du cap au chassis metallique de l?appareil, ou au couche de carbone peinte sur le tube cathodique ou au blindage du tube cathodique. attention !! afin d?eviter tout risque d?electrocution provenant d?un chssis sous tention, un transformateur d?isolement doit etre utilis lors de tout dpannage le chssis de ce rcepteur est directment raccord l?alimentation secteur. attention aux composants relatifs la securit!! les composants identifis par une trame et par une marque sur les schmas de principe, les vues exploses et les listes de pieces sont d?une impor- tance critique pour la scurit du fonctionnement, ne les remplacer que par des compsants sony dont le numro de pice est indiqu dans le prsent manuel ou dans des supplments publis par sony.
3 l e d o m m e t i m e t s y s n o i s i v e l e t m e t s y s o e r e t s e g a r e v o c l e n n a h c m e t s y s r o l o c bl , i , k / d , h / g / b m a c i n / n a m r e g o e r e t s 0 1 f - 2 f , 2 1 e - 2 e : f h v 9 6 b - 1 2 b , 9 6 f - 1 2 f , 9 6 e - 1 2 e : f h u q - b , 0 2 s - 1 s , 3 0 s - 1 0 s : v t e l b a c 1 4 s - 1 2 s : r e p y h m a c e s , l a p 8 5 . 3 c s t n , 3 4 . 4 c s t n ) n i o e d i v ( ek / d , h / g / b m a c i n / n a m r e g o e r e t s 2 1 e - 2 e : f h v 9 6 e - 1 2 e : f h u 0 2 s - 1 s , 3 0 s - 1 0 s : v t e l b a c 1 4 s - 1 2 s : r e p y h m a c e s , l a p 8 5 . 3 c s t n , 3 4 . 4 c s t n ) n i o e d i v ( kk / d , h / g / b m a c i n / n a m r e g o e r e t s 2 1 r - 1 0 r , 2 1 e - 2 e : f h v 9 6 r - 1 2 r , 9 6 e - 1 2 e : f h u 0 2 s - 1 s , 3 0 s - 1 0 s : v t e l b a c 1 4 s - 1 2 s : r e p y h m a c e s , l a p 8 5 . 3 c s t n , 3 4 . 4 c s t n ) n i o e d i v ( e b u t e r u t c i p n o r t i n i r t d f y a l p s i d t a l f ) s e h c n i 5 2 ( m c 3 6 x o r p p a d e r u s a e m e r u t c i p m c 9 5 x o r p p a ( ) y l l a n o g a i d ) s e h c n i 9 2 ( m c 3 7 x o r p p a d e r u s a e m e r u t c i p m c 7 6 x o r p p a ( ) y l l a n o g a i d t u p t u o d n u o s r e k a e p s t f e l d n a t h g i r) s m r ( w 7 x 2 ) r e w o p c i s u m ( w 4 1 x 2 s n o i t a c i f i c e p s l a r e n e g ] r a e r [ s l a n i m r e t t u p t u o / t u p n i s t n e m e r i u q e r r e w o pv 0 4 2 - 0 2 2 r o t c e n n o c o r u e n i p - 1 2 : 1 ) d r a d n a t s c e l e n e c ( . s l a n g i s o e d i v d n a o i d u a r o f s t u p n i . b g r r o f s t u p n i o i d u a d n a o e d i v v t f o s t u p t u o . s l a n g i s n o i t p m u s n o c r e w o p w 7 8 : 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k w 4 9 : 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k r o t c e n n o c o r u e n i p - 1 2 : 2 . s l a n g i s o e d i v d n a o i d u a r o f s t u p n i . o e d i v s r o f s t u p n i . s l a n g i s o i d u a d n a o e d i v v t f o s t u p t u o ) e l b a t c e l e s ( s n o i s n e m i d m m 6 7 4 x 9 0 5 x 5 5 6 x o r p p a 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k m m 6 1 5 x 9 6 5 x 6 4 7 x o r p p a 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k t h g i e w g k 6 3 x o r p p a 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k g k 5 . 6 4 x o r p p a 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k s r o t c e n n o c a c rs l a n g i s o i d u a r o f t u p t u o e l b a i r a v s e i r o s s e c c a d e i l p p u s ) 1 ( r e d n a m m o c e t o m e r 7 8 8 - m r ) 2 ( y r e t t a b 6 r d e t a n g i s e d c e i ] t n o r f [ s l a n i m r e t t u p t u o / t u p n i s e r u t a e f r e h t o t x e t e l e t , n o i t c e t e d o t u a m e t s y s v t k n i l t r a m s k c a j e n o h p d a e hk c a j i n i m o e r e t s l o r t n o c d e r a r f n i : m e t s y s l o r t n o c e t o m e r s t u p n i o i d u as k c a j o n o h p s t n e m e r i u q e r r e w o p c d v 3 n o i t a n g i s e d c e i s e i r e t t a b 2 ) a a e z i s ( 6 r s t u p n i o e d i vs k c a j o n o h p t u p n i o e d i v sn i d n i p 4 . e c i t o n t u o h t i w e g n a h c o t t c e j b u s e r a s n o i t a c i f i c e p s d n a n g i s e d e m a n l e d o m m e t i b 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k b 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k e 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k e 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k k 0 3 x f 5 2 - v k k 0 3 x f 9 2 - v k b m o c l a pf f of f of f o p i pf f of f of f o y t i r o i r p b g rn on on o x o b r e f o o wf f of f of f o 1 t r a c sn on on o 2 t r a c sn on on o ) 3 ( n i t n o r fn on on o 4 t r a c sf f of f of f o r o t c e j o r pf f of f of f o g / b m r o nn on on o i m r o nn of f of f o k / d m r o nn on on o s u a m r o nf f of f of f o l m r o nn of f of f o t a s m r o nf f of f of f o m m r o nf f of f of f o t x e t e l e tn on on o o e r e t s m a c i nn on on o
4 21 pin connector connected not connected (open) * at 20hz - 20khz pin no 1 2 4 signal signal level 1 audio output b (right) standard level : 0.5v rms output impedence : less than 1kohm* 2 audio output b (right) standard level : 0.5v rms output impedence : more than 10kohm* 3 audio output a (left) standard level : 0.5v rms output impedence : less than 1kohm* 4 ground (audio) 5 ground (blue) 6 audio input a (left) standard level : 0.5v rms output impedence : more than 10kohm* 7 blue input 0.7 +/- 3db, 75 ohms positive 8 function select (av control) high state (9.5-12v) : part mode low state (0-2v) : tv mode input impedence : more than 10k ohms input capacitance : less than 2nf 9 ground (green) 10 open 11 green green signal : 0.7 +/- 3db, 75 ohms, positive 12 open 13 ground (red) 14 ground (blanking) 15 _ _ red input 0.7 +/- 3db, 75 ohms, positive _ (s signal chroma input) 0.3 +/- 3db, 75 ohms, positive 16 blanking input (ys signal) high state (1-3v) low state (0-0.4v) input impedence : 75 ohms 17 ground (video output) 18 ground (video input) 19 video output 1v +/- 3db, 75ohms, positive sync 0.3v (-3+10db) 20 _ _ video input 1v +/- 3db, 75ohms, positive sync 0.3v (-3+10db) _ video input y (s signal) 1v +/- 3db, 75ohms, positive sync 0.3v (-3+10db) 21 common ground (plug, shield) 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 21 rear connection panel front connection panel s-video socket n o i t a r u g i f n o c n i p t e k c o s o e d i v s o n n i p l a n g i s l e v e l l a n g i s 1d n u o r g- 2d n u o r g- 3t u p n i ) l a n g i s s ( yb d 0 1 + 3 - v 3 . 0 . c n y s e v i t i s o p , m h o 5 7 b d 3 - / + v 1 4t u p n i ) l a n g i s s ( c. c n y s e v i t i s o p , m h o 5 7 b d 3 - / + v 3 . 0
5 fe-2 self diagnostic software the identification of errors within the fe-2 chassis is triggered in one of two ways :- 1: busy or 2: device failure to respond to iic. in the event of one of these situations arising the software will first try to release the bus if busy (failure to do so will report with a continuous flashing led) and then communicate with each device in turn to establish if a device is faulty. if a device is found to be faulty the re levant device number will be displayed through the led (series of flashes which must be counted) see table 1., non fatal errors are reported using t his method. each time the software detects an error it is stored within the nvm. see table 2. flash timing example : e.g. error number 3 stby led on on on off off table 1 how to enter into table 2 1. turn on the main power switch of the tv set and enter into the ?stanby mode?. 2. press the following sequence of buttons on the remote commander. i+ 5 - (on screen (digit 5) (volume -) (tv) display) 3. the following table will be displayed indicating the error count. table 2 note: to clear the error count data press ? 80 ? on the remote commander. u n e m r o r r e 2 0 e 3 0 e 4 0 e 5 0 e 6 0 e 7 0 e 8 0 e 9 0 e 0 1 e 1 1 e e m i t g n i k r o w s r u o h s e t u n i m p c o a / n p v o c n y s v r k i c i i m v n e l g n u j r e n u t p d n u o s v 8 ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 e g a s s e m r o r r e d e l e d o c r o r r e o n0 0 d e v r e s e r1 0 ) n o i t c e t o r p t n e r r u c r e v o ( p c o2 0 d e s u t o n3 0 c n y s l a c i t r e v o n4 0 n o r e w o p t a r o r r e r k i5 0 n o r e w o p t a w o l s e n i l a t a d r o / d n a k c o l c s u b c i i6 0 n o r e w o p t a e g d e l w o n k c a s u b c i i o n m v n7 0 d e s u t o n8 0 n o r e w o p t a e g d e l w o n k c a o n r e n u t9 0 r o r r e r o s s e c o r p d n u o s0 1 r o r r e s t l o v 8 r e l l o r t n o c e l g n u j1 1
6 7 gb language select language: i 4 svenska norsk english nederlands fran?ais italiano i $ ok country select country: i 4 sverige norge - italia deutschland ?sterreich i $ ok k k k if picture slants, please adjust picture rotation not necessary adjust now ok switching on the tv and automatically tuning the first time you switch on your tv, a sequence of menu screen appear on the tv enabling you to: 1) choose the language of the menu screen, 2) choose the country in which you wish to operate the tv, 3) adjust the picture slant 4) search and store all available channels (tv broadcast) and 5) change the order in which the channels (tv broadcast) appear on the screen. however, if you need to change any of these settings, you can do that by selecting the appropriate option in the (set up menu) or by pressing the auto start up button on the tv set. first time operation continued... 1 connect the tv plug to the mains socket (220-240v ac, 50hz) press the on/off button on the tv set to turn on the tv. the first time you press this button, a language menu displays automatically on the tv screen. 2 press the or button on the remote control to select the language, then press the ok button to confirm your selection. from now on all the menus will appear in the selected language. 3 the country menu appears automatically on the tv screen. press the or button to select the country in which you will operate the tv set, then press the ok button to confirm your selection.  if the country in which you want to use the tv set does not appear in the list, select ?-? instead of a country. 4 because of the earth?s magnetism, the picture might slant. the picture rotation menu allows you to correct the picture slants if it is necessary. a) if it is not necessary, press or to select not necessary and press ok . b) if it is necessary, press or to select adjust now , then press ok and correct any slant of the picture between ?5 and +5 by pressing or . finally press ok to store. 8 first time operation your tv is now ready for use 5 the auto tuning menu appears on the screen. press the ok button to select yes . 6 the tv starts to automatically search and store all available channels (tv broadcast) for you. this procedure could take some minutes. please be patient and do not press any button. otherwise the automatic tuning will not be completed. in the case that any channel have been found after the auto tuning process is completed, a new menu appears automatically on the screen asking you to connect the aerial. please connect the aerial (see page 6) and press ok . the auto tuning process will start again. 7 after all available channels are captioned and stored, the programme sorting menu appears automatically on the screen enabling you to change the order in which the channels appear on the screen. a) if you do not wish to change the channel order, go to step 8. b) if you wish to change the channel order: 1 press the or button to select the programme number with the channel (tv broadcast) you wish to rearrange, then press the button. 2 press the or button to select the new programme number position for your selected channel (tv broadcast), then press . 3 repeat steps b)1 and b)2 if you wish to change the order of the other channels. 8 press the menu button to remove the menu from the screen. no channel found please connect aerial confirm ok programme: 01 system: b/g channel: c21 auto tuning searching... programme sorting select channel: exit: menu programme: 01 tve 02 tve2 03 tv3 04 c33 05 c27 06 c58 ok programme sorting select new position: exit: menu programme: 01 tve 02 tve2 03 tv3 04 c33 05 c27 06 c58 05 c27 ok k k k do you want to start automatic tuning? yes no ok k menu the operating instructions mentioned here are par tial abstracts from the ?oper ating instruction manual?. the page numbers of the ?oper ating instruction manual? remain as in the manual. section 1 general
7 9 gb introducing and using the menu system your tv uses an on-screen menu system to guide you through the operations. use the following buttons on the remote control to operate the menu system: 1 press the menu button to switch the first level menu on. menu system 2  to highlight the desired menu or option, press or .  to enter to the selected menu or option, press .  to return to the last menu or option, press .  to alter settings of your selected option, press //or.  to confirm and store your selection, press ok . 3 press the menu button to remove the menu from the screen. continued... menu guide picture adjustment the ? picture adjustment ? menu allows you to alter the picture adjustments. to do that: after selecting the item you want to alter press , then press repeatedly / / or to adjust it and finally press ok to store the new adjustment. this menu also allows you to customise the picture mode based on the programme you are watching: personal (for individual settings). live (for live broadcast programmes). movie (for films). level 1 level 2 level 3 / function picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok  brightness, colour and sharpness can only be alterated if ?personal? mode is selected.  hue is only available for ntsc colour signal (e.g: usa video tapes).  select reset and press ok to reset the picture to the factory preset levels. menu k menu 10 menu system sound adjustment the ? sound adjustment ? menu allows you to alter the sound adjustments. to do that: after selecting the item you want to alter, press . then press repeatedly / / or to adjust it and finally press ok to store the new adjustment. level 1 level 2 level 3 / function this menu also contains two submenus as following: mode personal (for individual settings) rock pop jazz detail adjustment sound effect: off: normal. spatial: acoustic sound effect. auto volume: off: volume channel changes according to the broadcast signal. on: volume level of the channels will stay the same, independent of the broadcast signal (e.g. in the case of advertisements). tv speakers: off: sound from external amplifier connected to the audio outputs on the rear of the tv set. on: sound from the tv set.  treble and bass can only be altered if ? personal ? mode is selected.  select reset and press ok to reset the sound to the factory preset levels.  in case of a bilingual broadcast select dual sound and set a for sound channel 1, b for sound channel 2 or mono for mono channel if available. for a stereo broadcast you can choose stereo or mono . continued... picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok sound adjustment mode: personal treble bass balance reset dual sound: mono detail adjustment ok sound adjustment mode: personal treble bass balance reset dual sound: mono detail adjustment ok
8 12 menu system continued... programme sorting the ? programme sorting ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to change the order in which the channels (tv broadcast) appear on the screen. to do that: after selecting the option, press and then proceed in the same way as in step 7 b) of the section ? switching on the tv and automatically tuning ? . programme labels the ? programme labels ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to name a channel using up to five characters (letters or numbers). to do that: 1 after selecting the option, press , then press or to select the programme number with the channel you wish to name. 2 press . with the first element of the label column highlighted, press or to select a letter or number (select ? - ? for a blank), then press to confirm this character. select the other four characters in the same way. finally press ok to store. av preset the ? av preset ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to designate a name to the external equipment you have connected to the sockets of this tv. to do that: 1 after selecting the option, press , then press or to select the input source you wish to name ( av1 and av2 are for the rear scarts and av3 for front connectors). then press . 2 in the label column automatically appears a label: a) if you want to use one of the 6 predefined label ( cable, game, cam, dvd, video or sat ), press or to select the desired label and finally press ok to store. b) if you want to set a different label, select edit and press . then with the first element highlighted, press or to select a letter, number or ? - ? for a blank, then press to confirm this character. select the other four characters in the same way and finally press ok to store. level 1 level 2 level 3 / function picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok 11 gb menu system sleep timer the ? sleep timer ? option in the ? timer ? menu allows you to select a time period for the tv to switch itself automatically into the standby mode. to do that: after selecting the option press , then press or to set the time period delay (max. of 4 hours) and finally press ok to store.  while watching the tv, you can press the button on the remote control to display the time remaining.  one minute before the tv switches itself into standby mode, the time remaining is displayed on the tv screen automatically. language / country the ? language/country ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to select the language that the menus are displayed in. it also allows you to select the country in which you wish to operate the tv set. to do that: after selecting the option, press and then proceed in the same way as in the steps 2 and 3 of the section ? switching on the tv and automatically tuning ? . auto tuning the ? auto tuning ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to automatically search for and store all available tv channels. to do that: after selecting the option, press and then proceed in the same way as in tv steps 5 and 6 of the section ? switching on the tv and automatically tuning ? . level 1 level 2 level 3 / function picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok timer sleep timer: off ok timer sleep timer: off ok continued... picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok
9 16 menu system rgb centring when connecting an rgb source, such as a ? playstation ? , you may need to readjust the horizontal position of the picture. in that case, you can readjust it through the ? rgb centring ? option in the ? detail set up ? . to do that: while watching an rgb source select the ? rgb centring ? option and press . then press or to adjust the centre of the picture between ? 10 and +10. finally press ok to confirm and store. picture rotation because of the earth ? s magnetism, the picture might slant. in this case, you can correct the pictures slant by using the option ? picture rotation ? in the ? detail set up ? menu. to do that: after selecting the option, press . then press or to correct any slant of the picture between -5 and +5 and finally press ok to store. level 1 level 2 level 3 / function picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok detail set up noise reduction: av2 output: rgb centring: picture rotation: on tv 0 0 ok picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok detail set up noise reduction: av2 output: rgb centring: picture rotation: on tv 0 0 ok 13 gb menu system continued... manual programme preset the ? manual programme preset ? option in the ? set up ? menu allows you to: a) preset channels or a video input source one by one to the programme order of your choice. to do that: 1 after selecting the ? manual programme preset ? option, press then with programme option highlighted press . press or to select on which programme number you want to preset the channel (for vcr, select programme number ? 0 ? ). then press . 2 the following option is only available depending on the country you have selected in the ? language/country ? menu. after selecting the system option, press . then press or to select the tv broadcast system ( b/g for western european countries or d/k for eastern european countries). then press . 3 after selecting the channel option, press . then press or to select the channel tuning ( ? c ? for terrestrial channels or ? s ? for cable channels). next press . after that, press the number buttons to enter directly the channel number of the tv broadcast or the channel of the vcr signal. if you do not know the channel number, press or to search for it. when you tune the desired channel, press ok twice to store. repeat all the above steps to tune and store more channels. level 1 level 2 level 3 / function picture adjustment mode: personal contrast brightness colour sharpness hue reset ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok set up language/country auto tuning programme sorting progamme labels av preset manual programme preset detail set up ok
10 17 gb teletext teletext is an information service transmitted by most tv stations. the index page of the teletext service (usually page 100) gives you information on how to use the service. to operate teletext, use the remote control buttons as indicated below. make sure to use a channel (tv broadcast) with a strong signal, otherwise teletext errors may occur. to switch on teletext : after select the channel (tv broadcast) which carries the teletext you wish to view, press . to select a teletext page: input 3 digits for the page number, using the numbered buttons.  if you have made a mistake, retype the correct page number.  if the counter on the screen continues searching, it is because this page is not available. in that case, input another page number to access the next or preceding page: press progr + ( ) or progr - (). to superimpose teletext on to the tv: whilst you are viewing teletext, press . press it again to cancel teletext mode. to freeze a teletext page: some teletext pages have sub-pages which follow on automatically. to stop them, press / . press it again to cancel the freeze. to reveal concealed information (e.g: answer to a quiz): press / . press it again to conceal the information. to switch off teletext: press . fastext fastext service lets you access pages with one button push. while you are in teletext mode and fastext is broadcast, a colour coded menu appears at the bottom of the teletext page. press the colour button (red, green, yellow or blue) to access the corresponding page. teletext teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 teletext index programme news sport weather 25 153 101 98 18 connecting optional equipment using the following instructions, you can connect a wide range of optional equipment to your tv set. (connecting cables are not supplied). connecting a vcr: to connect a vcr, please refer to the section ? connecting the aerial and vcr ? of this instruction manual. we recommend you connect your vcr using a scart lead. if you do not have a scart lead, tune in the vcr test signal to tv programme number ? 0 ? by using ? manual programme preset ? option. (for details how to manual programme, see page 13, step a). also refer to your vcr instruction manual to find out how to find the output channel of your vcr. connecting a vcr that supports smartlink: smartlink is a direct link between the tv set and the vcr. for more information on smartlink, please refer to the instruction manual of your vcr. if you use a vcr that supports smartlink, please connect the vcr by using a scart lead to the scart : 2/ q f . if you have connected a decoder to a vcr which supports smartlink feature: select the ? manual programme preset ? option in the ? set up ? menu and after entering in the ? decoder* ? option, select ? on ? (by using or ). repeat this option for each scrambling signal. *this option is only available depending on the country you have selected in the ? country ? menu. additional information continued... s vhs/hi8/ dvc camcorder b 1 2 ? playstation ? ** deco d er v c r v c r deco d er hi- f i e d v c r dvd f ** ?playstation? is a product of sony computer entertainment, inc. * * ?playstation ? is a trademark of sony computer entertainment, inc. 8mm/hi8/dvc camcorder a c
11 20 specifications additional information tv system: b/g/h, d/k colour system: pal, secam ntsc 3.58, 4.43 (only video in) channel coverage: vhf: e2-e12 uhf: e21-e69 catv: s1-s20 hyper: s21-s41 d/k: r1-r12, r21-r69 picture tube: flat display fd trinitron kf-25fx30k: 25 ? (approx. 63 cm. measured diagonally) kf-29fx30k: 29 ? (approx. 73 cm. measured diagonally) rear terminals : 1/ 21-pin scart connector (cenelec standard) including audio/video input, rgb input, tv audio/video output. : 2/ q 21-pin scart connector (smartlink) (cenelec standard) including audio / video input, s video input, selectable audio / video output and smartlink interface. audio outputs (left/ right) - phono jacks front terminals q 3 s video input - 4 pin din ? 3 video input ? phono jack 3 audio input ? phono jacks headphones jack design and specifications are subject to change without notice. ecological paper- totally chlorine free sound output: 2 x 14 w (music power) 2 x 7 w (rms) power consumption: kf-25fx30k: 87 w kf-29fx30k: 94 w standby power consumption: 0.5 w dimensions (w x h x d) : kf-25fx30k: approx. 655 x 509 x 476 mm. kf-29fx30k: approx. 746 x 589 x 516 mm. weight: kf-25fx30k: approx. 36 kg. kf-29fx30k: approx. 46.5 kg. accessories supplied: 1 remote control (rm-887) 2 batteries (iec designated) other features:  teletext, fastext, toptext  sleep timer  smartlink (direct link between your tv set and a compatible vcr. for more information on smartlink, please refer to the instruction manual of your vcr).  tv system autodetection. 21 gb troubleshooting here are some simple solutions to the problems which may affect the picture and sound. additional information problem no picture (screen is dark) and no sound. poor or no picture (screen is dark), but good sound. no picture or no menu information from equipment connected to the scart connector. good picture, no sound. no colour on colour programmes. distorted picture when changing programmes or selecting teletext. wrong characters appear when viewing teletext. picture slanted noisy picture when viewing a tv channel. no unscrambling whilst viewing a scrambling channel with a decoder connected through the scart connector : 2/ q . remote control does not function. the standby indicator on the tv flashes. solution  check the aerial connection.  plug the tv in and press the button on the front of tv.  if the standby indicator is on, press button on the remote control.  using the menu system, select the ? picture adjustment ? menu and select ? reset ? to return to the factory settings.  check that the optional equipment is on and press the button repeatedly on the remote control until the correct input symbol is displayed on the screen.  press the +/- button on the remote control.  check that ? tv speakers ? is ? on ? on the ? sound adjustment ? menu.  using the menu system, select the ? picture adjustment ? menu and select ? reset ? to return to factory settings.  turn off any equipment connected to the scart connector on the rear of the tv.  using the menu system, enter to the ? language/ country ? menu and select the country in which you operate the tv set.  using the menu system, select the ? picture rotation ? option in the ? detail set up ? menu to correct the picture slant.  using the menu system, select the ? manual programme preset ? menu and adjust fine tuning (aft) to obtain better picture reception.  using the menu system, select the ? noise reduction ? option in the ? detail set up ? menu and select ? on ? to reduce the noise in the picture.  using the menu system, select the ? set up ? menu. then enter to ? detail set up ? option and set ? av2 output ? to ? tv ? .  replace the batteries.  contact to your nearest sony service centre. in case of problems, have your tv serviced by qualified personnel. never open the casing yourself.
12 section 2 disassembly 2-1. rear cover removal release the mains power cable from its securing posts. remove the rear cover fixing screws indicated. pull the rear cover away from the front beznet. 2-2. chassis removal and refitting to remove lift the main bracket rear slightly and slide the chassis away from the beznet. ensure that the interconnecting leads are released from their purse locks to prevent damage being caused. when refitting the chassis ensure that the main bracket is located in the beznet guide slots before sliding the chassis forwards. refit the interconnecting leads in their respective purse locks. => => <= <= => => =>
13 2-4. a board pwb removal [ step 2 ] 2-3. a board pwb removal [ step 1 ] 2-5. service position screw. release the 3 securing clips located at the side of the chassis and slide the pwb clear of the bracket. place the chassis in the position indicated to carry out servicing. to gain access to the high voltage areas of the a board the bootom plates need to be removed (see page 15). remove the screw securing the pwb to the main bracket. clip.
14 anode button a * removing procedures. turn up one side of the rubber cap in the direction indicated by the arrow a 1 2 using a thumb pull up the rubber cap firmly in the direction indicated by the arrow b 3 when one side of the rubber cap is separated from the anode button, the anode-cap can be removed by turning up the rubber cap and pulling it up in the direction of the arrow c b b c how to handle the anode-cap 1. to prevent damaging the surface of the anode-cap do not use sharp materials. 2. do not apply too great a pressure on the rubber, as this may cause damage to the anode connector. 3. a metal fitting called a shatter hook terminal is fitted inside the rubber cap. 4. do not turn the rubber foot over excessively, this may cause damage if the shatter hook sticks out. removal of the anode-cap 2-6. picture tube removal warning: before removing the anode cap high voltage remains in the crt even after the power is disconnected. to avoid electric shock, discharge crt before attempting to remove the anode cap. short between anode and crt coated earth ground strap. coated earth ground strap 1. discharge the anode of the crt and remove the anode cap. 2. release the eht lead from its crt support bracket. 3. unplug all interconnecting leads from the deflection yoke, degaussing coils, rotation coil and crt grounding strap. 4. remove the c board from the crt. 5. loosen the vm block fixing screw and remove. 6. remove the chassis assembly. 7. loosen the deflection yoke fixing screw and remove. 8. remove the degaussing coil holders. 9. place the set with the crt face down on a cushion. 10. unscrew the four crt fixing screws [ located on each crt corner ] and remove the crt. 11. remove the degaussing coils. remove the crt grounding strap and spring tentioners. [take care not to handle the crt by the neck.] 3 4 1 10 8 2 5 6 7 9
15 removal and replacement of the main - bracket bottom plates. (1) removing the plates in the event of servicing being required to the solder side of the d board printed wiring board, the bottom plates fitted to the main chassis bracket require to be removed. this is performed by cutting the gates with a sharp wire cutter at the locations indicated by the arrows. note : there are 3 plates fitted to the main bracket and secured by3 gates. only remove the necessary plate to gain access to the printed wiring board. (2) refitting the plates because the plates differ in size it is important that the correct plates are refitted in their original location. please note that the plates need to be rotated 180 degrees from their cut position to allow the tabs to be fitted into their catch positions. for safety reasons, on no account should the plates be re- moved and not refitted after servicing.  ta b catch
16 purity control corrects this area disk magnets or rotatable disk magnets correct these areas (a-d) deflection yoke positioning corrects these areas disk magnets a cd b green blue red preparation: 1. in order to reduce the influence of geomagnetism on the set?s picture tube, face it in an easterly or westerly direction. 2. switch on the set?s power and degauss with the degausser. 1. input an all white signal from the pattern generator. set the contrast and brightness to normal. 2. set the pattern generator raster signal to red. 3. move the deflection yoke forward and adjust with the purity control so that the red is at the centre and the blue and green take up equally sized areas on each side of the screen. [see fig.3-1 - 3-3]. 4. move the deflection yoke backwards and adjust so that the entire screen becomes red. [see fig.3-1] 5. switch the raster signal to blue, then to green and verify the condition. 6. when the position of the deflection yoke has been determined, fasten the deflection yoke with the screws. 7. if the beam does not land correctly in all the corners, use a magnet to correct it. [see fig.3-4]  when complete readjustment is necessary or a new picture tube is installed, carry out the following adjustments.  unless there are specific instructions to the contrary, carry out these adjustments with the rated power supply.  unless there are specific instructions to the contrary, set the controls and switches to the following settings : contrast .................... 80% [or remote control normal] brightness ................... 50% carry out the adjustments in the following order : 3-1. beam landing. 3-2. convergence. 3-3. focus. 3-4. white balance. note : test equipment required. 1. color bar/pattern generator. 2. degausser. 3. oscilloscope. 4. digital multimeter. caution : high voltages are present on the deflection yoke terminals - take care when handling the deflection yoke whilst carrying out adjustments. fig.3-4 fig. 3-1. fig. 3-3. fig. 3-2. purity section 3 set-up adjustments 3-1. beam landing
17 4. if the v.stat magnet is moved in the direction of the (a) and (b) arrows, the red, green and blue points move as indicated below. 1. [moving horizontally], adjust the h.stat control so that the red, green and blue points are on top of each other at the centre of the screen. 2. [moving vertically], adjust the v.stat magnet so that the red, green and blue points are on top of each other at the centre of the screen. 3. if the h.stat variable resistor is unable to bring the red, green and blue points together at the centre of the screen, adjust the horizontal convergence with the h.stat variable resistor and the v.stat magnet in the manner indicated below. [in this case, the h.stat variable resistor and the v.stat magnet influence each other]. the movement of the magnets interact with each other and so the respective dot position should be monitored while carrying out this adjustment. use the h.stat vr to adjust the red, green and blue dots so that they coincide at the centre of the screen (by moving the dots in the horizontal direction). gb r gb r gb r g b r gb r g b r 3-2. convergence operation of the bmc (hexapole) magnet. preparation: ? before starting this adjustment, adjust the focus, horizontal size and vertical size. ? minimize the brightness setting. ? input a dot pattern from the pattern generator. horizontal and vertical static convergence fig.3-5 ? tilt the v.stat magnet and adjust the static convergence by opening or closing the v.stat magnet. b g r b g r a a b b a b b g r a a b g r b b b g r a b r g b b a center dot r g b r g b c board rv702 (h stat) h stat convergence (on mount side) h stat convergence control v.stat vertical static magnet
18 + ych vr deflection yoke + + tilt direction if you are unable to adjust the corner convergence properly, this can be corrected with the use of permalloy magnets. htil correction can be performed by adding a tlh correction assembly to the deflection yoke. htil adjustment ych adjustment tlv adjustment geometry adjustment. preparation: before starting this adjustment, adjust the horizontal and vertical static convergence. 1. remove the deflection yoke spacer. 2. tilt the deflection yoke as indicated in the figure below and optimise the geometry. tilting the dy up and down will balance the upper and lower pin adjustment. tilting the dy left and right will balance the h-trap adjustment. 3. re-install the deflection yoke spacer. screen corner convergence tlh pieces deflection yoke a b d permalloy assy x-4387-214-1 c install the permalloy assembly for the area that needs correcting. convergence adjustment with permalloy + tlv vr deflection yoke + + a-d: screen-corner convergence defect a b c d
19 1. receive a television broadcast signal. 2. normalize the picture setting. 3. adjust the focus control located on the flyback transformer to obtain the best focus at the centre of the screen. bring only the centre area of the screen into focus, the magenta-ring appears on the screen. in this case, adjust the focus to optimize the screen uniformly. 3-4. screen (g2), white balance [adjustment in the service mode using the remote commander] g2 adjustment 1. input a dot signal from the pattern generator. 2. enter the ?service mode? by pressing ?test?, ?test? and ?38? (tt-38) on the remote commander, to set up the g2 service adjustment mode. 3. whilst watching the picture, adjust the g2 control [screen] located on the flyback transformer to the point where the osd menu indication shows ?ok?. layout of each control 1. input an all-white signal from the pattern generator. 2. enter into the ?service mode? by pressing ?test?, ?test? and ?menu? on the service commander. 3. select ?service? from the on screen menu display and press the right arrow button on the remote commander. 4. the ?service? menu will appear on the screen. [see page 19] 5. set the ?contrast? to max. 6. set the ?r-drive? to 25. 7. adjust the ?g-drive? and the ?b-drive? so that the white balance becomes optimum. 8. press the ?ok? button to write the data for each item. 9. set the ?contrast? to min. 10. adjust the ?g-cutoff?, and the ?r-cutoff? with the left and right buttons on the remote commander so that the white balance becomes optimum. 11. press the ?ok? button to write the data for each item. white balance adjustment for tv mode v.stat bmc (hexapole) purity 3-3. focus adjustment screen focus
20 sub brightness adjustment 1. input a monoscope pattern. 2. press ?test? ?test? 13 on the remote commander. 3. adjust the ?sub-brightness? data so that there is barely a difference between the 0 ire and 10 ire signal levels. 1. input a video signal that contains a small 100% white area on a black background. 2. connect an digital voltmeter to pin 10 of j701 [c board]. 3. adjust the sub-contrast [?tt11?] to obtain a voltage of 105 +/- 5v (kv-29fx30) or 96 +/-5v (kv-25fx30). sub contrast adjustment 4-1. electrical adjustments service adjustments to this model can be performed using the suppliedemote commander rm-887. ?tt?? will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. other status information will also be displayed. 3. press ?menu? on the remote commander to obtain the following menu on the screen. 4. move to the corresponding adjustment item using the up or down arrow buttons on the remote commander. 5. press the right arrow button to enter into the required menu item. 6. press the ?menu? button on the remote commander to quit the service mode when all adjustments have been completed. note :  before performing any adjustments ensure that the correct model has been selected in the ?model setting? menu.  after carrying out the service adjustments, to prevent the customer accessing the ?service menu? switch the tv set off and then on. i+ 5 + (on screen (digit 5) (volume +) (tv) display) section 4 circuit adjustments how to enter into the service mode t s u j d a f i t s u j d a c g a e t u m o t u a n i a g o i d u a g n i t a g l ) 5 1 + , 6 1 - (0 + 1 0 0 y r t e m o e g e c i v r e s n g i s e d s u t a t s d n u o s t s u j d a f i u n e m r o r r e 0 3 . 1 v o e r e t s 2 - e f h f f h f f a t a d y r o t c a f g 1 1 4 3 p s m : e c i v e d p s m e c i v r e s r - t e s f f o g - t e s f f o e v i r d - r e v i r d - g e v i r d - b q e r f - k a e p y a l e d - a m u l 0 c s k a e p - e t i h w t n o c b u s t h g i r b u s l o c b u s p r a h s b u s . r b f f o t u c d s o r b t x t r b ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 3 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( j d a j d a 5 2 j d a j d a 0 8 2 5 1 4 1 3 j d a 1 3 0 6 0 1 9 y r t e m o e g y t i r a e n i l - v l l o r c s - v k l b h - t f e l k l b h - t h g i r e l g n a - v w o b - v e r t n e c - h e z i s - h p m a - n i p n i p - r e n r o c - u n i p - r e n r o c - l e s a h p n i p e p o l s - v e z i s - v n o i t c e r r o c - s e r t n e c - v m o o z - v a t n e g a m ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( j d a 2 3 8 6 j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a 5 3 j d a j d a j d a 3 2 0 4 1. turn on the main power switch and enter into the stand-by mode. 2. press the following sequence of buttons on the remote commander. u n e m r o r r e 2 0 e 3 0 e 4 0 e 5 0 e 6 0 e 7 0 e 8 0 e 9 0 e 0 1 e 1 1 e e m i t g n i k r o w s r u o h s e t u n i m p c o a / n p v o c n y s v r k i c i i m v n e l g n u j r e n u t p d n u o s v 8 ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( ) 5 5 2 , 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1
21 sub colour adjustment 1. receive a pal colour bar signal. 2. connect an oscilloscope to pin 5 of cn003 [a board]. 3. enter into the ? service ? service menu. 4. adjust the ? sub colour ? data so that the cyan, magenta and blue colour bars are of equal levels as indicated below. same level b-out waveform tuner agc adjustment note: there should be no need to adjust the agc as this is pre- adjusted during manufacture of the frontend. if the agc does need adjustment then follow steps 1. to 4. below. 1. receive a signal of 62dbuv / 75 ohm terminated via the tuner antenna socket. 2. connect a voltmeter to pin1 of tu101 [print side of a board] or to the agc pin of cn001 [mount side of a board]. 3. confirm that the agc voltage is 3.5volts +/- 0.3volts. 4. if adjustment is required, then re-adjust the agc variable resistor (located at the top rear of the frontend) to obtain a voltage of 3.5v +/- 0.3v. 1. enter into the ? geometry ? service menu. 2. select and adjust each item in order to obtain the optimum image. [ print side of a board ] deflection system adjustment v size v lin s correction v centre h centre h size pin amp pin phase corner pin v angle y r t e m o e g y t i r a e n i l - v l l o r c s - v k l b h - t f e l k l b h - t h g i r e l g n a - v w o b - v e r t n e c - h e z i s - h p m a - n i p n i p - r e n r o c - u n i p - r e n r o c - l e s a h p n i p e p o l s - v e z i s - v n o i t c e r r o c - s e r t n e c - v m o o z - v a t n e g a m ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 5 1 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( ) 3 6 , 0 ( j d a 2 3 8 6 j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a j d a 5 3 j d a j d a j d a 3 2 0 4
22 4-2. test mode 1: test mode 2 is available by pressing the ? test ? button twice, osd ? tt ? appears. the functions described below are available by selecting the two numbers. to release the ? test mode 2 ? , press 00, 10, 20 ... twice or switch the tv set into stand-by mode. in ? tt menu ? mode, it is possible to remove the menu from the screen by pressing the speaker off button once. pressing the speaker off button a second time will cause the menu to reappear. the function is kept even when the menu is not displayed on screen !!. test mode 1 is available by pressing the ? test ? button once, osd ? t ? appears. the functions described below are available by selecting the indicated keys. the ? t ? is released automatically after each command is executed. 4-3. test mode 2: y e k n o i t c n u f e d o m - t + e m u l o vm u m i x a m e m u l o v - e m u l o vm u m i n i m e r u t c i p + e r u t c i pm u m i x a m e r u t c i p - e r u t c i pm u m i n i m e r u t c i p p u r u o l o cm u m i x a m r u o l o c n w o d r u o l o cm u m i n i m r u o l o c t h g i r b - s s e n t h g i r bm u m i x a m s s e n t h g i r b k r a d - s s e n t h g i r bm u m i n i m s s e n t h g i r b h s i l p r u p - e u hh s i l p r u p - e u h h s i n e e r g - e u hh s i n e e r g - e u h p r a h s - s s e n p r a h sm u m i x a m s s e n p r a h s t f o s - s s e n p r a h sm u m i n i m s s e n p r a h s t f e l e c n a l a bt f e l l l u f e c n a l a b t h g i r e c n a l a bt h g i r l l u f e c n a l a b p u e l b e r tm u m i x a m e l b e r t n w o d e l b e r tm u m i n i m e l b e r t p u s s a bm u m i x a m s s a b n w o d s s a bm u m i n i m s s a b 0 0 f f o e d o m ' t t ' 1 0 m u m i x a m e r u t c i p 2 0 m u m i n i m e r u t c i p 3 0 % 5 3 o t e m u l o v e n o h p d a e h / r e k a e p s t e s 4 0 % 0 5 o t e m u l o v e n o h p d a e h / r e k a e p s t e s 5 0 % 5 6 o t e m u l o v e n o h p d a e h / r e k a e p s t e s 6 0 % 0 8 o t e m u l o v e n o h p d a e h / r e k a e p s t e s 7 0 e d o m g n i e g a 8 0 n o i t i d n o c g n i p p i h s 1 1 t n e m t s u j d a e r u t c i p b u s 2 1 t n e m t s u j d a r u o l o c b u s 3 1 t n e m t s u j d a s s e n t h g i r b b u s 4 1 t n e m t s u j d a n o i t i s o p h t x e t 5 1 t s e t l i o c n o i t a t o r 6 1 % 0 5 l e v e l e r u t c i p 9 1 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e e d o m y r o t c a f 1 2 r k e d a n o i t a n i t s e d 2 2 l b n o i t a n i t s e d 3 2 r k e d a n o i t a n i t s e d 4 2 u n o i t a n i t s e d 5 2 r k e d a n o i t a n i t s e d 6 2 l b n o i t a n i t s e d 7 2 r k e d a n o i t a n i t s e d 8 2 r k e d a n o i t a n i t s e d 1 3 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e f f o t u h s o t u a 3 3 f f o / n o n o i t a t o r 5 3 s u t a t s v t y a l p s i d ; 9 : 6 1 > < 3 : 4 t r c 6 3 t s e t n o / f f o ) m v ( n o i t a l u d o m y t i c o l e v 8 3 t n e m t s u j d a 2 g 1 4 m v n e s i l a i t i n i - e r 3 4 d n u o s a l a u d t c e l e s 4 4 d n u o s b l a u d t c e l e s 5 4 d n u o s o n o m t c e l e s 6 4 d n u o s o e r e t s t c e l e s 8 4 n i g r i v n o n s a m v n t e s 9 4 n i g r i v s a m v n t e s 1 5 f f o / n o y b l o d l a u t r i v 2 5 e l b a n e ) t n e m e c n a h n e s s a b ( b p m / r e f o o w b u s 4 5 r k e d a n o i t a n i ) p a r t a m o r h c ( m / c e r u t c u r t s t o d 5 5 ) s p l a / y n o s ( n o i t c e l e s r e n u t 6 5 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e e b b 7 5 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e e n i l u n e m e b b 1 6 t n e m t s u j d a c g a o t u a 2 6 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e d n a b e s a b m o r f m a 3 6 r o t c e n n o c 3 c y e l b a s i d / e l b a n e 4 6 y t i r o i r p b g r e l b a s i d / e l b a n e 5 6 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e t c e t e d - o t u a b g r 6 6 e l b a s i d / e l b a n e r e m i t n o 7 6 t n e m t s u j d a c g a l a u n a m 8 6 ) m e l b o r p n ( e r u s a e m r e t n u o c 6 2 x e l b a s i d / e l b a n e 9 6 e r u t a e f i c a e l b a s i d / e l b a n e 1 7 o e d i v l a p e c r o f 2 7 ) n o i t i d n o c o e d i v l a m r o n e r o t s e r ( l a p e c r o f - n u 3 7 ) 4 7 . 6 / 5 . 6 ( m e t s y s 2 k / d n o t i e w z e l b a n e 4 7 ) 4 7 . 5 / 5 . 6 ( m e t s y s 3 k / d n o t i e w z e l b a n e 8 7 t f e l l l u f e c n a l a b 9 7 t h g i r l l u f e c n a l a b 7 8 t s e t s y e k l a c o l 9 8 g o d h c t a w e l b a s i d / e l b a n e 1 9 e d o m m o o z 9 : 4 1 t e s 2 9 e d o m m o o z t r a m s t e s 3 9 e d o m m o o z 9 : 6 1 t e s 4 9 e d o m m o o z t e s 5 9 e d o m m o o z 3 : 4 t e s 9 9 u n e m e m i t g n i k r o w d n a r o r r e y a l p s i d
23 24 5-1. block diagrams (1) lowb 5 4 1 cn001 j401 (1/2) 77 63 5 7 4 3 2 1 5 4 relay switch q601 t603 srt 16 15 17 18 18 16 1 2 15 8 11 12 ic602 error amp 1 2 ph601 isol ator +b d638 rect audio vcc +b lowb 3.3v reg h-out q533 stby +3.3v ic608 7 5 ic501 v output 3 1 vd+ boost ref out pin out q532 6 5 4 3 2 1 t511 fbt fv abl 12 3 4 1 5 6 13 8 9 11 10 7 v dy v- dy+ dy assy v- dy- h dy h- dy+ h- dy- v- dy+ v- dy- h- dy+ h- dy+ to c board cn707 h1 200v to picture tube 2 3 6 5 _ + + - 1 7 ic531 pin correction ewd +8v in ik vd- 41 2 3 t531 hdt ic609 standby power hd c d t602 d632 rect ic001 micro, video processor, rom, audio, video switch cn601 cn510 vd vgch vs +b hv cn508 xtal out red nvm wp led l audio to speakers a ( ) power supply, deflection, small signal board, audio amplifier ic601 d514 -15v rect video +5v stby 1 2 1 3 dgc dgc dgc dgc check dgc check cn603 cn602 power s601 2 1 h- dy- h- dy- ic604 dual dc regulator 2 1 +8v d608 line filter t601 relay ry601 main rect d601 1 3 4 6 7 9 ct vsense rt timer ss ocp 12 vg(l) q606 q607 6 5 4 7 3 lowb d624 d622 d618 d619 vm vcc qcp detect q602, 603, 604 1 4 cn1201 j1200 r audio 64 xtal in 40 audio mute 5 aud out/cvbs20 6 67 2 1 vcc out ic002 remote control rece iver +3.3v stby 6 5 3 2 + - + - 7 1 +5v stby ic1201 audio amp mute 1 in/inl 10 14 out/l h-drive q535 function switch s001 - s006 68 ic401 av link +5v stby 69 r0 56 a10 b10 1 2 3 6 g0 57 b0 58 ik 55 green blue ik ewd 17 vd- 18 vd+ 19 abl 54 to c board cn703 to vm board cn1701 8 cn003 j401 (2/2) vm out agc scl sda video ic004 sda 6 scl 5 7 wp 71 scl 72 sda 28 cvbs2/ cvbsy2 2 key 3 agc 53 b2/uin 1 mode1 80 mode2 52 g2/yin 51 r2/vin 38 -/c4 50 inssw2 32 cvbs1 37 -/cvbs4y4 65 key/cs 45 audio 1 34 cvbs3/cvbs3y3 a8 a11 a7 b8 a15 a16 b20 b15 a20 a2 blue in mode1 mode2 green in red in c2 in blk v in 1 y/v in 2 ic003 reset buffer q401,411 a19 tu101 mute sw q212 audio video stby 70 2 f/b d513 +15v rect 1 3 d625 am 44 audio 2 stby
power cn6603 2 1 2 1 to a board cn606 cn6601 f1 ( ) power switch to a board cn406 to a board cn208 video headp hones r l audio l out audio l in audio r in audio r out cn906 audio l audio r y/cvbs c 5 6 2 3 4 1 6 8 j900 1 2 4 3 y/c j901 h1( ) audio in, ir receiver, y/c in, headphone in j900 1 woofer mute cn908 to a board cn405 function switch s900-s902 key cn907 resp sircs 6 7 4 ic900 2 1 +5v stby h1 picture tube cn703 r g b ik to board t511 (fbt) h c v r g b h v rcv g2 g 4 g 2 to a board cn504 1 2 3 6 +8v 1 3 cn1801 rot - rot + + - ic1801 6 7 5 + - 2 1 3 to rotation coil ns correct 7 c ( ) rgb out 3 1 5 2 r in g in b in ik 7 9 8 kr kg kb ic701 5-2. circuit board location 5-3. schematic diagrams and printed wiring boards note : ? all capacitors are in f unless otherwise noted.  pf : ?f 50wv or less are not indicated except for electrolytic types.  indication of resistance, which does not have one for rating electrical power, is as follows. pitch : 5mm electrical power rating : 1/4w  chip resistors are 1/10w  all resistors are in ohms. k = 1000 ohms, m = 1000,000 ohms  : nonflammable resistor.  : fusible resistor.  : internal component.  : panel designation or adjustment for repair.  all variable and adjustable resistors have characteristic curve b, unless otherwise noted.  all voltages are in volts.  readings are taken with a 10mohm digital mutimeter.  readings are taken with a color bar input signal.  voltage variations may be noted due to normal production tolerences. : b + bus.  : b - bus.  : rf signal path.  : earth - ground.  : earth - chassis. reference information resistor rn : metal film rc : solid fprd : non flammable carbon fuse : non flammable fusible rs : non flammable metal oxide rb : non flammable cement rw : non flammable wirewound : adjustment resistor coil lf-8l : micro inductor capacitor ta : tantalum ps : styrol pp : polypropylene pt : mylar mps : metalized polyester mpp : metalized polypropylene alb : bipolar alt : high temperature alr : high ripple les composants identifis par une trame et par une marque sont d'une importance critique pour la scurit. ne les remplacer que par des pices de numro spcifi. specified. note : the components identified by shading and marked are critical for safety. replace only with the part numbers specified in the parts list. note : cvm board a board s1 board vm c h d1 a j a2 n d a1 d2 c a 5-1. block diagrams (2) 25 26 9 vm amp q1701, 1702, vm amp buffer q1704, 1705 vm out q1708, 1711 neck assy vm cn1718 q.p. vm cn1702 8 to a board cn501 135v gnd vm qp out q1841 1 2 3 4 q.p.+ q.p.- 7 2 ic1902 df/dqp/timing + - 3 1 2 + - 5 7 6 3 to a board cn503 +9v ic1901 comparator cn1809 1 df 15v pulse vm ( ) velocity modulation, dynamic focus and dqp cn1701 f1 board h1 board vm board c board a board
c [ r,g,b out ] 27 28 c board waveforms 20us/div 1.88 vp-p (h) tp3 20us/div 1.88 vp-p (h) tp2 20us/div 74 vp-p (h) tp5 20us/div 74 vp-p (h) tp6 20us/div 1.76 vp-p (h) tp7 10us/div 1.77 vp-p (h) tp1 20us/div tp4 74 vp-p (h) tp4 onfer onnip )v(egatlov onfer onnip )v(egatlov 1071ci 11 .3 1081ci 13 .1 21 . 223 .1 30 . 334 .1 55 . 551 .4 71 3 161 .4 83 2 170 .7 96 .42 180 .8 ic voltage table c b oard w aveforms
29 30 vm [ velocity modulation ] difference table f e r b 0 3 x f 5 2 e 0 3 x f 5 2 k 0 3 x f 5 2 b 0 3 x f 9 2 e 0 3 x f 9 2 k 0 3 x f 9 2 7 1 9 1 c--- f p 0 7 4f p 0 7 4f p 0 7 4 7 4 8 1 r2 82 82 80 8 10 8 10 8 1 8 4 8 1 r8 68 68 60 0 10 0 10 0 1 8 1 9 1 rk 6 . 5k 6 . 5k 6 . 5k 8 . 6k 8 . 6k 8 . 6 1 2 9 1 rk 6 . 5k 6 . 5k 6 . 5k 8 . 6k 8 . 6k 8 . 6 1 3 9 1 rk 9 3k 9 3k 9 3k 7 4k 7 4k 7 4 6 6 9 1 r0 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 7 6 9 1 rk 1k 1k 1k 8 . 6k 8 . 6k 8 . 6 8 6 9 1 r0 5 10 5 10 5 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 9 6 9 1 rk 1k 1k 1k 6 . 5k 6 . 5k 6 . 5
31 32 f1 [ ac filter, fuse, sircs ] h2 [ av3 input ]
a [ printed wiring board ] 33 34 ab cd e f g hi jklm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 note: portions of the circuit marked as shown are high voltage areas. use care to prevent electric shock during inspection or repair. semiconductor location table e d o i d 3 1 0 d1 - m3 0 1 d1 - e6 3 2 d3 - d1 1 4 d3 - c4 2 4 d2 - m5 0 5 d2 - m8 3 5 d6 - e2 1 6 d5 - g5 2 6 d6 - h r o t s i s n a r t 2 3 5 q4 - d9 0 6 q6 - j4 0 0 c i2 - h 1 0 0 d2 - i6 1 0 d2 - j4 0 1 d2 - e9 3 2 d3 - d2 1 4 d3 - d7 2 4 d4 - a6 0 5 d4 - d9 3 5 d5 - b3 1 6 d6 - j7 2 6 d7 - k3 1 0 q3 - i3 3 5 q6 - a0 1 2 1 q3 - h1 0 4 c i3 - i 2 0 0 d3 - i8 1 0 d3 - i5 0 1 d1 - a2 0 4 d3 - e3 1 4 d3 - c8 2 4 d3 - c7 0 5 d2 - m1 4 5 d5 - f4 1 6 d8 - k8 2 6 d7 - l4 1 0 q1 - l5 3 5 q4 - b1 1 2 1 q3 - h1 0 5 c i0 1 - e 3 0 0 d2 - k0 2 0 d8 - m6 0 1 d1 - b3 0 4 d2 - b4 1 4 d2 - b9 2 4 d3 - d2 1 5 d8 - d3 7 5 d5 - f5 1 6 d5 - h9 2 6 d7 - l9 4 0 q3 - j1 0 6 q5 - k0 3 2 1 q3 - b1 3 5 c i4 - f 4 0 0 d4 - m1 2 0 d2 - l7 0 1 d2 - b4 0 4 d3 - i8 1 4 d3 - b5 3 4 d2 - a3 1 5 d9 - d1 0 6 d9 - i8 1 6 d6 - h1 3 6 d7 - l2 0 2 q3 - e2 0 6 q5 - g1 3 2 1 q3 - b1 0 6 c i0 1 - f 6 0 0 d8 - m2 2 0 d2 - j7 0 2 d3 - f5 0 4 d2 - b9 1 4 d2 - e6 3 4 d2 - a4 1 5 d9 - c2 0 6 d5 - j9 1 6 d6 - h2 3 6 d5 - k3 0 2 q2 - f3 0 6 q5 - g2 3 2 1 q3 - b2 0 6 c i7 - f 7 0 0 d1 - k5 3 0 d3 - k0 1 2 d5 - i6 0 4 d2 - b0 2 4 d2 - b1 0 5 d9 - d4 3 5 d5 - e4 0 6 d9 - f0 2 6 d5 - m3 3 6 d5 - l2 1 2 q5 - i4 0 6 q5 - h3 3 2 1 q2 - c4 0 6 c i5 - h 8 0 0 d3 - l6 3 0 d3 - k1 1 2 d5 - i7 0 4 d2 - b1 2 4 d2 - c2 0 5 d9 - d5 3 5 d6 - e8 0 6 d8 - f1 2 6 d5 - j8 3 6 d6 - i1 0 4 q1 - c6 0 6 q0 1 - g s ' c i 8 0 6 c i5 - l 0 1 0 d2 - g1 5 0 d3 - l2 1 2 d5 - i8 0 4 d2 - b2 2 4 d2 - c3 0 5 d2 - i6 3 5 d6 - b0 1 6 d5 - j2 2 6 d7 - h0 4 6 d5 - l9 0 4 q1 - g7 0 6 q9 - g1 0 0 c i2 - k9 0 6 c i6 - l 1 1 0 d2 - f1 0 1 d1 - b8 2 2 d4 - e0 1 4 d2 - c3 2 4 d2 - c4 0 5 d2 - i7 3 5 d4 - c1 1 6 d5 - g3 2 6 d5 - j1 1 4 q2 - d8 0 6 q6 - j2 0 0 c i8 - m1 0 2 1 c i4 - h semiconductor voltage table ic voltage table o n f e r n i p o n s t l o v ) v ( f e r o n n i p o n s t l o v ) v ( f e r o n n i p o n s t l o v ) v ( 1 0 0 c i 10 1 0 0 c i 0 52 . 0 1 0 5 c i 69 . 3 1 22 . 31 55 . 273 . 0 39 . 22 55 . 2 1 3 5 c i 14 . 1 50 3 55 . 223 . 2 60 . 24 51 . 238 . 1 83 . 25 52 . 554 . 2 90 . 86 50 . 366 . 1 0 10 . 57 51 . 374 . 6 2 10 8 51 . 3 1 0 6 c i 14 . 0 8 - 3 10 9 52 . 325 . 0 8 - 4 10 . 42 60 3 2 . 0 8 - 6 14 . 13 60 4 2 . 0 8 - 7 15 . 14 60 5 5 . 1 8 - 8 10 5 60 6 6 . 1 8 - 9 10 7 68 . 478 . 7 7 - 0 28 . 38 64 . 098 . 1 8 - 1 28 . 39 60 0 16 7 - 2 20 . 50 70 1 19 . 1 8 - 6 20 1 70 2 14 . 9 7 - 8 25 . 32 70 4 15 . 6 1 9 26 . 33 71 . 75 11 1 0 39 . 14 70 . 56 14 . 4 1 1 33 . 05 71 . 88 14 . 6 8 2 36 . 36 75 . 3 - 1 0 2 1 c i 11 1 4 39 . 17 70 3 9 . 4 5 34 . 18 72 . 350 6 39 . 39 72 . 360 8 38 . 10 80 7 3 . 1 1 0 43 . 3 1 0 5 c i 14 . 193 . 0 2 43 . 323 . 20 10 3 44 . 138 . 12 10 5 40 54 . 24 15 3 . 1 1 f e r b 0 3 x f 5 2 e 0 3 x f 5 2 k 0 3 x f 5 2 b 0 3 x f 9 2 e 0 3 x f 9 2 k 0 3 x f 9 2 0 3 5 c- - - f u 1 0 . 0f u 1 0 . 0f u 1 0 . 0 2 3 5 cf u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 . 0 6 3 5 cf u 5 7 . 0f u 5 7 . 0f u 5 7 . 0f u 2 8 . 0f u 2 8 . 0f u 2 8 . 0 7 3 5 cf u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 7 4 0 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 0 . 0f u 2 2 0 0 . 0 6 4 5 cf u 6 5 0 . 0f u 6 5 0 . 0f u 6 5 0 . 0f u 1 5 0 . 0f u 1 5 0 . 0f u 1 5 0 . 0 7 4 5 cf u 5 7 . 0f u 5 7 . 0f u 5 7 . 0f u 2 8 . 0f u 2 8 . 0f u 2 8 . 0 2 3 2 1 c- - - f u 1 . 0f u 1 . 0f u 1 . 0 5 0 5 d7 1 - e t 5 5 3 s s i7 1 - e t 5 5 3 s s i7 1 - e t 5 5 3 s s i1 t 4 1 9 l d m m1 t 4 1 9 l d m m1 t 4 1 9 l d m m 7 1 5 rk 4 2k 4 2k 4 2k 2 1k 2 1k 2 1 1 2 5 rk 0 7 4k 0 7 4k 0 7 4k 0 8 1k 0 8 1k 0 8 1 5 2 5 rk 2 . 2k 2 . 2k 2 . 20 7 40 7 40 7 4 2 3 5 rk 0 1k 0 1k 0 1k 7 . 2k 7 . 2k 7 . 2 4 3 5 rk 0 3 3k 0 3 3k 0 3 3k 0 9 3k 0 9 3k 0 9 3 5 3 5 rk 0 3 3k 0 3 3k 0 3 3k 8 6k 8 6k 8 6 1 4 5 r- - - k 0 3 3k 0 3 3k 0 3 3 6 4 5 r0 7 40 7 40 7 40 6 50 6 50 6 5 8 4 5 r7 . 47 . 47 . 43 . 33 . 33 . 3 2 6 5 rk 0 0 1k 0 0 1k 0 0 1k 0 2 1k 0 2 1k 0 2 1 3 6 5 r- - - k 0 0 1k 0 0 1k 0 0 1 5 9 5 r2 . 12 . 12 . 17 4 . 07 4 . 07 4 . 0 0 0 6 r0 7 20 7 20 7 20 3 30 3 30 3 3 3 3 5 t1 1 - 7 4 3 - 5 3 4 - 11 1 - 7 4 3 - 5 3 4 - 11 1 - 7 4 3 - 5 3 4 - 11 1 - 6 0 9 - 3 3 4 - 11 1 - 6 0 9 - 3 3 4 - 11 1 - 6 0 9 - 3 3 4 - 1 1 0 1 u t1 1 4 f e - f t b1 1 4 c e - f t b1 1 4 c e - f t b1 1 4 f e - f t b1 1 4 c e - f t b1 1 4 c e - f t b difference table f e r ) e ( ) b ( ) c ( 3 1 0 q07 . 00 6 1 0 q003 . 3 2 1 2 q07 . 00 1 0 4 q8 . 42 . 48 . 1 1 1 4 q1 . 17 . 12 . 4 1 0 6 q6 . 58 . 43 . 5 2 0 6 q2 . 4 11 . 58 3 0 6 q880 4 0 6 q005 . 2 8 0 6 q006 . 5 9 0 6 q6 . 56 . 50 f e r ) s ( ) g ( ) d ( 6 0 6 q9 . 0 15 . 4 17 . 6 8 7 0 6 q4 . 2 8 -9 . 9 7 -9 . 0 1 5 3 5 q05 . 22 . 5 9
35 36 37 kv-25/29fx30 [9-927-405-01] a [ power supply, deflection, audio amplifier (page 1/2) ]
38 39 40 a [ power supply, deflection, audio amplifier (page 2/2) ] a board waveforms 1.83 vp-p (v) 20us/div tp7 20us/div 1.88 vp-p (h) tp1 5ms/div tp8 488 mvp-p (v) 20us/div 1.86 vp-p (h) tp3 20us/div 1.84 vp-p (h) tp2 20us/div 6.0 vp-p (h) tp4 20us/div 5.4 vp-p (h) tp5 20us/div tp6 16.8 vp-p (h) 5ms/div 50.8 vp-p (v) tp11 5ms/div 49.8 vp-p (v) tp9 20us/div tp10 1.06 kvp-p (h)
41 lm358n lm393dt lm393n m5216p tda2822m tea2124 5-4. semiconductors dta144esa dta144esa-tp dtc114eka-t146 dtc143tka-t146 dtc144eka-t-146r 2sa1037k-t-146-r r2sa1162-g 2sa1037ak-t-146-qr 2sd601a-qtx 2sc1623-l5-l6 2sc2412k-qr 2sc2412k-t-146-qr 2sc2412k-t-146-r se-135n se135n-lf4 tda9394h top209p bf421-ammo 2sa1091-o 2sc2785-hfe 2sa933as-qrt 2sag33asqt 2sa933as-rt 2sc1740s-rt irf614-005 irf614-037 irf620 8 7 6 5 1 3 4 ( top view ) 2 1 2 3 1v out 2v in 3 gnd ( top view ) e c b c b e b c e b c e letter side b c e ( marking side view ) 64 41 1 24 80 65 25 40 msp3410d-pp-b4 7 1 132 33 64 stv9379 2sk2251-01-f19 e b c
42 sla-570kt3f era81-004tp1 era83-006 mtzj-3.6a mtzj-t-77-2.2a hzs9.inbz mtzj-t-77-3.6b mtzj-t-77-4.7b mtzj-t-77-5.1b mtzj-t-77-5.6b mtzj-t-77-6.8a mtzj-t-77-8.2b mtzj-t-77-7.5b mtzj-t-77-9.1 mtzj-t-77-9.1b mtzj-t-77-10 mtzj-t-72-10a mtzj-t-72-10b mtzj-t-77-15b mtzj-t-77-33a mtzj-33c mtzj-7.5b p6ke200asy rd3.9es-b2 rd7.5esb2 rd9.1es-b3 rd10esb2 rd15es-t1b2 1ss119-25td 1ss133t-77 1ss355te-17 rd12sb2 udzs-te-17-4.7b udzs-te-17-5.6b udzs-te-17-6.8b udzs-te-17-9.1b udz-te-17-22b uf4005pkg23 cathode anode cathode anode cathode anode cathode anode dan202k dan202k-t146 ma8330-tx d4sb60l-f ak04-v1 au-01z-v1 byd33g byd33g-ammo dinl20-ta dinl20-u-ta2 dinl40-u-tr2 erb44-06tp1 egp20g eg-1z-v1 el1z erd28-06s erd28-06s erc06-15sl fmn-g12s gp08dpkg23 rgp10gpkg23 rg15gpkg23 rg1clf-b1 ru-3am ru3yx-lf-c4 ru3yx-v1 ru-4am-t3 1ss292t-77 cathode anode 2 1 3 1 3 2
43 5-5 ic block diagrams 2 5 sw 3 1 4 vref - - + + gnd 1 2 3 7 5 - + - + 6 4 3 2 6 7 1 5 vsense remote dvld internal off latch centre osc ss f/b timer tsd ocp control logic level shift sel=34v ref 5v 15v/8v driver reg. 10v 18 8 14 16 15 10 12 11 9 a board ic604 ba41w12st-v5 a board ic401/ic531 lm393dt a board ic601 mcz3001d a board ic1201 tda7497 9 8 11 5 pwr gnd mute/stby protection 14 7 sgn gnd 1 + - + - 10 60k 12 15 13 pwr gnd vss
section 6 exploded views note : items with no part number and no description are not stocked because they are seldom required for routine service. the construction parts of an assembled part are indicated with a collation number in the remarks column. items marked ?*? are not stocked since they are seldom required for routine service. some delay should be anticipated when ordering these items. 6-1. chassis description remark description remark 44 1 1-571-433-31 switch, push (ac power) 2 *4-202-531-01 ac cord lock (sc) 3 1-783-083-11 cord power (with filter) 4 *4-204-773-04 bracket, main 5 1-424-733-11 coil, pfc choke 65mmh 6 1-453-308-31 transformer assy, flyback (nx4521//z2b4) 7 *a-1632-937-a a board, complete (kv-25fx30b) *a-1632-924-a a board, complete (KV-25FX30E/25fx30k) *a-1632-938-a a board, complete (kv-29fx30b) *a-1632-923-a a board, complete (kv-29fx30e/29fx30k) 8 8-598-535-10 frontend (btf-ef411) (kv-25fx30b/29fx30b) 8-598-533-00 frontend (btf-ec411) (KV-25FX30E/25fx30k kv-29fx30e/29fx30k) 9 *a-1646-240-a h1 board, complete 10 4-206-017-01 bracket f-h 11 *a-1624-098-a f1 board, complete 12 1-529-988-11 speaker (4.2x24cm) 13 4-058-870-01 screw, (4x16) w (+) p tapping 14 7-685-663-79 screw +bvtp 4x16 type 2 it-3 15 7-685-663-71 screw +bvtp 4x16 type 2 it-3 16 4-204-804-11 cover, rear (kv-25fx30) 4-204-772-11 cover, rear (kv-29fx30) 1 2 13 4 3 5 12 8 10 11 12 13 7 6 16 15 14 uk models only 9
6-2. picture tube description remark description remark 45 51 x-4200-716-1 beznet assy (kv-25fx30) 52-58 x-4200-715-1 beznet assy (kv-29fx30) 52-58 52 4-072-192-02 catcher, push 53 4-204-770-31 door, (painted) 54 3-703-035-12 shaft lid 55 4-204-730-21 window, ornamental 56 4-204-777-21 button, power 57 4-204-426-01 spring 58 4-204-785-01 guide, light 59 4-204-865-21 sheet, blotting 60 8-753-250-05 picture tube (a60lpn70x) (kv-25fx30) 8-753-053-05 picture tube (m68lnh060x) (kv-29fx30) 61 1-451-475-11 deflection yoke (y25rsa) (kv-25fx30) 8-451-494-51 deflection yoke (y29rsa-l) (kv-29fx30) 62 1-452-896-11 coil, na rotation (rt-200) 63 *a-1645-046-a vm board, complete (kv-25fx30) *a-1645-048-a vm board, complete (kv-29fx30) 64 *a-1639-021-a c board, complete 65 4-369-318-22 spring, tension 66 1-419-142-11 coil, degaussing (kv-25fx30) 1-416-654-11 coil, demagnetic (kv-29fx30) 67 4-203-390-11 cushion, dgc 68 *4-204-812-02 holder, dgc (kv-25fx30) *4-204-768-01 holder, dgc (kv-29fx30) 69 8-453-011-11 neck assy, na299m 70 1-251-537-22 cap assy, high voltage 71 3-704-495-02 spacer, dy 72 4-046-765-12 screw, tapping 7 + crown washer 73 4-308-870-00 clip, lead wire 74 1-452-094-11 magnet, rotatable disk; 15mm ? 75 1-452-032-11 magnet, disk; 10mm ? 76 x-4387-214-1 permalloy assy, correction 77 3-701-007-00 band, binding 75 77 76 73 74 72 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 70 69 67 51 59 58 53 52 54 55 56 57
section 7 electrical parts list parts listing table of contents note : refer to the designated variant parts list when seeking a part indicated by an asterisk (*) parts indicated (xx) on the schematic diagram are not used in this model and therefore do not appear in the parts list. 46 f1 board complete parts list : parts common to all models listed in this manual ..................... 47 a board common parts list : parts common to all models listed in this manual ..................... 47 a board variant parts list : parts that belong only to the model speci ed model kv-25fx30 ............................................................................................. 54 kv-29fx30 ............................................................................................. 55 c board complete parts list : parts common to all models listed in this manual ..................... 55 vm board common parts list : parts common to all models listed in this manual ..................... 56 vm board variant parts list : parts that belong only to the model speci ed model kv-25fx30 ............................................................................................. 57 kv-29fx30 ............................................................................................. 5 8 h1 board complete parts list : parts common to all models listed in this manual ..................... 58 miscellaneous : ............................................................................................. 59 accessories and packaging materials : ........................................................................................ 59 page description remark description remark 47 *a-1624-098-a f1 board, complete *4-374-846-01 cover, capacitor, cap type < capacitor > c6601 1-113-924-51 ceramic 0.0047uf 20.00% 250v < connector > cn6601 *1-580-844-11 pin, connector (power) cn6602 1-695-915-21 tab (contact) cn6603 *1-695-292-11 pin, connector (power) < fuse > f6601 1-576-232-31 fuse (h.b.c.) 5a/250v *1-533-725-11 holder, fuse (f6601) < resistor > r6601 1-202-719-91 solid 1m 10% 1/2w < switch > s6601 1-571-433-21 switch, push (ac power) < varistor > vdr6601 1-803-830-31 varistor (erzv14d621) *a-1632-937-a a board, complete (kv-25fx30b) *a-1632-924-a a board, complete (KV-25FX30E/ kv-25fx30k) *a-1632-938-a a board, complete (kv-29fx30b) *a-1632-923-a a board, complete (kv-29fx30e/ kv-29fx30k) a board, common parts 1-900-903-72 lead assy, focus 4-382-854-01 screw (m3x8), p, sw (+) 4-382-854-01 screw (m3x8), p, sw (+) < capacitor > c002 1-163-233-91 ceramic chip 18pf 5.00% 50v c004 1-163-037-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 10.00% 50v c005 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 10v c006 1-163-233-91 ceramic chip 18pf 5.00% 50v c009 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c010 1-164-005-91 ceramic chip 0.47uf 16v c011 1-163-005-91 ceramic chip 470pf 10.00% 50v c012 1-126-963-91 elect 4.7uf 20.00% 50v c013 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c014 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c015 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c016 1-216-295-91 short 0 c018 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c019 1-162-919-91 ceramic 22pf 5.00% 50v c020 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c021 1-163-037-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 10.00% 50v c022 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 10v c025 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 16v c026 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c027 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c028 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c030 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c033 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c035 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c036 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c037 1-136-244-11 film 0.1uf 2.00% 50v c038 1-163-038-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 25v c039 1-164-505-91 ceramic chip 2.2uf 16v c040 1-163-017-91 ceramic chip 0.0047uf 10.00% 50v c042 1-162-625-91 ceramic chip 0.0047uf 5.00% 50v c043 1-163-037-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 10.00% 50v c044 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c045 1-164-489-91 ceramic chip 0.22uf 10.00% 16v c046 1-163-037-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 10.00% 50v c047 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 16v c053 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c055 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c100 1-126-933-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 16v c103 1-126-965-91 elect 22uf 20.00% 50v c105 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c106 1-126-933-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 16v c112 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c211 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c213 1-163-249-91 ceramic chip 82pf 5.00% 50v c214 1-163-139-91 ceramic chip 820pf 5.00% 50v c215 1-163-084-91 ceramic chip 1.5pf 0.25pf 50v c216 1-163-117-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c217 1-163-084-91 ceramic chip 1.5pf 0.25pf 50v c218 1-163-249-91 ceramic chip 82pf 5.00% 50v c221 1-163-109-91 ceramic chip 47pf 5.00% 50v c222 1-163-117-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c223 1-126-965-91 elect 22uf 20.00% 50v c224 1-163-117-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c225 1-126-157-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 16v c226 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c227 1-163-117-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c228 1-126-965-91 elect 22uf 20.00% 50v c229 1-163-017-91 ceramic chip 0.0047uf 10.00% 50v c230 1-164-336-91 ceramic chip 0.33uf 25v c232 1-126-157-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 16v c233 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c234 1-107-823-91 ceramic chip 0.47uf 10.00% 16v f1 a description remark description remark 48 c235 1-164-005-91 ceramic chip 0.47uf 25v c236 1-126-157-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 16v c237 1-126-965-91 elect 22uf 20.00% 50v c238 1-163-117-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c239 1-126-157-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 16v c242 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c245 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c401 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c404 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c405 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c407 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c408 1-127-715-91 ceramic chip 0.22uf 10% 16v c409 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c410 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c411 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c412 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c414 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c415 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c416 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c417 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c418 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c419 1-162-964-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c423 1-127-715-91 ceramic chip 0.22uf 10% 16v c424 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c426 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c427 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c428 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c429 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c430 1-102-114-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 50v c435 1-163-017-91 ceramic chip 0.0047uf 10.00% 50v c436 1-163-017-91 ceramic chip 0.0047uf 10.00% 50v c437 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c438 1-164-346-91 ceramic chip 1uf 16v c445 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c446 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c447 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c449 1-127-715-91 ceramic chip 0.22uf 10% 16v c501 1-126-968-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 50v c502 1-163-038-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 25v c503 1-115-832-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 50v c504 1-106-220-91 mylar 0.1uf 10.00% 100v c505 1-137-194-81 film 0.47uf 5.00% 50v c506 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c508 1-163-035-91 ceramic chip 0.047uf 50v c509 1-107-364-81 mylar 0.01uf 10.00% 400v c510 1-163-005-91 ceramic chip 470pf 10.00% 50v c513 1-107-662-91 elect 22uf 20.00% 250v c515 1-104-666-91 elect 220uf 20.00% 25v c517 1-115-781-91 elect 220uf 20.00% 25v c518 1-106-375-81 mylar 0.022uf 10.00% 250v c519 1-163-275-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 5.00% 50v c520 1-163-038-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 25v c522 1-130-495-91 mylar 0.1uf 5.00% 50v c525 1-123-024-51 elect 33uf 160v c531 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c535 1-163-233-91 ceramic chip 18pf 5.00% 50v c538 1-165-319-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 50v c539 1-111-230-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 160v c540 1-137-051-91 film 0.033uf 10.00% 400v c541 1-106-383-91 mylar 0.047uf 10.00% 200v c542 1-161-754-61 ceramic 0.001uf 10.00% 2kv c543 1-162-134-51 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 2kv c545 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c548 1-162-134-51 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 2kv c550 1-107-638-91 elect 33uf 20.00% 160v c552 1-102-212-91 ceramic 820pf 10.00% 500v c553 1-137-417-91 mylar 0.0047uf 10.00% 200v c555 1-127-717-11 film 19000pf 3% 1.2kv c570 1-126-961-91 elect 2.2uf 20.00% 50v c580 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c582 1-163-255-91 ceramic chip 150pf 5.00% 50v c583 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c600 1-119-888-51 ceramic 2200pf 20.00% 250v c601 1-136-516-12 film 0.1uf 20.00% 300v c602 1-136-516-12 film 0.1uf 20.00% 300v c603 1-119-889-51 ceramic 1000pf 10.00% 250v c604 1-119-889-51 ceramic 1000pf 10.00% 250v c605 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 16v c606 1-117-751-11 elect(block) 220uf 20.00% 450v c607 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c608 1-126-963-91 elect 4.7uf 20.00% 50v c610 1-126-941-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 25v c611 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c612 1-104-571-91 ceramic 0.0015uf 10.00% 2kv c613 1-104-571-91 ceramic 0.0015uf 10.00% 2kv c614 1-161-964-51 ceramic 0.0047uf 250v c615 1-115-339-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 50v c616 1-165-127-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 500v c617 1-165-127-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 500v c618 1-126-949-91 elect 220uf 20.00% 35v c619 1-164-644-51 ceramic 330pf 10.00% 500v c620 1-137-990-21 film 33000pf 3% 800v c621 1-164-644-51 ceramic 330pf 10.00% 500v c622 1-104-571-91 ceramic 0.0015uf 10.00% 2kv c623 1-104-571-91 ceramic 0.0015uf 10.00% 2kv c624 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 16v c626 1-126-967-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 50v c627 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c628 1-126-963-91 elect 4.7uf 20.00% 50v c629 1-165-127-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 500v a description remark description remark 49 c630 1-107-641-41 elect 220uf 20.00% 160v c631 1-126-942-91 elect 1000uf 20.00% 25v c632 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c633 1-163-009-91 ceramic chip 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c634 1-128-562-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 100v c635 1-136-165-81 film 0.1uf 5.00% 50v c636 1-136-479-41 film 0.001uf 2.00% 50v c637 1-126-967-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 50v c638 1-107-679-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 450v c639 1-104-665-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 25v c640 1-104-664-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 25v c641 1-115-785-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 16v c642 1-104-665-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 25v c643 1-165-127-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 500v c645 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c648 1-125-782-91 ceramic 4700pf 10.00% 1kv c649 1-163-038-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 25v c657 1-126-952-91 elect 1000uf 20.00% 35v c1201 1-126-972-51 elect 1000uf 20.00% 50v c1203 1-535-143-61 lead,jumper (5.0mm) c1207 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c1209 1-163-033-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 50v c1210 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c1211 1-163-033-91 ceramic chip 0.022uf 50v c1213 1-164-004-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 25v c1215 1-126-952-91 elect 1000uf 20.00% 35v c1218 1-109-982-91 ceramic chip 1uf 10.00% 10v c1219 1-104-666-91 elect 220uf 20.00% 25v c1221 1-115-339-91 ceramic chip 0.1uf 10.00% 50v c1228 1-126-952-91 elect 1000uf 20.00% 35v c1229 1-163-001-91 ceramic chip 220pf 10.00% 50v c1230 1-163-001-91 ceramic chip 220pf 10.00% 50v c1235 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c1236 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v < connector > cn001 *1-564-508-51 plug, connector 5p cn003 *1-564-510-51 plug, connector 7p cn405 *1-564-510-51 plug, connector 7p cn406 *1-564-511-51 plug, connector 8p cn501 1-580-798-32 connector pin (dy) cn503 *1-564-506-51 plug, connector 3p cn506 1-695-915-21 tab (contact) cn508 *1-564-508-11 plug, connector 5p cn509 1-695-915-21 tab (contact) cn510 1-691-771-11 plug (micro connector) 9p cn602 1-508-765-13 pin, connector (5mm pitch) 3p cn603 *1-508-786-13 pin, connector (5mm pitch) 2p cn605 *1-691-960-11 pin, connector (pc board) 3p cn606 *1-695-292-11 pin, connector (power) b1 a cn1200 *1-564-509-51 plug, connector 6p cn1201 *1-564-507-51 plug, connector 4p < diode > d001 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d002 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d003 8-719-109-69 diode rd3.6es-b2 d005 8-719-929-15 diode hzs9.1nb2 d006 8-719-109-89 diode rd5.6esb2 d007 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d008 8-719-074-43 diode bas316-115 d010 8-719-074-43 diode bas316-115 d011 8-719-074-43 diode bas316-115 d012 8-719-929-15 diode hzs9.1nb2 d013 8-719-109-69 diode rd3.6es-b2 d014 1-216-295-11 short 0 d016 8-719-109-89 diode rd5.6esb2 d018 8-719-109-69 diode hzs9.1nb2 d019 8-719-069-57 diode udz-te-17-6.8b d021 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d022 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d035 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d036 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d051 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d101 8-719-977-81 diode dtz33b d103 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d104 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d105 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d106 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d107 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d207 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d210 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d211 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d212 8-719-914-43 diode dan202k d228 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d235 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d236 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d401 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d402 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d403 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d404 8-719-109-89 diode rd5.6esb2 d405 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d406 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d407 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d408 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d410 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d411 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d412 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d413 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b description remark description remark 50 d629 8-719-083-94 diode fuf4005 d631 8-719-921-63 diode mtzj-7.5b d632 8-719-063-70 diode d1nl20u d633 8-719-109-69 diode rd3.6es-b2 d638 8-719-083-92 diode yg802c09rf122 d640 8-719-921-63 diode mtzj-7.5b d649 8-719-056-83 diode udz-te-17-6.8b d1204 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d1205 8-719-081-90 diode pdz22b-115 d1230 8-719-074-43 diode bas316-115 < ferrite bead > fb601 1-410-397-31 ferrite 1.1uh fb602 1-410-397-31 ferrite 1.1uh fb604 1-410-397-31 ferrite 1.1uh fb605 1-410-397-31 ferrite 1.1uh fb606 1-412-911-21 ferrite 0uh fb607 1-412-911-21 ferrite 0uh < filter > fl201 1-239-803-21 filter, emi < ic > ic001 6-800-338-01 ic tda9394h/n1/4/0334 ic004 8-759-575-72 ic m24c08-wmn6t ic201 6-700-373-01 ic msp3410g-pp-b9 ic401 8-759-665-11 ic lm393dt ic501 8-759-192-71 ic stv9379 ic531 8-759-665-11 ic lm393dt ic601 8-759-670-30 ic mcz3001d ic602 8-749-016-19 ic se135n-lf4 ic604 8-759-668-87 ic ba41w12st-v5 ic608 8-759-591-02 ic l78l33abz-ap ic609 8-759-468-89 ic top209p ic1201 8-759-831-57 ic tda7495s < jack > j401 1-766-296-21 connector, dual scart j404 1-784-632-11 jack, pin 2p < coil > l001 1-408-611-21 inductor 47uh l002 1-414-938-21 inductor 47uh l004 1-408-611-21 inductor 47uh l006 1-408-611-21 inductor 47uh l027 1-216-295-91 short 0 l101 1-412-533-41 inductor 47uh l102 1-408-611-21 inductor 47uh l103 1-412-002-41 inductor 4.7uh af4 a d414 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d418 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d419 8-719-049-26 diode rb721q d420 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d421 8-719-049-26 diode rb721q d422 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d423 8-719-081-98 diode mm3z6v8t1 d424 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d427 8-719-082-01 diode mm3z12vt1 d428 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d429 8-719-978-33 diode dtz-tt11-6.8b d435 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d436 8-719-069-60 diode udzste-179.1b d501 8-719-979-85 diode egp20g d502 8-719-081-90 diode pdz22b-115 d503 8-719-069-55 diode udzste-175.6b d504 8-719-074-43 diode bas316-115 d506 8-719-908-03 diode gp08d d507 8-719-070-59 diode pdz6.8b-115 d512 8-719-302-43 diode el1z d513 8-719-979-85 diode egp20g d514 8-719-979-85 diode egp20g d534 8-719-302-43 diode el1z d535 8-719-908-03 diode gp08d d536 8-719-945-80 diode erc06-15s d537 8-719-070-62 diode pdz9.1b-115 d538 8-719-908-03 diode gp08d d539 8-719-312-10 diode ru4am-t3 d540 8-719-908-03 diode gp08d d541 1-216-295-91 short 0 d573 8-719-082-00 diode mm3z4v7t1 d601 8-719-510-53 diode d4sb60l d602 8-719-911-19 diode 1ss119-25 d604 8-719-083-94 diode fuf4005 d608 8-719-063-70 diode d1nl20u d610 8-719-110-41 diode rd15es-b2 d611 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d612 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d613 8-719-911-19 diode 1ss119-25 d614 8-719-077-76 diode d2sb60a-f04 d615 8-719-929-15 diode hzs9.1nb2 d618 8-719-022-97 diode d2s4mf d619 8-719-022-97 diode d2s4mf d620 8-719-109-85 diode rd5.1esb2 d621 8-719-109-89 diode rd5.6esb2 d623 8-719-911-19 diode 1ss119-25 d624 8-719-063-70 diode d1nl20u d625 8-719-062-39 diode d4sbl20uf1 d627 8-719-063-70 diode d1nl20u d628 8-719-083-49 diode p6ke200asy description remark description remark 51 l104 1-412-002-41 inductor 4.7uh l201 1-408-602-21 inductor 8.2uh l202 1-408-591-21 inductor 1uh l203 1-408-602-21 inductor 8.2uh l205 1-408-591-21 inductor 1uh l206 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l207 1-408-591-21 inductor 1uh l401 1-410-993-42 inductor 1uh l403 1-410-993-42 inductor 1uh l404 1-410-993-42 inductor 1uh l405 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l406 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l410 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w l430 1-412-002-41 inductor 4.7uh l446 1-216-295-91 short 0 l448 1-216-295-91 short 0 l501 1-414-187-31 inductor 47uh l502 1-412-529-41 inductor 22uh l503 1-412-521-41 inductor 4.7uh l504 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l505 1-412-542-41 inductor 270uh l507 1-412-533-41 inductor 47uh l532 1-412-553-41 inductor 3.3mh l533 1-406-989-11 inductor 10mh l535 1-459-111-21 inductor 10mh l601 1-408-603-21 inductor 10uh l602 1-408-611-21 inductor 47uh l603 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l1201 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) l1203 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) < photo coupler > ph601 8-749-016-21 ic tcet1103g < ic link > ps1201 1-533-597-31 link, ic < transistor > q002 8-729-027-56 transistor dtc143tka-t146 q013 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q014 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q049 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q202 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q203 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q212 8-729-422-33 transistor 2sd601a-q-tx q401 8-729-026-49 transistor 2sa1037ak-t146 q409 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q411 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q532 8-729-053-33 transistor irf614-037 q533 8-729-049-08 transistor bu2515dx-127 q535 8-729-053-33 transistor irf614-037 q570 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q601 8-729-026-49 transistor 2sa1037ak-t146 q602 8-729-119-78 transistor 2sc2785-hfe q603 8-729-029-56 transistor dta144esa q604 8-729-030-02 transistor dtc144esa q606 8-729-053-36 transistor 2sk2640-01mr q607 8-729-053-36 transistor 2sk2640-01mr q608 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q609 8-729-026-49 transistor 2sa1037ak-t146 q1210 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q1211 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q1230 8-729-027-56 transistor dtc143tka-t146 q1231 8-729-027-56 transistor dtc143tka-t146 q1232 8-729-026-49 transistor 2sa1037ak-t146 q1233 8-729-026-49 transistor 2sa1037ak-t146 < resistor > jr3 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr4 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr5 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr7 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr9 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr10 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr16 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr17 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr21 1-216-818-91 res-chip 560 5% 1/10w jr24 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr25 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr26 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr204 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr206 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr209 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr210 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr211 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr213 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr401 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr409 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr418 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr419 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr423 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr506 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr508 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr601 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr609 1-216-295-91 short 0 jr610 1-216-296-91 short 0 jr1209 1-216-295-91 short 0 r001 1-216-295-91 short 0 a description remark description remark 52 r072 1-216-295-91 short 0 r074 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r090 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r092 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r094 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r095 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r096 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r101 1-216-093-91 res-chip 68k 5% 1/10w r102 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r103 1-216-210-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/8w r104 1-216-295-91 short 0 r105 1-414-813-91 ferrite 0uh r106 1-215-900-91 metal oxide 22k 5% 2w r107 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r108 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r201 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r202 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r211 1-216-081-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r212 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r213 1-216-081-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r214 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r215 1-216-037-91 res-chip 330 5% 1/10w r216 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r217 1-216-222-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/8w r220 1-216-031-91 res-chip 180 5% 1/10w r221 1-216-190-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/8w r232 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r233 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r234 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r235 1-216-295-91 short 0 r236 1-216-295-91 short 0 r238 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r246 1-260-107-91 carbon 4.7k 5% 1/2w r248 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r249 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r250 1-216-230-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/8w r251 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r252 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r401 1-410-993-42 inductor 1uh r402 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r403 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r404 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r405 1-216-831-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r406 1-216-296-91 short 0 r407 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r408 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r409 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r410 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r411 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r412 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w a r003 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r004 1-216-033-91 res-chip 220 5% 1/10w r005 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r006 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r007 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r008 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r009 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r010 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r011 1-216-295-91 short 0 r012 1-216-121-91 res-chip 1m 5% 1/10w r014 1-216-069-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r015 1-216-198-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/8w r017 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r018 1-208-820-91 metal chip 39k 0.5% 1/10w r020 1-216-077-91 res-chip 15k 5% 1/10w r022 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r023 1-216-035-91 res-chip 270 5% 1/10w r024 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r025 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r026 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r027 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r028 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r029 1-216-061-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/10w r030 1-216-821-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/16w r031 1-216-061-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/10w r032 1-216-061-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/10w r033 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r034 1-216-119-91 res-chip 820k 5% 1/10w r035 1-216-101-91 res-chip 150k 5% 1/10w r036 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r039 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r040 1-216-033-91 res-chip 220 5% 1/10w r041 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r042 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r044 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r045 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r046 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r047 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r048 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r049 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r050 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r051 1-216-295-91 short 0 r052 1-216-295-91 short 0 r053 1-216-077-91 res-chip 15k 5% 1/10w r055 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r056 1-216-081-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r060 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r061 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r070 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r071 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w description remark description remark 53 r509 1-208-796-91 metal chip 3.9k 0.5% 1/10w r510 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r512 1-249-382-91 carbon 1.2 5% 1/4w r513 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r514 1-249-377-91 carbon 0.47 5% 1/4w r515 1-249-377-91 carbon 0.47 5% 1/4w r516 1-214-907-81 metal 56k 1% 1/2w r518 1-216-059-91 res-chip 2.7k 5% 1/10w r520 1-215-884-91 metal oxide 47 5% 2w r522 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r523 1-216-117-91 res-chip 680k 5% 1/10w r524 1-216-079-91 res-chip 18k 5% 1/10w r526 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r527 1-216-075-91 res-chip 12k 5% 1/10w r528 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r529 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r530 1-216-085-91 res-chip 33k 5% 1/10w r531 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r533 1-216-081-00 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r539 1-215-892-81 metal oxide 1k 5% 2w r540 1-212-970-61 fusible 33 5% 1/2w r542 1-216-121-91 res-chip 1m 5% 1/10w r543 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r544 1-216-103-91 res-chip 180k 5% 1/10w r547 1-535-143-71 lead, jumper (7.5mm) r549 1-535-143-71 lead, jumper (7.5mm) r551 1-215-867-21 metal oxide 470 5% 1w r552 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r553 1-249-381-91 carbon 1 5% 1/4w r555 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r556 1-215-915-51 metal oxide 470 5% 3w r557 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r559 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) r561 1-216-117-91 res-chip 680k 5% 1/10w r565 1-216-033-91 res-chip 220 5% 1/10w r568 1-215-915-51 metal oxide 470 5% 3w r569 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r570 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r571 1-216-035-91 res-chip 270 5% 1/10w r572 1-216-039-91 res-chip 390 5% 1/10w r583 1-216-081-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r589 1-216-295-91 short 0 r591 1-215-892-51 metal oxide 1k 5% 2w r601 1-216-645-91 metal chip 560 0.5% 1/10w r602 1-202-961-11 cemented 1.8 5% 10w r603 1-202-933-11 fusible 0.1 10% 1/2w r605 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r608 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r609 1-216-677-91 metal chip 12k 0.5% 1/10w r610 1-215-481-91 metal 330k 1% 1/4w a r413 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r414 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r415 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r416 1-216-027-91 res-chip 120 5% 1/10w r417 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r418 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r419 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r420 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r421 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r422 1-216-831-91 res-chip 6.8k 5% 1/10w r423 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r424 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r425 1-216-085-91 res-chip 33k 5% 1/10w r426 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r427 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r428 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r429 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r430 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r431 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r433 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r434 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r435 1-216-295-91 short 0 r438 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r439 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r440 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r441 1-216-051-91 res-chip 1.2k 5% 1/10w r442 1-216-085-91 res-chip 33k 5% 1/10w r443 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r444 1-216-061-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/10w r446 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r447 1-216-295-91 short 0 r448 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r449 1-216-295-91 short 0 r450 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r451 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r453 1-216-171-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/8w r454 1-216-001-91 res-chip 10 5% 1/10w r455 1-216-295-91 short 0 r460 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r461 1-216-022-91 res-chip 75 5% 1/10w r462 1-216-029-91 res-chip 150 5% 1/10w r500 1-216-061-91 res-chip 3.3k 5% 1/10w r501 1-216-091-91 res-chip 56k 5% 1/10w r502 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r503 1-215-888-21 metal oxide 220 5% 2w r504 1-249-385-91 carbon 2.2 5% 1/4w r505 1-216-667-91 metal chip 4.7k 0.5% 1/10w r506 1-208-796-91 metal chip 3.9k 0.5% 1/10w r507 1-216-349-51 metal oxide 1 5% 1w r508 1-216-667-91 metal chip 4.7k 0.5% 1/10w description remark description remark 54 a r611 1-216-059-91 res-chip 2.7k 5% 1/10w r612 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r613 1-219-720-91 metal 10m 5% 1w r615 1-215-385-91 metal 33 1% 1/4w r618 1-247-889-91 carbon 270k 5% 1/4w r619 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r621 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r622 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r623 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r624 1-216-001-91 res-chip 10 5% 1/10w r625 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r627 1-249-389-91 carbon 4.7 5% 1/4w r628 1-247-791-91 carbon 22 5% 1/4w r629 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r632 1-249-417-91 carbon 1k 5% 1/4w r633 1-215-481-91 metal 330k 1% 1/4w r634 1-217-625-11 metal 0.05 10% 2w r635 1-260-300-71 carbon 4.7 5% 1/2w r636 1-249-413-91 carbon 470 5% 1/4w r637 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r639 1-208-814-91 metal chip 22k 0.5% 1/10w r640 1-208-830-91 metal chip 100k 0.5% 1/10w r641 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r642 1-249-405-91 carbon 100 5% 1/4w r643 1-216-089-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r645 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r647 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r648 1-215-481-91 metal 330k 1% 1/4w r649 1-208-805-91 metal chip 9.1k 0.5% 1/10w r650 1-208-758-91 metal chip 100 0.5% 1/10w r651 1-220-926-21 fusible 0.47 10% 1/2w r652 1-216-081-91 res-chip 22k 5% 1/10w r653 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r654 1-216-001-91 res-chip 10 5% 1/10w r656 1-216-365-51 metal oxide 0.47 5% 2w r658 1-202-961-11 cemented 1.8 5% 10w r660 1-247-807-91 carbon 100 5% 1/4w r1202 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1207 1-216-077-91 res-chip 15k 5% 1/10w r1208 1-216-067-91 res-chip 5.6k 5% 1/10w r1209 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1210 1-216-077-91 res-chip 15k 5% 1/10w r1211 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r1212 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r1213 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r1214 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r1215 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r1230 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r1231 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r1232 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r1233 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r1235 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1236 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w < relay > ry601 1-755-388-11 relay (ac power) < switch > sw532 1-572-707-21 switch, lever < transformer > t511 1-453-308-31 transformer assy, flyback (nx-4521//z2b4) t531 1-437-210-21 transformer, horizontal drive t532 1-426-981-91 transformer, ferrite (pmt) t601 1-427-962-11 transformer, line filter t602 1-431-732-31 transformer, converter (srt) t603 1-435-977-11 transformer, converter (pit) < thermistor > th601 1-803-586-41 thermistor thp601 1-803-951-11 thermistor, ptc < crystal > x001 1-578-774-71 vibrator, crystal x201 1-760-628-21 vibrator, crystal a board variant parts kv-25fx30 < capacitor > c532 1-163-017-91 ceramic 0.0047uf 10.00% 50v c536 1-117-813-21 film 0.75uf 5.00% 250v c537 1-137-417-91 mylar 0.0047uf 10.00% 200v c546 1-130-895-51 film 0.056uf 5.00% 400v c547 1-117-813-11 film 0.75uf 5.00% 250v < diode > d505 8-719-988-61 diode 1ss355te-17 < resistor > r517 1-215-454-91 metal 24k 1% 1/4w r521 1-216-113-91 res-chip 470k 5% 1/10w r525 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r532 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r534 1-216-109-91 res-chip 330k 5% 1/10w r535 1-216-109-91 res-chip 330k 5% 1/10w r546 1-215-915-51 metal 470 5% 3w r548 1-212-849-61 fusible 4.7 5% 1/4w r562 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w description remark description remark 55 c *a-1639-021-a c board, complete 4-382-854-01 screw (m3x8), p, sw (+) 4-382-854-01 screw (m3x8), p, sw (+) < capacitor > c701 1-136-189-91 mylar 0.1uf 10.00% 250v c702 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c703 1-101-004-91 ceramic 0.01uf 50v c704 1-107-649-91 elect 2.2uf 20.00% 250v c708 1-162-114-51 ceramic 0.0047uf 2kv c710 1-107-652-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 250v c1803 1-101-005-91 ceramic 0.022uf 50v c1804 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c1805 1-101-880-91 ceramic 47pf 5.00% 50v < connector > cn702 1-695-915-21 tab (contact) cn703 *1-564-510-51 plug, connector 7p cn706 1-695-915-21 tab (contact) cn707 *1-564-508-51 plug, connector 5p cn1801 *1-564-506-51 plug, connector 3p < diode > d701 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d702 8-719-901-83 diode 1ss83 d703 8-719-901-83 diode 1ss83 d705 8-719-302-43 diode el1z d706 8-719-901-83 diode 1ss83 d707 8-719-901-83 diode 1ss83 d708 8-719-109-97 diode rd6.8es-b2 d709 8-719-109-97 diode rd6.8es-b2 d710 8-719-109-97 diode rd6.8es-b2 d1801 8-719-110-17 diode rd10esb2 d1802 8-719-110-17 diode rd10esb2 d1803 8-719-110-17 diode rd10esb2 < ic > ic701 8-759-562-43 ic tda6108jf/n1b ic1801 8-759-603-37 ic m5216p < socket > j701 1-251-732-11 socket, crt < coil > l704 1-414-183-31 inductor 10uh < resistor > r701 1-247-903-91 carbon 1m 5% 1/4w a r595 1-249-382-91 carbon 1.2 5% 1/4w r600 1-216-035-91 res-chip 270 5% 1/10w < transformer > t533 1-435-347-11 transformer, horizontal linear < tuner > tu101 8-598-535-10 frontend btf-ef411 (kv-25fx30b) 8-598-533-00 frontend btf-ec411 (KV-25FX30E/25fx30k) a board variant parts kv-29fx30 < capacitor > c530 1-162-970-91 ceramic 0.01uf 10.00% 50v c532 1-163-037-91 ceramic 0.022uf 10.00% 50v c536 1-115-521-21 film 0.82uf 5.00% 250v c537 1-106-351-91 mylar 0.0022uf 99.00% 200v c546 1-130-118-51 film 0.051uf 5.00% 400v c547 1-115-521-11 film 0.82uf 5.00% 250v c1232 1-115-339-11 ceramic 0.1uf 10.00% 50v < diode > d505 8-719-081-97 diode mmdl914t1 < resistor > r517 1-215-447-91 metal 12k 1% 1/4w r521 1-216-103-91 res-chip 180k 5% 1/10w r525 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w r532 1-216-059-91 res-chip 2.7k 5% 1/10w r534 1-216-111-91 res-chip 390k 5% 1/10w r535 1-216-093-91 res-chip 68k 5% 1/10w r541 1-216-109-91 res-chip 330k 5% 1/10w r546 1-216-479-51 metal oxide 560 5% 3w r548 1-249-387-91 carbon 3.3 5% 1/4w r562 1-216-099-91 res-chip 120k 5% 1/10w r563 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r595 1-249-377-91 carbon 0.47 5% 1/4w r600 1-216-037-91 res-chip 330 5% 1/10w < transformer > t533 1-433-906-11 transformer, horizontal linear < tuner > tu101 8-598-535-10 frontend btf-ef411 (kv-29fx30b) 8-598-533-00 frontend btf-ec411 (kv-29fx30e/29fx30k) description remark description remark 56 c1905 1-137-374-91 mylar 0.047uf 5.00% 50v c1906 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c1908 1-109-954-91 elect 0.47uf 20.00% 160v c1911 1-109-954-91 elect 0.47uf 20.00% 160v c1913 1-129-992-91 film 0.0024uf 5.00% 630v c1914 1-102-244-91 ceramic 220pf 10.00% 500v c1915 1-136-205-91 mylar 0.022uf 10.00% 250v c1916 1-162-962-91 ceramic chip 470pf 10.00% 50v c1951 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c1952 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c1953 1-137-367-91 mylar 0.0033uf 5.00% 50v c1954 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c1957 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c1958 1-136-169-91 film 0.22uf 5.00% 50v c1959 1-136-169-91 film 0.22uf 5.00% 50v < connector > cn1701 1-691-771-11 plug (micro connector) 9p cn1702 *1-564-506-51 plug, connector 3p cn1718 *1-770-723-11 connector, board to board 8p < diode > d1711 8-719-988-61 diode 1ss355te-17 d1719 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1722 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1733 8-719-921-40 diode mtzj-t-4.7c d1734 8-719-921-40 diode mtzj-t-4.7c d1840 8-719-302-43 diode el1z d1901 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1902 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1903 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1904 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 d1905 8-719-110-41 diode rd15es-b2 d1906 8-719-970-87 diode era38-06 d1907 8-719-970-87 diode era38-06 d1908 8-719-300-33 diode ru-3am d1909 8-719-991-33 diode 1ss133t-77 < ferrite bead > fb1701 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) < ic > ic1701 8-759-394-36 ic ba09t ic1901 8-759-450-95 ic lm393n ic1902 8-759-008-70 ic lm358n < coil > l1701 1-414-183-31 inductor 10uh l1702 1-412-525-41 inductor 10uh l1703 1-414-184-31 inductor 15uh r702 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r703 1-247-903-91 carbon 1m 5% 1/4w r704 1-535-143-31 lead, jumper (15.0mm) r705 1-215-869-21 metal oxide 1k 5% 1w r706 1-249-411-91 carbon 330 5% 1/4w r712 1-215-869-21 metal oxide 1k 5% 1w r716 1-249-411-91 carbon 330 5% 1/4w r718 1-202-814-91 solid 33k 10% 1/2w r726 1-215-869-21 metal oxide 1k 5% 1w r727 1-249-411-91 carbon 330 5% 1/4w r728 1-249-398-91 carbon 27 5% 1/4w r741 1-202-549-81 solid 100 20% 1/2w r1801 1-249-441-91 carbon 100k 5% 1/4w r1805 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r1806 1-247-899-91 carbon 680k 5% 1/4w r1807 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r1808 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r1809 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r1810 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w < variable resistor > rv702 1-241-656-11 res, adj, metal film 110m *a-1645-046-a vm board, complete (kv-25fx30) *a-1645-048-a vm board, complete (kv-29fx30) vm board, common parts < capacitor > c1701 1-104-665-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 25v c1702 1-162-970-91 ceramic chip 0.01uf 10.00% 25v c1703 1-162-955-91 ceramic chip 150pf 5.00% 50v c1704 1-104-665-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 25v c1705 1-162-919-91 ceramic chip 22pf 5.00% 50v c1710 1-106-375-81 mylar 0.022uf 10.00% 250v c1711 1-106-375-81 mylar 0.022uf 10.00% 250v c1721 1-107-639-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 160v c1722 1-136-153-81 film 0.01uf 5.00% 50v c1723 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 10v c1728 1-126-935-91 elect 470uf 20.00% 10v c1733 1-104-664-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 25v c1734 1-104-664-91 elect 47uf 20.00% 25v c1737 1-104-999-51 mylar 0.1uf 5.00% 200v c1844 1-129-716-91 film 0.015uf 5.00% 630v c1845 1-129-725-91 film 0.082uf 5.00% 400v c1848 1-136-347-91 film 0.0047uf 5.00% 630v c1901 1-162-927-91 ceramic chip 100pf 5.00% 50v c1902 1-137-374-91 mylar 0.047uf 5.00% 50v c1903 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c1904 1-137-366-91 mylar 0.0022uf 5.00% 50v c d vm description remark description remark 57 l1843 1-406-989-11 inductor 10mh l1901 1-406-677-21 inductor 10mh l1902 1-414-177-31 inductor 1uh l1959 1-406-679-21 inductor 22mh < transistor > q1701 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc1623-l5l6 q1704 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc2412k-t-146-r q1705 8-729-119-78 transistor 2sc2785-hfe q1706 8-729-026-39 transistor 2sa933as-qt q1707 8-729-049-09 transistor bc327-25 q1708 8-729-045-05 transistor 2sa2005 q1709 8-729-119-78 transistor 2sc2785-hfe q1710 8-729-049-10 transistor bc337-25 q1711 8-729-045-04 transistor 2sc5511 q1840 8-729-119-76 transistor 2sa1175-hfe q1841 8-729-039-68 transistor irf620 q1901 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc2412k-t-146-r q1902 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc2412k-t-146-r q1903 8-729-043-95 transistor 2sc3840(3) q1906 8-729-120-28 transistor 2sc2412k-t-146-r q1907 8-729-140-97 transistor 2sb734-34 < resistor > r1701 1-216-814-91 res-chip 270 5% 1/16w r1702 1-216-814-91 res-chip 270 5% 1/16w r1709 1-216-825-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/16w r1710 1-216-839-91 res-chip 33k 5% 1/16w r1711 1-216-823-91 res-chip 1.5k 5% 1/16w r1712 1-216-824-91 res-chip 1.8k 5% 1/16w r1713 1-216-809-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/16w r1714 1-260-089-81 carbon 150 5% 1/2w r1719 1-216-822-91 res-chip 1.2k 5% 1/16w r1720 1-249-433-91 carbon 22k 5% 1/4w r1721 1-249-433-91 carbon 22k 5% 1/4w r1722 1-216-822-91 res-chip 1.2k 5% 1/16w r1723 1-249-399-91 carbon 33 5% 1/4w r1724 1-216-830-91 res-chip 5.6k 5% 1/16w r1725 1-247-889-91 carbon 270k 5% 1/4w r1726 1-247-889-91 carbon 270k 5% 1/4w r1727 1-216-830-91 res-chip 5.6k 5% 1/16w r1728 1-249-399-91 carbon 33 5% 1/4w r1729 1-249-407-91 carbon 150 5% 1/4w r1732 1-249-407-91 carbon 150 5% 1/4w r1733 1-214-809-81 metal 5.1 1% 1/2w r1734 1-214-809-81 metal 5.1 1% 1/2w r1735 1-215-922-21 metal oxide 6.8k 5% 3w r1736 1-215-892-21 metal 1k 5% 2w r1737 1-215-867-21 metal oxide 470 5% 1w d vm r1739 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) r1842 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r1846 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r1903 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1904 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1905 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r1906 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1907 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r1908 1-216-033-91 res-chip 220 5% 1/10w r1909 1-215-489-91 metal 680k 1% 1/4w r1910 1-216-295-91 short 0 r1911 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1912 1-216-121-91 res-chip 1m 5% 1/10w r1913 1-216-049-91 res-chip 1k 5% 1/10w r1914 1-216-057-91 res-chip 2.2k 5% 1/10w r1915 1-216-065-91 res-chip 4.7k 5% 1/10w r1916 1-216-667-91 metal chip 4.7k 0.5% 1/10w r1917 1-216-693-91 metal chip 56k 0.5% 1/10w r1919 1-216-675-91 metal chip 10k 0.5% 1/10w r1920 1-216-295-91 short 0 r1922 1-215-919-91 metal oxide 2.2k 5% 3w r1923 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r1924 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r1925 1-216-097-91 res-chip 100k 5% 1/10w r1926 1-216-295-91 short 0 r1953 1-216-107-91 res-chip 270k 5% 1/10w r1954 1-216-109-91 res-chip 330k 5% 1/10w r1955 1-216-105-91 res-chip 220k 5% 1/10w r1956 1-218-463-91 res-chip 8.2m 5% 1/10w r1957 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1958 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r1959 1-216-063-91 res-chip 3.9k 5% 1/10w r1960 1-216-073-91 res-chip 10k 5% 1/10w r1961 1-216-687-91 metal chip 33k 0.5% 1/10w r1962 1-216-687-91 metal chip 33k 0.5% 1/10w r1964 1-216-025-91 res-chip 100 5% 1/10w r1965 1-216-041-91 res-chip 470 5% 1/10w < transformer > t1901 1-433-849-11 transformer, dynamic focus vm board variant parts kv-25fx30 < resistor > r1847 1-216-474-21 metal oxide 82 5% 3w r1848 1-215-910-21 metal oxide 68 5% 3w r1918 1-216-485-21 metal oxide 5.6k 5% 3w r1921 1-216-485-21 metal oxide 5.6k 5% 3w r1931 1-216-689-91 res-chip 39k 5% 1/10w description remark description remark 58 d906 8-719-923-60 diode mtzj-t-77-9.1a d907 8-719-923-60 diode mtzj-t-77-9.1a d908 8-719-923-60 diode mtzj-t-77-9.1a < ic > ic900 8-742-180-30 hyb ic sbx3081-51(20) < jack > j900 1-750-264-11 jack j901 1-779-947-12 terminal block, s < coil > l900 1-414-740-21 inductor 4.7uh l901 1-414-740-21 inductor 4.7uh l902 1-414-934-21 inductor 10uh l903 1-414-934-21 inductor 10uh l904 1-410-119-21 inductor 1mh < resistor > r900 1-247-807-91 carbon 100 5% 1/4w r901 1-249-427-91 carbon 6.8k 5% 1/4w r902 1-535-143-61 lead, jumper (5.0mm) r903 1-249-406-91 carbon 120 5% 1/4w r904 1-249-406-91 carbon 120 5% 1/4w r908 1-249-401-91 carbon 47 5% 1/4w r909 1-247-895-91 carbon 470k 5% 1/4w r910 1-247-895-91 carbon 470k 5% 1/4w r911 1-249-431-91 carbon 15k 5% 1/4w r912 1-249-429-91 carbon 10k 5% 1/4w r913 1-247-843-91 carbon 3.3k 5% 1/4w r914 1-249-419-91 carbon 1.5k 5% 1/4w r915 1-249-406-91 carbon 120 5% 1/4w r916 1-249-406-91 carbon 120 5% 1/4w r917 1-247-807-91 carbon 100 5% 1/4w r918 1-247-807-91 carbon 100 5% 1/4w < switch > s900 1-692-979-11 switch, tactile s901 1-692-979-11 switch, tactile s902 1-692-979-11 switch, tactile vm h1 r1966 1-215-887-51 metal oxide 150 5% 2w r1967 1-215-917-51 metal oxide 1k 5% 3w r1968 1-215-887-51 metal oxide 150 5% 2w r1969 1-215-917-51 metal oxide 1k 5% 3w vm board variant parts kv-29fx30 < capacitor > c1917 1-102-228-91 ceramic 470pf 10.00% 500v < resistor > r1847 1-216-476-21 metal oxide 180 5% 3w r1848 1-215-911-21 metal oxide 100 5% 3w r1918 1-215-922-91 metal oxide 6.8k 5% 3w r1921 1-215-922-91 metal oxide 6.8k 5% 3w r1931 1-216-691-91 res-chip 47k 5% 1/10w r1966 1-215-886-91 metal oxide 100 5% 2w r1967 1-215-922-51 metal oxide 6.8k 5% 3w r1968 1-215-886-91 metal oxide 100 5% 2w r1969 1-216-485-21 metal oxide 5.6k 5% 3w *a-1646-240-a h1 board, complete 4-203-258-02 holder, led < capacitor > c900 1-102-074-91 ceramic 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c901 1-102-074-91 ceramic 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c902 1-137-372-91 mylar 0.022uf 5.00% 50v c903 1-137-372-91 mylar 0.022uf 5.00% 50v c904 1-104-665-91 elect 100uf 20.00% 25v c905 1-126-964-91 elect 10uf 20.00% 50v c906 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c907 1-126-960-91 elect 1uf 20.00% 50v c908 1-137-366-91 mylar 0.0022uf 5.00% 50v c909 1-137-366-91 mylar 0.0022uf 5.00% 50v c911 1-102-074-91 ceramic 0.001uf 10.00% 50v c912 1-102-074-91 ceramic 0.001uf 10.00% 50v < connector > cn906 *1-564-511-51 plug, connector 8p cn907 *1-564-510-51 plug, connector 7p cn908 *1-564-509-51 plug, connector 6p < diode > d901 8-719-302-45 diode sel1210s-d d902 8-719-929-15 diode hzs9.1nb2 d903 8-719-929-15 diode hzs9.1nb2 d904 8-719-109-97 diode rd6.8es-b2 d905 8-719-109-97 diode rd6.8es-b2 description remark description remark 59 miscellaneous 1-571-433-31 switch, push (ac power) 1-783-083-11 cord, power (with filter) 1-424-733-11 coil, pfc choke 65mmh 1-453-308-31 transformer assy, flyback (nx4521//z2b4) 8-598-535-10 frontend btf-ef411 (kv-25fx30b/29fx30b) 8-598-533-00 frontend btf-ec411 (KV-25FX30E/25fx30k kv-29fx30e/29fx30k) 1-529-988-11 speaker (4.2x24cm) 8-753-250-05 picture tube (a60lpn70x) (kv-25fx30) 8-753-053-05 picture tube (m68lnh060x) (kv-29fx30) 1-451-475-11 deflection yoke (y25rsa) (kv-25fx30) 8-451-494-51 deflection yoke (y29rsa-l) (kv-29fx30) 1-452-896-11 coil, na rotation (rt-200) 1-419-142-11 coil degaussing (kv-25fx30) 1-416-654-11 coil demagnetic (kv-29fx30) 8-453-011-11 neck assy, na299m 1-251-537-22 cap assy, high voltage 1-452-094-11 magnet, rotatable disk; 15mm 1-452-032-11 magnet, disk; 10mm accessories and packaging materials *4-029-168-01 bag, protection *4-204-807-01 cushion (lower) (assy) (kv-25fx30) *4-204-780-01 cushion (lower) (assy) (kv-29fx30) *4-204-810-01 cushion (upper) (assy) (kv-25fx30) *4-204-783-01 cushion (upper) (assy) (kv-29fx30) *4-204-811-11 individual carton (kv-25fx30) *4-204-784-11 individual carton (kv-29fx30) 4-206-062-21 instruction manual (kv-25fx30b/29fx30b) (german/french/italian/dutch) 4-206-060-11 instruction manual (KV-25FX30E/29fx30e) (italian) 4-206-060-51 instruction manual (KV-25FX30E/29fx30e) (german/greek/turkish) 4-206-060-61 instruction manual (KV-25FX30E/29fx30e) (danish/spanish/norwegian/portuguese/ swedish/finnish) 4-206-060-31 instruction manual (kv-25fx30k/29fx30k) (bulgarian/czech/english/hungarian/ polish/russian) remote commander 1-418-476-21 commander, standard (rm-887)
9-927-405-01 sony corporation sony uk service promotions dept. english 01ep7140-1 printed in u.k. ? 2001.5 a new tv repair assistance tool that combines ease of use and powerful pc software tools to allow you to save valuable time during many tv repairs. the trace interface connects to the pc's serial port. it provides connection to the tv's i 2 c bus and can be provided with an infrared transmitter (optional). the interface is powered by a standard 9 v pp3 battery for portable use, and can also be powered by an external 9v/25ma dc power supply. the trace software that is supplied with the interface allows you to: with the optional ir add-on kit, the following features can be added: additional features such as adjustments and troubleshooting are available in chassis-dependent software modules. please contact your local sony service organisation for the latest information. ? ? ? read, restore and compare nvm contents via the i 2 c bus acknowledge check of all i 2 c devices in the tv set read error codes (emulation of the error reader tool) remote commander emulation user programmable functional check through infrared fast and documented test mode setting of all sony tv chassis ? ? ? partnumbers: trace starter kit (trace interface + software): 9-948-320-70 trace software (for users of the i 2 c link interface): 9-948-340-80 trace ir add-on (ir interface + remote commander software): 9-948-320-80 pc requirements: ibm-compatible pc with operating system windows95, windows98, or windowsnt*. * windowsnt only supported with trace interface note: for workshops already using the existing i 2 c link parallel port interface (9-948-320-30), this software can be used as well, replacing the tv data handling software (9-948-340-50), but error reader and ir functions can only be accessed with the trace interface.

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