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![OMR1033SR OMR1033ST OMR1033NM OMR1033NMM](Maker_logo/etc.GIF)
List of Unclassifed Manufacturers ETC[ETC] Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
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OCR Text |
...y sealed packages and available hi-rel Screened. All protective features are designed into the circuit, including thermal shutdown, current limiting and safe-area control. With heat sinking, they can deliver over 3.0 amps of output current.... |
Description |
ADJUSTABLE NEGATIVE REGULATOR, DSO3 Three Terminal, Adjustable Voltage, 3.0 Amp Precision Negative Regulators(3.0A,涓?????,绮惧?????靛?杈??绋冲??? 20 kRAD RADIATION TOLERANT 3 AMP NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE REGULATORS Three Terminal, Adjustable Voltage, 3.0 Amp Precision Negative Regulators(3.0A,三端可调,精密型负电压输出稳压 三端,可调电压,3.0安培精密负稳压器3.0A的,三端可调,精密型负电压输出稳压器 hi-rel Adjustable Voltage 3-Terminal Negative Radiation Hardened Regulator 高可靠性可调电压三端稳压负抗辐
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