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IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES ! 1 2 5 AMP POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR 3 Pin 1 - ADJ. Pin 2 - VOUT Case - VIN Pin 1 - ADJ. Pin 2 - VIN Case - VOUT FEATURES * OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE OF 1.25 TO 35V * 1% OUTPUT VOLTAGE TOLERANCE (-A VERSIONS) * 0.3% LOAD REGULATION * 0.01% / V LINE REGULATION * COMPLETE SERIES OF PROTECTIONS: Q Package - TO-254 K Package - TO-3 1 2 3 * CURRENT LIMITING * THERMAL SHUTDOWN * SOA CONTROL Pin 1 - ADJ. Pin 2 - VOUT Pin 3 - VIN Case - VOUT V Package - TO-218 Order Information Part Number IP138A IP138 LM138 IP338A IP338 LM338 K-Pack (TO-3) V-Pack Q-Pack Temp. (TO-218) (TO-254) Range -55 to +150C " " 0 to 125C " " Note: To order, add the package identifier to the part number. eg. IP138AQ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tcase = 25C unless otherwise stated) VI-O PD TJ TSTG TL Input - Output Differential Voltage Power Dissipation Operating Junction Temperature Range Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk 35V Internally limited See Table Above -65 to 150C 300C Prelim. 4/96 Semelab plc. IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES Parameter VREF Reference Voltage Test Conditions IOUT = 10mA IOUT = 10mA to 5A VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V P 50W TJ = -55 to +150C Min. 1.238 1.225 IP138A Typ. 1.25 1.250 0.005 0.020 5 0.1 20 0.3 0.002 Max. 1.262 1.270 0.010 0.040 15 0.3 30 0.6 0.010 Min. LM138 IP138 Typ. Max. Units V 1.190 1.240 0.005 0.020 5 0.1 20 0.3 0.002 60 1.290 0.010 0.040 15 0.3 30 0.6 0.010 V DVOUT Line Regulation 1 DVIN DVOUT Load Regulation 1 DIOUT Thermal Regulation VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V TJ = -55 to +150C IOUT = 10mA to 5A IOUT = 10mA to 5A TJ = -55 to +150C tp = 20ms CADJ = 0 VOUT = 10V f = 120Hz TJ = -55 to +150C IOUT = 10mA to 5A VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V TJ = -55 to +150C VIN - VOUT = 35V TJ = -55 to +150C VIN - VOUT 10V DC 0.5ms Peak 5 7 0.25 TJ = -55 to +150C VIN - VOUT = 30V TJ = -55 to +150C CADJ = 10mF TJ = -55 to +150C 60 VOUT 5V VOUT 5V VOUT 5V VOUT 5V %/V mV % mV % %/W dB dB 60 75 45 0.2 100 5 60 Ripple Rejection 75 45 0.2 100 5 IADJ Adjust Pin Current mA mA mA A A % DIADJ Adjust Pin Current Change IMIN Minimum Load Current ISC Current Limit 3.5 8 12 1 1 t = 1000 Hrs 0.3 0.001 5 5 7 3.5 8 12 1 5 DVOUT Temperature DTEMP Stability DVOUT Long Term Stability DTIME en RqJC RMS Output Noise (% of VOUT) Thermal Resistance Junction to Case TJ = -55 to +150C TA = 125C f = 10 Hz to 10 kHz K Package (TO-3) 2 1 1 0.3 0.001 1 % % 1 1 C/W 1) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing at a low duty cycle. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are covered under thermal regulation specifications. Load regulation is measured from the bottom of the package for the TO-3 package. 2) Test Conditions unless othewise stated: VIN - VOUT = 5V , TJ = 25C , IOUT = 2.5A. Although power dissipation is internally limited, these specifications apply for dissipations of 50W and IMAX = 5A. Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/96 IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES Parameter VREF Reference Voltage Test Conditions IOUT = 10mA IOUT = 10mA to 5A VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V P 50W TJ = 0 to +125C Min. 1.238 1.225 IP338A Typ. 1.25 1.250 0.005 0.020 5 0.1 20 0.3 0.002 Max. 1.262 1.270 0.010 0.040 15 0.3 30 0.6 0.020 Min. LM338 IP338 Typ. Max. Units V 1.190 1.240 0.005 0.020 5 0.1 20 0.3 0.002 60 1.290 0.030 0.060 25 0.5 50 1 0.020 V DVOUT Line Regulation 1 DVIN DVOUT Load Regulation 1 DIOUT Thermal Regulation VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V TJ = 0 to +125C IOUT = 10mA to 5A IOUT = 10mA to 5A TJ = 0 to +125C tp = 20ms CADJ = 0 VOUT = 10V f = 120Hz TJ = 0 to +125C IOUT = 10mA to 5A VIN - VOUT = 3V to 35V TJ = 0 to +125C VIN - VOUT = 35V TJ = 0 to +125C VIN - VOUT 10V DC 0.5ms Peak 5 6 0.25 TJ = 0 to +125C VIN - VOUT = 30V TJ = 0 to +125C TA = 125C f = 10 Hz to 10 kHz K Package (TO-3) V Package (TO-218) t = 1000 Hrs TJ = 0 to +125C CADJ = 10mF TJ = 0 to +125C 60 VOUT 5V VOUT 5V VOUT 5V VOUT 5V %/V mV % mV % %/W dB dB 60 75 45 0.2 100 5 60 Ripple Rejection 75 45 0.2 100 5 IADJ Adjust Pin Current mA mA mA A A % DIADJ Adjust Pin Current Change IMIN Minimum Load Current ISC Current Limit 3.5 8 12 1 1 0.3 0.001 10 5 6 3.5 8 12 1 10 DVOUT Temperature DTEMP Stability DVOUT Long Term Stability DTIME en RqJC RMS Output Noise (% of VOUT) Thermal Resistance Junction to Case 2 1 1 0.3 0.003 1 % % 1 1 1 1 C/W 1) Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing at a low duty cycle. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are covered under thermal regulation specifications. Load regulation is measured from the bottom of the package for the TO-3 package and at the junction of the wide and narrow portion of the output lead for the TO-218 package. 2) Test Conditions unless othewise stated: VIN - VOUT = 5V , TJ = 25C , IOUT = 2.5A. Although power dissipation is internally limited, these specifications apply for dissipations of 50W and IMAX = 5A. Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/96 IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Load Regulation 0.1 10 Output Impedance 65 Adjustment Current 0 60 I OUT = 3A Output Im pedance () 1 Adjustm ent C urrent (A) VIN = 15V VOUT =10V I OUT = 500mA 30 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Frequency (Hz) Temperature (C) 35 CADJ = 0 0.1 COUT = 0 55 V oltage C hange (% ) 0.1 I OUT = 5A 50 0.2 0.01 45 0.3 VIN = 15V 0.4 VOUT = 10V PRELOAD = 50mA 0.5 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (C) 40 0.001 CADJ = 10 F COUT = 10 F 0.0001 Droput Voltage 4 VOUT = 100mV 1.27 Temperature Stability 5 Minimum Operating Current 4 Input - Output Differential (V ) 1.26 3 I OUT = 5A Quiescent Current (m A ) Reference V oltage (V) TJ = 150C TJ = 25C TJ = -55C 2 3 1.25 I OUT = 3A 2 I OUT = 1A 1.24 1 1 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (C) 1.23 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Temperature (C) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Input - Output Differential (V) Ripple Rejection 80 CADJ = 10F 100 Ripple Rejection 100 CADJ = 10 F 80 80 Ripple Rejection (dB ) Ripple Rejection 70 Ripple Rejection (dB ) Ripple Rejection (dB ) CADJ = 0 CADJ = 0 60 60 60 CADJ = 0 CADJ = 10 F 40 40 50 V IN = 15V V OUT =10V TCASE = 25C f = 120Hz VIN -V OUT = 5V 20 I OUT = 500mA f = 120Hz TJ = 25C 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M Output Voltage (V) Frequency (Hz) 20 VIN = 15V VOUT = 10V I OUT = 500mA 40 0.1 1 Output Current (A) 10 Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/96 IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Current Limit 16 T CASE = 25C 14 12 10 O utput Current (A ) O utput Current (A ) 10 8 6 PRELOAD = 1A 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Input - Output Differential (V) PRELOAD = 5A PRELOAD = 5A O utput Current (A ) 10 VIN -V OUT = 10V 8 VIN -V OUT = 15V VIN -V OUT = 20V PEAK CURRENT LIMIT DC CURRENT LIMIT 12 PRELOAD = 0 PRELOAD = 0 12 14 Current Limit 14 Current Limit PRELOAD CURRENT= 0 T CASE = 25C 8 6 6 4 VIN = 10V 2 VOUT = 5V T CASE = 25C 0 0.1 1 Time (ms) 10 100 4 2 VIN -V OUT = 30V 0 0.1 1 Time (ms) 10 100 Line Transient Response 1 O utput Voltage Deviation (V ) Output Voltage Deviation (V) VOUT =10V 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 Load C urrent (A) 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 Time ( s) 30 40 CADJ = 10 F COUT = 1F CADJ = 0 COUT = 0 I OUT = 50mA T J = 25C 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 6 Input V oltage C hange (V) 4 2 0 Load Transient Response CA D J = 0 CADJ = 10F C L = 1F CL = 0 VIN = 15V VOUT =10V T CASE = 25C PRELOAD = 100mA 0 10 20 Time ( s) 30 40 Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/96 IP138A SERIES IP138A SERIES IP338A SERIES IP338A SERIES LM138 SERIES APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Remote Sensing IP138A VIN VIN ADJ V IN 7 5V Regulator with Shut Down IP138A OUTPUT 5V VIN VIN ADJ 1 F VO U T R P (Max Drop 300mV) VO U T 121 5V VO U T 25 121 2 6 1 LM301A 3 8 4 1k 5 F RL TTL 1 k 2N3904 1 k 383 383 25 RETURN RETURN 2816 EEPROM Supply Programmer for Read/Write Control IP138A +24V VIN ADJ 1 F Improving Ripple Rejection IP138A VIN VIN ADJ 1 F VO U T 249 1% To VPP VO U T R1 121 5V 750 1% R2 383 C1 10 F READ 39k 3.24k 1% C1 improves ripple rejection. XC should be small compared to R2. WRITE To OE BYTE ERASE 18k Temperature Compensated Lead-Acid Battery Charger CHIP ERASE 100k All gates 7406. VIN 1N4001 VIN IP138A VO U T ADJ READ WRITE BYTE 5V CHIP ERASE 12V OE 0V VPP 5V 21V 21V 2N3906 243 10k 50 THERMALLY COUPLE 12V 20k 50k Semelab plc. Telephone +44(0)1455 556565. Fax +44(0)1455 552612. E-mail: sales@semelab.co.uk Website: http://www.semelab.co.uk Prelim. 4/96 |
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